Toxic wokeness strikes again as woke scum goes on quest to remove mural of alumni who dies in WW1

1  2018-10-25 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Give it a few years.

Promote strong female leadership? By being a batshit insane cunt? Real good role model that bitch is šŸ™„

I said something, but I didn't expect people to actually believe I meant it!

-This chick

*alumni who died.

Ams retards, yes me know.

As a Russian citizen man of color, I feel extremely satisfied with what is happening to the UK.

Stop lying black people donā€™t exist in Russia

reminds me of when the pictures of this black dude who went to Russia and hooked up with tons of blonde girls kept getting reposted on /int/ and buttmad Russian altrightards were freaking the fuck out.

Actual Russians alt-right tards have been freaking out for decades. Russian girls prefer Caucasians to them.

A buddy of mine studies Russian at an American uni and he was discouraged from going to Russia by the faculty because as a Greek he looked a lot like a Caucasian and they were worried he would get attacked by the human trash that is the Russian lower classes


He would be fine. Russians have no spirit to do anything against Caucasians. When they meet us, they lower their eyes.

human trash


In fairness, some Arab student got the shit kicked out of him by a gopnik hoard a few years before that when he went, but then it was during a trip from Moscow to Ekaterinburg for ā€œā€ā€tourismā€ā€ā€

Like who the fuck goes to that shithole for tourism. Buddy deserved it imo

It's over for slavocels

I remember reading articles years ago about how much Russian women despise their men and would rather be with anyone else. Could have just been Western propaganda tho.

Nop, that is true in general for slavs.

Latino in Poland here

Slav men are the lowest of the lowest and their women would rather be with literally anything else

Good for me, though, because slav women are insanely hot

Are Russian Muslim's poc

  1. They do.

  2. I'm a Caucassian.

Salam brother.

Nice propaganda fascist

They do.

You've got to translate that chorus hook for us since it sounds like a joke about chocolate.

I'm a chocolate rabbit, I'm a sweet bastard...

Lol, thanks.

I'm a Caucassian

Where from exactly?



Ah, good for you.

Do you associate yourself with a specific teyp then?

No, bro. I'm pretty much Russified.


Thereā€™s actually a fair amount (for Eastern Europe) in Russia and Ukraine, since a tonne of African and Asian students went to the USSR to study during the Cold War and some never left

Funny enough a leftistani politician is one, he went to study in Ukraine from Vietnam and left after the fall of the USSR

Thereā€™s actually a fair amount (for Eastern Europe) in Russia and Ukraine, since a tonne of African and Asian students went to the USSR to study during the Cold War and some never left

Even more in recent years. Pakis are everywhere.

Jesus, I canā€™t even imagine a Pakistani accent in Russian

There aren't very many, but some of them have been pretty notable.

She... is ugly.

Her smile also looks pretty forced in the Twatter header pic too, which ain't helping.

This is the true face of the Anglo Saxon.

A rare sight since most Anglo (and Australian) girls are walking paint buckets.

Anglos have nothing on East Asians when it comes to makeup.

Everyone with a cartoon profile pic is.

NB: animes are cartoons.

at least I don't have a gummy smile

She uglied herself up on purpose

She's actually not that bad looking. Nice tits

Classic fetal alcohol syndrome.

Her philtrum is flatter than a 9 year old asian boy.

Not even close lol

tits: exist

you: nice

the absolute state of bussy...

Men like you having shitty standards is the reason why we are in this mess in the first place

Yikes a lowkey whiteknight on r drama?

Well youre gonna have a tough time

Even her cartoon picture is ugly.

Hard to parse that picture. The nose ring says 22; the crow's feet say 35.

Well duh she's English

She's a burger immigrant, actually

hahahahahahah Mutts btfo

The University of North Carolina Students tore down a monument to KIA Veterans of it's University earlier this year.

"Silent Sam" comes up in google for that. Apparently people have wanted that one down for decades.




I feel truly blessed.

I wish zozbot would once again bless my soul... its been awhile

monument to KIA Veterans

Gamergate strikes again!

I was against that statue being torn down, but thatā€™s a bit of a straw man view of the actual problem.

Just googled it. This guy's full of shit. It's a monument dedicated to students who left college to join the Confederates during the Civil War, not just "KIA Veterans."

