Are jews white? r/whitebeauty discusses with tweet evidence of jewery tricks

1  2018-10-25 by thedicktwist


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


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I disagree or feel excluded, therefore

fascist beauty standards

Every. Fucking. Time.

The sub was quarantined because they call black people ugly niggers and literally blame everything on the jews in every comments section, not because of the actual posts.

The lolcow here is you

Are you saying it isn't explicitly racist to have white-only spaces?

they're called the big bang theory viewing parties

Reread that comment, dummy. They did not get quarantined for posting pictures of white women

You autistic dumbass, the guy wrote clear and funny joke and that dimwit went all triggered.

Get vaccinated.

It wasn't a joke, it was a mayo acting oppressed

Get vaccinated.

So I can catch your autism? No thanks.

You need to work on your comebacks.

They suck more than your seriousposts.

Dude scroll up only one here serious posting is your autstic ass

So you're telling me (((they))) aren't white?

Did you see the girl of that thread?

I suggest you go and check it again...

I'm not talking about OP, I'm asking you if jews are white or not

I love it when retards say Jews cant be white. Most Jews in the USA are the whitest fuckers I have ever seen

That's not a point.

None has blonde hair and blue/green eyes is the point.

Especially in that thread.

Good number of Jews look like your run of the mill mayo, including blonde hair and blue eyes

Yeah... the Jews that are to Jew what Elizabeth Warren is to Native American.

I cannot even fathom the depths of your retardation. Blonde Jews are incredibly common. Maybe if you venture outside your rust belt trailer park home you would see one

She looks Polish.

So, yeah, that's a nah.

Literally a Jew, you retard.

better looking than any girl posted to r/whitebeauty

Different Jewish ethnic groups have genetically little in common with each other nowadays.

Point me in direction of a stereotype of Jews having blonde hair, blue eyes.

hmm maybe it could be that nazi racial caricatures weren’t, in fact, entirely accurate depictions of all jews...

tfw real jews don't match with /pol/ memes


Implying blonde hair and blue eyes aren't recessive traits promoted by inbreeding

You first have to have it to breed it out.

Lol, Scarlet Johannsen is technically Jewish

She's Danish.

Lol, her mom's Jewish

That makes her Jewish

"Jews can't have blonde hair and blue eyes!"

*multiple examples of Jews with those traits are posted

"Doesn't count"

No true Scotsman Jewish edition!!!!

Why are you so triggered about this?

demonstrably proven wrong by numerous examples.

responds with "why are you so triggered?"

Your IQ is as high as your chromosome count

Let me see if I understand... are you suggesting that Scarlet Johannsen blonde hair and some (but not all) facial features are coming from her Jewish mother genetic makeup?

Is that your contention, genius?

Because this is proper Ashkenazi woman face and this is typical Danish woman face

Doubling down on your own mental retardation. Not the strategy I would use, but I'm also not special needs.

son anyone can go to Denmark right now and clearly see that ^ is not the "typical Danish woman face" lmao

You know what?

You're right

Lol you're the retard that thinks Jews can't be white

Yeah a Danish Jew

Go to Google, then select "Images", and type in

jewish typical woman face

First result

She even wrote article about it

Try harder - lol

Lulz... that face made me actually laugh at work

are you seriously suggesting you can't find some inbred goblin white face lmao?

Christ you’re annoying.

I have blonde hair and blue eyes as does my mom who is Jewish. 🤔

None has blonde hair and blue/green eyes is the point.

Hitler was a black man. He basically was a hotep


normie_girl can you weigh in on this? You've described yourself as a "pale goblin" at times but you've also expressed (deserved) scorn for whites too.

Could you explain it to us please? Are Jewish princesses white and do you cry yourself to sleep every night when you remember you aren't a tanned Israelite queen?

I may be pasty af but I'm not wh*te

Okay thanks sugar tits what about the other question though?

Honestly when I was in israel I felt like such a cave troll

It's just a fact that the Mizrahi and Sephardi are hotter.

I knoww

I look Ashkenazi and I'm not even Jewish. T-T

Oy veysmere.

Is it because you're Jewish?

>thinks normie_girl is an actual girl and not a fat neckbeard larping


Of course Jews are white.

The Holocaust was the greatest example of white on white violence in the 20th century.

Whites have many shades. There are Nordic whites from Scandinavia, Celtic whites from Britain, olive whites from the Mediterranean, and Ashkenazi whites from Israel.

Eurovision rules.


now now brodinsky, let's not go too far

>Jewish foid attempting to cause infighting between European Aryan brothers

The memes make themselves.

mfw I try to save the Aryan from racial degeneration, only to be attacked

DELETECUCKS - (justly poetic)


You deletecuck!

