Incel larps as a femcel, drama erupts and roastie flaps burn when the filthy moid comes clean

1  2018-10-25 by Khungghar


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Also you're a dumb fuck. Women can get sex? So can you. Congratulations. Pay for it or take it in the ass from men like u expect us to do.

Good advice, tbh.

It's pretty telling that men can get laid any time they want, but only with other men.

I think that any of our era's great philosophers tackling the "can foids be incel" question need to properly address this post

Ok but imagine the smell of that subreddit

Oh god no

Care to explain your logic? If a girl is not pretty, she must also fail at basic hygiene?


Y'all mind if I Brrrrraaaap?


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....

BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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I'd rather not think of the smell of pissbottles with clogged with tampons.

What a title

Fifth, don't ever do that to my sisthars and I again. Ever. Asshole. And that goes to any other asswipe who wants to troll us again.

God I wanna ping

I hate people overcorrecting "and I". Fucking smug Canadians!

There's no overcorrecting about it, it's just plain wrong.

It's overcorrecting for a common mistake where people say "my sister and me went shopping".

I understand both of the mistakes, I'm just smugposting about what kind of a brainlet you have to be to get either of these wrong.


Just when you think you know all the retarded subs, somebody shows you a new one.

Hello all. As by the title you guys may already have an idea about who this is. Well, I used to go under the username “premedgirllllll” and made a lot of posts under this subreddit and on other subreddits. Before I deleted my account I made a post coming clean but I want to admit that I wasn’t completely truthful in that post...and in a lot of posts that I made. One of the most notable posts that many of you guys know me for is the one where I discussed about roping after going to that party. I completely came up with that story after reading what another fellow femcel posted about going to a party and being made fun of by her drunk stacy friends. Obviously, the fgm posts I made wasn’t true because I’m not a female nor am I Arab. I would rather keep my full identity a secret though. So to get to the basis of things, I did what I did because I’m a depressed incel and there’s literally nothing interesting going on in my life, so I thought why not troll this subreddit? I’ll admit that Im apart of a certain facebook page pertaining to incels/mgtow and I did screen shot and post alot of the responses I got from my post and posts you guys post on a day to day basis on that page but I’ve deleted them now. To be honest, I still don’t understand you “femcels” and I feel like you guys will never get our struggle. You all claim that no man wants you yet to get sex it’s easy for you girls. We incels on the other hand, we can’t get neither SEX no a RELATIONSHIP. I’m not here to bash though but I just want to get this off my conscience and apologize for everything I’ve caused. Take this as an apology or not. I’m just glad to get some release now. This is the last time I’ll be posting here.

I've known more coherent downies.

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Women can get sex? So can you. Congratulations. Pay for it or take it in the ass from men like u expect us to do. If u need more than that, then yes u understand femcel dilemma and are just a selfish hypocrite

Snappy quote anyone?

Females have to make everything about them. They need attention like men need a higher cause.

I'm imagining a femcel/incel meet up.

On paper its funny enough, but in reality it would be mostly dudes, dudes larping femcels, and 3 400+ lb women.

I don't want to sleep with any of these people.