Also, found this:

The statue has been the focus of protests and vandalism for decades, but especially in the past year. UNC had installed surveillance cameras and spent $390,000 on security around the statue last year.

Almost 400k spent annually just to watch a statue commemorating those who waged war against the Union you live under. What an unbelievable cuck move. Paid for courtesy of the student body's tuition costs and donations, I'm sure.

UNC is a Public University, it's State Funded.

Even worse.

I mean a State-Funded University having a State-Funded Monument to Alumni of said State-Funded University who fought in a War on behalf of said State doesn't seem that bad.

If you wanna argue about what about how it looks bad as with respect to what said State was fighting for, well that's another argument, that's a lot more supported.

The point is that your comment about how they just tore down a monument "to KIA veterans" is misleading and you know it. Quit bullshitting.

And, while I don't agree with toppling the statue, erecting one in the first place to honor those who waged war against the very Union North Carolina is now a part of is certainly something. North Carolina is not part of the Confederacy anymore. You might as well have a statue in Hawaii honoring Japanese soldiers of WWII.

The Hawaiians are very proud of their History of Fighting American Imperialism.


I also don't see how the situation is mischaracterized, if you wanna argue the students didn't see it as a monument to veterans, that's an argument you should make that would be better supported. But the situation would still be characterized as students having torn down a monument to veterans of said University.

It was erected in 1913. People as much as they would like canā€™t rewrite history.

Is there an option to post this everytime a Cumskin slut virtue signals online

I think she has a point. WW1 has nothing on the suffering of modern white women.

True. Replacing the painting with white women is clearly the most centrist thing to do.

Only after we send a generation of them to their deaths in muddy trenches, surrounded by barbed wire, mustard gas, machine gun fire, rot, disease and minefields

For equality

I was reading yesterday about Dorothy Lawrence, who in 1915 disguised herself as a man and went to the Western Front to enlist in the army and work in the trenches.

But unfortunately "The toll of the job, and of hiding her true identity, soon gave her constant chills and rheumatism, and latterly fainting fits.... after 10 days of service she presented herself to the commanding sergeant, who promptly placed her under military arrest."

Yeah, and afterwards she was declared a prisoner of war and thoroughly interrogated because she was assumed to be a spy who whored herself out for information.

She wasn't even allowed to write about anything she witnessed until years later. Real cunning plan that was.

but she really did a number on societal expectations and showed those silly boys that women can be strong and tough!

...for 10 days

It's funny, but there are actually a number of women who took part in combat during WW1.

Only in Russia, I think.

Yeah Russia was the only one with women's battalions and Romania also had an openly female officer who became a war hero. The rest were either nurses or had to pretend to be men so they could join the army.

name of the romanca?

thank you gamer


Don't you dare call me that

thank you video player

Pls like and subscribe

And they got their asses kicked. Coincidence?

It's kinda funny that everyone in military, even fucking retainers, were offended to be paired with gussy, so they had no choice but to go alone straight to the warfront. They were pretty successful, but there were like 300 of them so it didn't change much.

Obviously. You would think nobody had so much as played battlefield 5 how few people know this basic fact.

Honestly kind of dumb for Germany to even bother fighting, the British and their cyborg arms gave them an unbeatable advantage

The women of Korea helped provide a great service for the men of Japan by providing them with comfort.

Wow, you really don't get it, do you. Women already suffer more than men in war, because when men die in battle, their suffering ends. Whereas women continue to suffer because their male family members died, and they feel that pain for the rest of their lives. I mean, it's basic math ffs

So...kill the women, then? After all, your logic is imperturbable.

Radical centrism demands it

I support this

thanks hillary

Based on the sample of 'my exwives', I find it hard to believe women would suffer from their male family members dying.

they wouldn't. they'd move on within a few weeks/days, cause it's finally time to put themselves first for the first time in their lives. oh, wait, i've already used that excuse? then, uh, he was too good for me. yeah, let's go with that.

Dude, seriously. A chaplain would show up to the dead soldier's house to deliver the bad news and Jodie would answer the door. Upon learning that she will be awarded the SGLI, the wife would have a celebratory fuck in her dead husband's bed.