Finna run your mouth then baleet, duck!

Finna digging through my history,

Linking posts in misery,

Thinking that I'd forget about you deleting posts - it isn't free!

The price you pay is a drubbin'

Whole sub blabbin', bout your dabbin'

"don't flatter yourself" you said with scornful glee

Retorted our broden, "try and stop me"


-by /u/broden from reddit

Tbqh I delete so that the other losers I debate stuff with don’t go back into my history and justifiably attack me for being a WoW nerd. I accept my label as a deletecuck accordingly.

Tbqh I delete so that the other losers I debate stuff with don’t go back into my history and justifiably attack me for going through THEIR history which I am wont to do

Justly poetic

youre not wrong

Don't worry I saved you the trouble and removed the shit that still spills out of your keyboard you WoW loser.


Wait you play WoW? Fuck you're a younger version of Normie. Alts maybe...

No I'm not Australian.

We both know that nationality is secondary to where your real loyalty lies.

to the Alliance?

nah just joking I'm a hordecel

The perfect woman doesn't exi-

I'm a hordecel


For real though, answer this. Do they still have the Perky Pug in the game?

What on earth are you trying to imply

Cheka your privilege

If Slavs aren't white, what the hell are we? I keep hearing that but my skin is basically just olive and there isn't a green race or some shit.

Eurovision rules.

imagine saying that and not mentionning prison whites from australia

Australia NEVER sent a white person to Eurovision tyvm

Whites are the true people of color.

Of course Jews are white.

Judaism is not a race based religion and Zionism and its historical roots has no reference to admiring askanazi Jews or Whites. Jews have always been consitered non-white throughout history until some lefty ideologue guesses that since Jews are successful that they must be white. Are Chinese people white in color too because they are successful? Jews left lands where Whites lived because Whites were too supremacist. About a million Jews were kicked out of Muslim lands after 1947 when Israel was founded. A majority of Israeli Jews are non-white.

Bigotry is the hatred and refusal to accept members of a particular group based on nothing but their inclusion in that group. Israel is a society with many different religions.

The Holocaust was the greatest example of white on white violence in the 20th century.

Are you implying that our Jewish melanin counts are relevant? Nazis considered us non-white.

Ashkenazi whites from Israel.

Israeli Jews are majority non-white. The richest Israeli Jew is non-white.

U white nigga

Hitler was the last person that told Jews that they were a certain race, you are doing the same.

I'm not saying all Jews are white, I'm just saying the white Jews are white

Nazis considered us non-white.

Yeah, let's take advices from the Nazis. By the way Polish people are all POCs

Are Jews white?

Are Sri Lankans black?

Lol, like ANY woman would let them touch her.

These desperate far right retards used to photoshop maga hats onto pretty women. They also thought Tay tay was their girl. I wonder if they'd ban for trolling if we post her pic now

You're on a throwaway, go find out

But now they'd rightfully ban for brigading. I wanted to post on the day tay tay shared her political views but couldn't access their sub from my mobile as it was quarantined and I was too lazy to use desktop.

It's funny to search "Taylor swift" on t_D now. Like half the posts are about how she is their awesome Aryan queen and the rest half are about how she is a talentless liberal hack.

I guess they have accepted that she isn't redpilled and based unlike them. When she voiced her views, there was initially so much of mental gymnastics and cope especially from /pol/tards that it was someone who posted it. They had various theories. Like her personal assistant did it before getting fired, the Jews threatened or paid her, it's all 4D chess blah blah. Then they slowly started getting mad that a celebrity was expressing her political views instead of staying away from politics.

Sort of had to think of this

/int/ truly is the one redeeming board on 4chan. I love it.

Tfw youre a mobileposter and cant view quarantined subs 😟😭😢

Get Reddit is Fun.

I have it, what am I missing?

You can visit the quarantined subs on it after the latest update.

Lol, they have problems with jews but not all the jailbait posts there? Okay then.

Mayo incels REEEEEEEEEE about crackerettes not wanting to get knocked up, also won't let Jews join their lonely virgins club.

u/fapiswack this is why whitebeauty was banned. Can you show me where in r/justproblackthings we are doing such things?

Maybe because Jews didn’t want to breed with Africans there isn’t an issue like this? Think logically for once, I know it’s hard for your people to do.

Can you show me where we are doing these things in pro black things since we are racist?

I know it’s hard to listen, obviously, but I believe in you, friend.

I’m not your friend.

That’s an issue. You are calling us racist yet I’m welcoming you. I’m having a conversation with you. Yet you are calling me retarded and making excuses for racism.

You are a friend to me. You are always welcome to come to our subs. We are not detesting you. Perhaps one day you will learn to be the same way.