Is he /ourguy/?

1  2018-10-25 by throwaway_999912


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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He's planning on shooting some liberals and he's not even being subtle about it. Everyone report this guy to the admins.

No, no, wait... I want to see what happens.

Not encouraging mayocide

You alright there, champ?

be npc

see OP come in

See "Quick Saved" flash up

uh oh

Looks like this bot is broken, guys

The memory space for my object instance got deallocated for a puerto rican baby :(

Fucking normies ruin everything, the NPC meme has been so overdone recently

The NPC meme wasn't that good to begin with. It was meant to be the new grugposting or zoomerposting or whatever 4chan meme was hit at the time. But the retarded media outlets poisoned the already shit meme supply and now we have an endless supply of NPC crap. What's worse is that it's usually the magatards that post this crap, who are NPCs as much as their Democrat counterparts if not more.

Lol, what a nonce.

I bet he lets lots of shit for going to (((university))) from his fellow astute critical thinkers

(((classical liberalism)))

This shit is so predictable.

Fat loser dresses in poorly made shitty meme costume, everyone tells him he is stupid as fuck and he becomes still less popular and unlikely to get laid, he reports back that he triggered all the libs and everyone clapped, there is much rejoicing among like minded fat nerds and moderately demented boomers. Repeat next year.

Can we make this a snappy quote?

This shit is so predictable.

Fat loser posts in /r/drama, everyone tells him he is stupid as fuck and he becomes still less popular and unlikely to get laid, he reports back that he triggered all the SRDines and everyone clapped, there is much rejoicing among like minded fat nerds and moderately demented boomers. Repeat next year.


u/masterlawlz, they're talking about you

I knew these kind of guys back before the internet was quite what it is in [current year]. They get mocked, but usually also get laid (normal women don't actually care that much about politics, and the ones who do are often crazy enough to sleep with Magatards just because daddy issues).

I think the difference now post 2016 is that since the neckbeards at /pol/ started supporting republicans for the sake of embracing counter culture, there is a huge influx of socially awkward misfits and incels who are more vocal especially online. A fully ripped aryan brotherhood guy will have no problem getting laid but the same can't be said about say, a kekistani LARPer. These guys usually have bigger issues than their political opinions

fucking a fatso

absolute state of mayo gussy

This shit is so played out, get creative and dress as a sexy cat for Halloween πŸ’πŸ»β€β™€οΈ

You don't want "slutty NPC meme" to be a thing this year? We have to find some way to remarket these gimp costumes since incest and cuckholdry and crashed the market.

Just dress as tay

Slutty NPC would actually be a fantastic costume, but no one who can pull it off would be willing to pull it off.

Where's Ed when you need him?

The whole point of Halloween as an adult is to get laid with a chick in a sexy bunny or cat costume. Smh Autists.

I'd rather pass 100 lazy chicks in cat ears and black clothes than one of the sweaty losers who will go as an NPC. They would just spend the whole time asking if people get their costume and whining about politics.

Around 2000 years ago the so-called tolerant left said that Jesus was just an unkempt volcel (suuuuure) who was trying to trigger the Jews.

Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong

This. That NASA shirt and out of fashion jacket tell us already that this guy is a complete loser.

I didn't even notice that, and I should really stop thinking "this is the cringiest shit" because these kids will always one-up themselves

I know what kind of asshole tries to drag political gotchas into a Halloween party? The most you could get away with is making a goofy costume of the current president or the political nominees if it’s an election year. Try to do anything more partisan than that and you’re the asshole trying to drag politics into a Halloween party

Implying this poster is invited to any parties

Repeat next year week

Fat? He’s a normal sized American.

The guy under the mask? Albert Einstein..

He may be /ourgoy/.




the really fucked up thing is that plenty of people will STILL take this lazy bait.

How does baiting irl even work? I don't know which alternative is worse. If the bait doesn't know because nobody knows about the meme, he comes off as a weirdo. If the bait works, he comes off as a social misfit

"hur dur im only acting retarded" but irl

nobody i know knew about this meme until big news websites started posting about it. I doubt people on this guys campus are gonna know what the fuck he is

I've never seen anyone in one of those NASA t-shirts who wasn't a twat.

Yea. I've noticed it too. Its 99% accurate

You know people got ostracized for even wearing rageface clothing out in public 10 years ago. What makes this any different?

It's an epic meme to own the libs

An overweight donald poster would never think about wearing this for a picture in the comfort and privacy of a bathroom and then immidatley taking his mask and sign off before leaving.


his handwriting looks like when a 2 year old child learns to write its name without actually knowing what the letters mean

NPC meme is sheeple meme but for g*mers and nerds

r /dr*ma

Good point actually

Wait what is this ?

a meme that triggers the libtards


I really want to ping

People need to stop bringing the internet into real life.

Implying the librul stacey and chads at his university even know what the NPC meme is

the sign makes it shit

Proof that npc's exist on the right as well

In lesser numbers or maybe just less noticable but still there

lesser number

Just keep telling yourself that

Could just as easily be less visible personal bias or otherwise but its one of these two definetly

Does it even come as a surprise that a td user is obese