Dependas never change

Spending time in a military town has removed any possible faith I ever had in military marriages. They should be made illegal.

I'm interested why. Rampant infidelity? Or just sky high divorce rates? Both?

What do you think the gender wars have been?!

The painting filled with mayo women? Itā€™s probably the best way to make the viewer experience the feeling of suffering šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®

On that note, the cheapest way of doing that would be adding a "(They identified as women.)" caption to the mural.

They're men in the trenches

But deep down they're wenches

Gamers suffer even more

Yeah no shit. Not a single loser who died, like a coward, in WWI had to deal with micro-transactions. Clearly it is me who is the true victim.

. . .feel free to donate to my go-fund me.

I mean, I'm pretty sure they did given how unscrupulous people that sell to soldiers can be. Just ask any enlisted how their car payments are going.

lower enlisted

NCO's and higher usually know better than to buy that sweet ass Camaro

True. Soldiers only had to live through WW1 once. But now with WW1 games, generations will have to live through the horrors over and over again.

A soldier dies but once. A gamer dies a thousand deaths.

Won't people think of the suffering of First World White Womenz, *tears.

Right? My great-grandfather had skin shedding from his feet from trench foot, but how can that compare to catcalling?

Or the pain of handing out white feathers to the men not in uniform?

the wiki article is pretty amusing

One such was Private Ernest Atkins who was on leave from the Western Front. He was riding a tram when he was presented with a white feather by a girl sitting behind him. He smacked her across the face with his pay book saying: "Certainly I'll take your feather back to the boys at Passchendaele. I'm in civvies because people think my uniform might be lousy, but if I had it on I wouldn't be half as lousy as you."

That was the one I was thinking of

Whooooa okay then, calm down, I just handed you a feather.

She was calling him a coward.

Thank you for clarifying. I was like "WTF bro, she appreciates your service"

I would have choked and raped that roasty.

It's hilarious to you because you don't want to know that we're men 18-40 infiltrating the echelons of power. You don't want to know that Identity Europa's recruitment is through the roof. You don't want to know that Poland is going to have one of the biggest nationalist rallies ever this year. You don't want to know about guys like James Allsup taking over the Republican Party local offices. You don't want to know that we have groups of married guys with children all over the US, Canada, Aus, NZ, and Europe building friendships, networks, and parallel systems of support. You don't want to know that 11 million white Americans agree with us, which means about 13% of white Americans, which puts as at the level of support the NSDAP had amongst Germans in 1929.

Yes. We're fat teenage gamers. That's it. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

The girl: ā€œThatā€™s gonna be a YIKES from meā€

thot status: PATROLLED

imagine imagining that women were ever oppressed. since when does the oppressed class go around brazenly shaming their oppressors?

Based and thotpilled

men experience zero hardship. therefore, any hardship, however small, experienced by a woman is an injustice and to be taken gravely seriously

You sexist PIG! Don't you know women were the real victims of WW1?!

Educate yourself!

This Br*Tbong seems obsessed with melanin enriched kangz and kweenz. Me thinks she hates her father.

me thinks

Toaster bath immediately

Sheā€™s American.

I'd hate my father too if he made me American.

You donā€™t need to tell anyone else, just me. Iā€™m good at keeping secrets (šŸ‘ƒšŸ»šŸ„). What did he make you? You can whisper in my šŸ‘‚šŸ»

Sheā€™s American.

Except she's not.

Born in America, parents are American and she was brought up in England as reported so far.

I personally donā€™t care about her nationality but she decided to be a spokesperson for toxic femininity and failed badly.

Born in America, parents are American

Citation needed.

Born in America, parents are American

Citation needed.

As you clearly know the person please provide proof that she Is British since that fact seems to be important in the grand scheme of things. Not.

Born in America, parents are American

You made that claim, not me.

I asked for a citation. Instead you poorly attempted to deflect by accusing me of knowing her and then said it's not important where she's from, despite the fact that you've written two separate comments where you obviously felt it was an important enough issue to highlight.

There's no shame in admitting that you're wrong, you know.

Your link doesnā€™t work.

The BBC picked this up

Brits revere their lost generation. I think she is going to be forced to resign.

Are there any British people left though? At least in London?

London is to England what Paris is to France, Berlin is to Germany and Amsterdam is to Holland.

A filthy, overcrowded, overpriced, overrated tourist trap that's best avoided. Actual locals tend to want to live elsewhere.

...and yet, 25% of England's population lives in the London metropolitan area.

I'm an American, but being a resident of Illinois in the Not Chicago part of the state (nearly 70% of Illinois' population lives in the Chicago metro area) I sympathise. Having so many people packed densely into one area means that there's this balancing act that never happens. Do the metropolitan area folks really have the right to dictate anything to people who live a day's drive away?

Based on a democratic system, absolutely.

In the case of my own state, it's more that there's a lot of issues that get legislated at the state level which should, imho, only be at the municipal level. Should an agricultural state have a law on the books classifying dust from harvest as pollution, because people in outlying suburbs are tired of having soybean dust covering their cars in the fall? Can you imagine enforcing that 300 miles away? I mean, me, personally, the dust from harvesting soybeans makes me so sick that I feel like I have the flu, but I try to stay inside as much as I can.

Now conversely, in my own state one of the talking points is that downstaters pay too much of the tax bill, and that Chicago sucks it all up. In reality the metro area has something like 70% of the state's citizens, and nearly 80% of the tax base. Chicago Republicans (I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but Turning Point USA is from the 'burbs) want to know just the opposite: why do they have to support the downstate leeches?

Gotcha. You seemed to be doing the whole tread on me schtick for a minute there.

Soybean dust sounds fucking awful.

Soy also makes me sick but in a different way

Are we calling voting numbers ā€œdictatingā€ now?

/u/regeya's usage of "to dictate" is a common (and completely acceptable) one in US English. It should not be read to imply that he thinks Rahm Emmanuel is a "dictator" of the Bashir Assad variety.

I live in upstate NY. We're forgotten by the state government since they cater to 70% of the state's population in Westchester, NYC, and Long Island.

NY state should be split into two states, would work better for everyone.

Upstate would never do that because then they would be poor as fuck

lmao because the only people who live in upstate New York are poor retards. why would anyone willingly live in Albany, Buffalo, or Plattsburgh? if you're retarded enough to live up there, you deserve what you get.

For real. Have you ever heard what they call hamburgers?

Fuck you FIB

What does FIB stand for? I'm losing track of all these TLAs.

Fucking Illinois Bastard.

Mainly used in Wisconsin when the illinois driver ahead of you slows at every slight curve in the road.

As someone living in Chicagoland, yes, yes we do. That is how democracy works, the majority make the decisions.

50% of pakistan's population live there too


Paris has accrued massive cultural capital through centuries of monarchs convinced they were the god-chosen successors of Rome, and the subsequent compounding.

I wouldn't want to live there, but you can't just dismiss it as a "tourist trap".

Also, they have a "Rue de Buci", so they're way ahead of the curve in the naming department.

Don't get me wrong, it's must-see for a day or two, absolutely. All of those cities are tbh. Not all traps are gay.

But stay there for a week and you'll be aching for earplugs and one of those scrubdowns people get when they've been exposed to nuclear radiation. You shouldn't judge a country's population by the people who willingly choose to endure that nightmare, was my point.

Itā€™s still #Kool2smoke in Paris

Hitler should have thought about completely dedtroying Paris instead of Rotterdam. The place is one of the worst major cities in Europe, which is saying something.

Not all of the destruction of Rotterdam was carried out by the Nazis though. The allies bombarded the city as well, for tactical reasons.

Still, could be much, much worse. The bombing campaigns in Dresden and Tokio for instance were on an incredibly massive scale. The A bomb always overshadows those events, but hundreds of thousands of civilians were napalmed to death. Hell on earth. About a thousand casualties isn't that bad in comparison.

dude buci lmao

That's a ridiculous statement. Are the German people living and working in Berlin suddenly not locals?

Yes, Turkish locals

Locals in the same sense that the roaches under my fridge are tenants. Actually there's a lot of similarities there...

Berlin, percentage wise, is more German than many cities in the West Germany.

I rate Amsterdam is still way nicer than London / Paris / Berlin.

I went to Paris straight after a few days in Amsterdam. Other than the must see places, I didn't feel Paris was that especial except for this old hotel I was staying in that literally felt like I was in some novel or something. That was pretty cool. But yeah, I liked Amsterdam way more.



Disgusting food weather ugly ass people everything is grey the parks are all shite

Sorry, you just triggered some bad memories

Paris blew my fucking mind. It's like it was created by gods. I was super cynical about it beforehand too.

this is one of the most retarded comments i've ever read

Oh, Berlin. What is Berlin? Berlin, as a city, brings nothing but shame to Germany on the international stage. When comparing Berlin with other European capitals such as London, Paris, Madrid and Amsterdam, any decent humanā€™s face must blush in humiliation. Even small countries like Austria, Belgium or Switzerland have Vienna, Brussels and Zurich: presentable cities, complete with high standards of living. Germany gets punished with Berlin, capital of losers. In all the republic, Berlin is home to the largest number of arseholes by far. Deutsche Bahn, Bundestag, Air Berlin and Axel Springer are but a few examples of all the incompetent scum being kept here. Glorious times have long since passed, the city is face down in the dirt. Berliners are lazy sods to their very core. Traits that would, in any civilised culture, pass for nothing but laziness, rudeness, incompetence, dissocial personality disorder or idiocy, are taken by the Berliner and declared a way of life. That is why the Berliner harbours intense feelings of hatred for anyone whoā€™s better than him in any way. Especially the all-around superior Southern Germany are a thorn in his side. He envies their success, and Munich makes the top on his list of hatred. That city is ā€“ and has! ā€“ everything that Berlin wants to be and have. Berliners take no interest in the fact that it is Munich that finances their dissolute lifestyle, in fact, they secretly believe that they have earned it. So instead of freeing themselves from their envious and resentful lethargy, instead of rolling up their sleeves and improve their city, they revel in their antisocial freeloading and praise their so-called global city. Culturally, Berliners are set up rather weakly, great works lie far back in history. Moreover, mispronouncing ā€œgā€ as ā€œjā€ is considered a great cultural feat. Advanced students have mastered ending each and every sentence with a ā€œwa?ā€. The cityā€™s culinary performance is second-rate. Here, a sausage made from glued-together, meaty odds and ends adorned with ketchup and curry powder is sold as a culinary masterpiece. Hardly any reasonable person would consider a bratwurst with ketchup a recipe, let alone the holy grail of culinary arts. Yet, in their magnanimity, the rest of the republic lets the Berliner keep his delusion, not wanting to amplify his inferiority complex. Economically, Berlin is an utter disaster, even the late GDR stood on more solid ground. The local economy is based around alternative blogs, something-something-media and, if universities are to be believed, gender studies. Disregarding his own bankruptcy, the Berliner treats himself to prestigious projects like the city palace and the airport ā€“ which, considering its inoperative nature, is likely an art installation. Moreover, the city houses all popular partiesā€™ headquarters, who refrain from using ā€œtraitorsā€ in their official names (Probably for marketing reasons). For the longest time, this ā€œtownā€™sā€ ā€œmayorā€, the jolly Wowibear, butchered anything he found left in a presentable state. Long story short: Berlin is Germanyā€™s tiled coffee table. It is to Germany what Greece is to the European Union, and if it had open sewerage, it would be Germanys Romania. Berlin is a blemish, the abscess on the arse of the nation. Berlin is the uninvited party guest, who didnā€™t even bring any booze and wouldnā€™t even understand heā€™s not welcome if he had is teeth beaten out and got thrown down the stairs. Berlin is the Detroit of Germany and should be sold to Poland for 200 Złoty.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

this reads like some thomas bernhard shit

I for one think Bavaria should have won the Germanybowl, not Prussia

Wrong. Like every other mega city you live in the rich non diverse area.

Those countries have completely different relations to their capitals, you brainlet

Actual locals tend to want to live elsewhere.

Nobody outside of Paris matter, tho.

there are still lots of upper-middle class and rich ones in London, it's the poor who left.

Iā€™m actually suprised the university has shown some backbone.

When it comes to WW1 that is like the British equivalent of the US Greatest Generation. You do not talk shit about those vets are you will unite the public against you.

I think itā€™s the same with most of the Western European countries. Dog bless

Definitely the same in Australia and NZ, disrespecting the Anzacs (WWI again) has literally gotten people chased out of the country.

We are the same for WW2, even people who were children and survived the blitz get a lot of respect

Are you British-splaining your culture to me?

All communication in English is Britishsplaining, sorry bud.

Watch it redcoat, America will invade and make you speak German for the lolz.

You just think that, then they will release Benny Hill, start playing Yakety Sax and run your troops back into their landing craft!

Is that how they fought off the invasion of Canada?

I believe that was the work of Month Python with behind the lines assistance from Mr. Bean and The Black Adder.

Well we know what that bastard bean did to Whistler's Mother.

Lmao I love it when people think we still give a shit about losing burger land. I've literally never heard someone give a fuck about it, or anything, in my entire life of living here.

For every English word spoken by anyone, Cecil Rhodes gets another black slave to mine diamonds in Hell.

Everyone in the commonwealth lost family to the Great War. Tremendous loss of life.

There's always a limit to cuckness

It's BBC local news though. And she's the president of the student council because of her general wokeness. She just showed her power level a bit too much, no biggie for them.

Some more reputable news outlets have picked up the story as well though

The Sun

Daily Mail

Oh boy. She's fucked.

"Reputable" Lists two of the worst shitty tabloid rags in the country

There's really nothing to report on here, they're just going to "report" that some whiny mayo britbong tweeted something. I bet they can do that accurately.

You underestimate the daily mail

They'll probably casually infer she's a polish immigrant taking a job away from a good John Bull British male

I'm guessing partway through it'll turn into a rant against benefits and/or immigrants.

yeah almost like it's sarcasm

Read by millions though.

That chick is peak britbong holy shit.

Dawes was the president of the University's Feminist Society before she was elected to current position in the student union.

During her election campaign she called for the Vice Chancellor Christopher Snowden to take a pay cut so that university societies such as her own FemSoc could receive more funding.


Mural should be painted over, Southampton student union president says

Wait, I was thinking this would be some insane loner just lashing out. She is the student president? What the hell is going on? This is a big deal.

You need to understand how student president are elected. Nobody care enough to vote but the thirsty dudes.

When you are drunk all foids look the same.

She looks 40

She looks like Dog the Bounty Hunter if he had Benjamin Button syndrome.

Congratulations! You are today's winner for Sassy Comment of the day!



She is a 10/10 to the noguns noteeth Mohammad worshiping BritCucks.

Iā€™d fuck her


Yeah I agree

That's a British 9, you insensitive fuck

Why do you think they sailed thousands of miles from home?

The only people that vote in student elections are the crazies. The rest of the normal sane students are more interested in getting a worthwhile qualification.

I remember in my uni days voter turnout for union elections was something like 10-20% lmao

A lot of people at my uni have just started voting for the ā€œreopen nominationā€ option now.

I think something like 30ish of my friends tried to vote for the meme party to get them a seat and it worked.

So like only 2000ish people gote for our school elections of 50000 students.

No matter what school youā€™re at, the student union president will always be the most insane Marxist in the school. No one else ever wants the job for some reason.

Couple years ago, my uni's student council elections were won by the far left party for the first time since their inception. They spent a third of the annual budget in a mismanaged celebratory party, got a #MeToo scandal and the party ended up disbanded.

So, not so different than any actual far left government huh...

there was no ethnic cleansing/genocide/any sort of purge though, not real communism


Interesting. I wonder if there are stats on this? I just hope most student presidents are not as bat-shit insane as she is.

At the uni I went to, the student union president always ended up being the person who was president of the Labour Party Society the previous year, and it had been that way for over a decade or some shit

yeah where I went the candidates were all coached by the major parties they aligned most closely with, it's basically boot camp for a future political career in a capacity that actually matters.

thats wrong. i went to one of the largest universities in america and the conservatives had a stranglehold on pretty much all the positions.

And that was because every year they had to set up a new party to make sure there was no bias and discourage groupthink and also because conservative values like allowing beer to be sold on the campus are way more embraced by teenagers than social justice bullshit like the leftist parties tried.

Student unions are fucking dumb as hell. At my uni none of the top positions even managed to get more than one applicant.

The insensitive cow should resign immediately.

I think she is going to be forced to resign.

Naw, dead white men are at the absolute bottom of the progressive stack and cannot force the resignation of anyone for any reason.

ā€œI was only pretending to be retardedā€

aaaaaand it's gone

Woah, it was just there a second ago. At least she apologized for it

Stupid tweet DELETED by internet BULLYING and REASON.

Once again, thank fuck for Snaps.

Twitter smells blood in the water. Look at those fucking replies.

No sympathy for her. She needs to resign her position.

My favorite reply:

  1. Resign

  2. Help a Woman of Colour be elected as your replacement

  3. Give a generous donation to the Royal British Legion

4, Close your Twitter



She issued a non-apology apology

rubs claws togethers

There's going to be even more drama in that Tweet chain than there was in the original tweet.

just waiting for the vox interview where she cries about being harassed by angry white men

Gosh such a brave soul. If there were an ounce of justice in the world then they'd replace the mayo mural with one of her. Any autist can charge a machine gun as evidenced by the millions who did but she was the only one willing to take a stand over this.



*she has backtracked to try to save face FTFY

erase the past

If I close my eyes it stops existing!

Here's an interview with the individual in question.

Where are you from originally?

E: So, my family live out in Northern Virginia, in the States, but I grew up in London.

Sorry Yanks, she's one of yours.

not surprised in the least. That area is full of guilty mayos living in decadence.

Our human hives are overflowing with degeneracy to the point that they're overflowing.

We dont want her either, feel free to deport her to the Atlantic.

Of course she is. Have you see the shit sheā€™s spouting? Only a product of the American education system could unironically say something so retarded.

She grew up in London though.

She's obviously been britbong cultured. Having insane student leaders in their universities is a British tradition.

True but we often tend to do that just so they don't hurt anybody because they think they're doing things.

northern Virginia is portland level tier lefty mayo cucked

fuck nova

I love how America is simultaneously the birthplace of bible thumping evangelical retards and social justice commie retards. Truly a special country.

She escaped our clutches but you know what just keep her


Finally something we britcucks can't be blamed for!

Northern Virginia and moved to London

So she lived in a wealthy area and was able to move to another country. Do you think people like this try to make up for their cushy lives by doing retarded shit like she does?

Northern Virginian who presumably went to a British university because sheā€™s a massive teaboo with a hate boner for America, this doesnā€™t surprise me in the slightest, sorry she came to you bong-bro

Sorry Yanks, she's one of yours.

By what logic?

Just because her family live in Virginia doesn't make them American. She clearly stated she grew up in London.

Her father's linkedin shows he's only lived in America for the last 10 years. Before that he worked in London, Saudi Arabia and Australia.

In addition, her mother is Australian.

Get your facts straight.

Just listen to her speak in this interview and it's pretty obvious where it is she's from.

When can their glory fade?

O the wild charge they made!

Ā Ā Ā All the world wondered.

Honour the charge they made!

Honour the Light Brigade,

Ā Ā Ā Noble six hundred!

I am genuinenly in awe at how accurate her cartoon avatar matches her real face.

Props for not going the Feminist Frequency Route

I love the tranny in the picture

which one?

Thankfully sheā€™s issued an apology and deleted her account. She just needs to delete herself next and all will be forgiven.

she has done neither

Youā€™re right, her account is still active.

What would happen if someone wanted to paint over brave feminist murals?

They'd become brave feminist-of-color murals

Never such innocence again

alumni who dies

Grumble grumble

I spotted the latter and already called myself a retard, but thanks - I'm a double retard for not writing alumnus. D:

Maybe they were alumni (haven't seen the mural), but then they weren't singular.

It's definitely plural from the painting... So alumni is my final answer. No 50/50, no phone a friend, final answer!


Lol if she resigns I hope you fags are ready for an op ed piece in the NYT written by her with a forward by that angry Asian girl who hate fucks white dudes

ā€œToxic wokenessā€ - phrase for a generation of pinheads.

Page not found.


Sorry, I meant no offense!

JFC...this generation was a mistake.

The comments on the petition for her resignation are even better than the tweet thread.

What a hideous Twitter avatar

Replace it with white women handing out flowers to guilt men into joining the military while also ushering in the temperance movement.

Graduated here this year. We could see this shite coming a mile off, how people like this get elected with the strength of the subsequent outcry when they do the things they said they want to happen ill have no fukken clue.... Something something rigged elections russia

Isnā€™t WWI still fairly important to many in Europe in Great Britain?

Thatā€™s not something Iā€™d want to talk about in the way she did.

Least she deleted it, looks like.

Most definitely. Hundreds of thousands of casualties. Most of which we're kids. Most of which died in horrid, horrid ways. None of which were woman.

Least she deleted it, looks like.

Fortunately for us, nothing is truly deleted on the internet.

Yeah it looks like sheā€™s definitely getting fired or going to resign. Which is good because, cā€™mon what was she even thinking? Many people alive today are still connected to that war directly or had someone in their family in it.

Isnā€™t WWI still fairly important to many in Europe in Great Britain?

i recall reading somewhere that to this day if you're wounded/killed by a unexploded ordnance you're counted as a ww1 vet

What a fucking scumbag. Itā€™s a memorial for young men who just happened to be born at the wrong time and lost their lives in one of the most chaotic and violent events in human history.

This women has no place in any position of power anywhere.

Wars are bad, no one should celebrate warriors.

I guess we shouldnā€™t honor the soldiers who fought and died to stop Hitler. I guess we shouldnā€™t honor the soldiers in the Civil War that fought to bring America together. I guess we shouldnā€™t honor American soldiers that went to the Middle East to kill the terrorists responsible for the Twin Towers. youā€™re a fucking mongoloid

You guess too much, stop guessing.

Alright. Iā€™ll make an inference from now on.

I knew you'd agree with me in the end.

I still disagree about the honoring soldiers part. But itā€™s alright. Internet arguments are worthless

Don't be that way baby, I can change, I swear! Gimme one more chance!

How's this:

Training people to kill and sending them to kill is an evil societies perpetrate against their weakest and most vulnerable, but honoring the sacrifice of those trained killers is one way to give back their dignity. use them one more time to recruit more to take their place.

Fair point

I love you and I hope we never change


Wars aren't great, but often they're necessary. It's admittedly an iffy mixed bag with WW1 as no side was "good" there, really. Just many countries with their own interests colliding against each other. But considering Britain's sole reason for getting involved was Belgium was getting invaded by Germany who were using them to get to France because France was at war with them because Russia was at war with them because Serbia was at war with Austria-Hungary because a Serbian terrorist/freedom-fighter shot the archduke of Austria-Hungary, it's not like it was a "bad war" like, say, the Iraq war. And honestly even if it was, the soldiers are the last people to blame for "bad wars". I'd never honour a warmonger, but I'd honour a soldier.

Or something to that effect.

Sorry, this got too serious.

Do you see a difference between soldiers who volunteered and soldiers who were forced to fight at the end of a barrel?

Subpar bait

Fair enough, but don't let this man distract you from the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

Credit for effort

Warriors do not read books

-1 Stability

In her defense, the one All Black 369th regiment was always overlooked and never sent into battle.

Wait, sorry, I meant that the 369th Harlem Hellfighters ended up as one of the most famous units. One of the soldiers, Henry Johnson, was the first American to receive the Croix de Guerre, and that a lot of soldiers received Distinguished Service crosses and two earned the Medal of Honor. To be fair, the US army hated them and had them assigned to the French because they didnā€™t want integration. Bet they wished they had the hellfighters with them considering their honorable status.

She says she didn't literally mean it. Her twitter history says otherwise.

It seems that in the UK the alt-left movement is beyond the stereotype.

Haha this sub's done for.

The [protesting] physics graduate, who was previously president of the university's Feminist Society, says her favourite thing about Southampton is the 'pretty dope' vegan food.

Studentunioncide when

Burger mayo women...smh.

Where is the petition?

I still disagree with you, but that is a good point.



Touching any war memorial for either side left or right is WRONG.



Does anyone else really want to kidnap drug and rape and abuse feminists and film it and blackmail them to be your little sex abuse slave? Like really badly?

JUST KIDDING it was a Halloween spooky skeleton prank!





keep going i'm almost there

Not like the Brits didn't trash the men that went into the war at the time. Think it was called the feather movement or something.

Hmm? They were trashing the men that didn't go into war at the time though.

watch her claim to get death and rape threats