Rich socialists shit on the poor working class for their struggles in life. Act surprised when some of their own get offended.

1  2018-10-25 by KaraBogan


This is why we need mayocide.


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The top comment got it right. Imagine being a """"socialist"""" and making fun of poor people for being poor.

Has anyone in that subreddit actually read any communist literature at all or do they just get their beliefs from leftoid maymays and twitter posts?

because they dont care about the working class, at all. They just hate people richer than they are.

come on, be generous, at least 1 in 10 of them probably dont have trust funds

ding ding ding , this right here , all of them are upper mid class with the "How dare you have a bigger house than mine?" personality

Most people dont realize how rich they are.

It's natural instinct, though. Our surroundings while we grow up are our baselines. When we see people better off then ourselves we think about what it would be like to have their wealth.

Meanwhile there are people looking at you in your shitty one room New York apartment eating ramen noodles for the 4th time this week and thinking "lucky bastard can afford an apartment"

They also don't understand that we can create wealth.

We have created so much wealth, through capitalism, over the last 250 years that the average welfare dependent goods at now has a higher material standard of living that Louis XIV.

Economics is just not that big a concern anymore. That is how you know they are larping. They take a 19th Century problem and act like it's a pressing 2018 issue. Might as well agitate against polio while they are at it.

Ian M. Banks was a visionary, fully automated luxury gay space communism when?

Lmao good fucking shit. Wealth inequality doesnt matter because at least the economy is growing. You're the "some of the so called 'poors', many of whom own refrigerators!!" Meme but in real life.

Economics is just not that big a concern anymore.

lmao you actually think history is over, not even the neoliberal drones are that retarded these days

Is starving to death a problem anymore? Is dying of frostbite for lack of heating? Not having access to potable water? Is there ANY dimension where economics is a serious, life or death, not just "comfort" issue anymore?

Is starving to death a problem anymore? Is dying of frostbite for lack of heating? Not having access to potable water? Is there ANY dimension where economics is a serious, life or death, not just "comfort" issue anymore? It's not.

Can't say for the US, but in the UK the food bank usage is way up and the disabled are suffering from a drastic spike in suicides because the present government has had a massive hard-on for austerity and cut all social services in order for the billionaires and corporations to pay less taxes. And don't get me started on zero-hour contracts. Or the housing/renting market. Or the general wealth inequality.

How much of a retarded sheltered suburban baby do you have to be to think all the economic problems are 19th century larping? I'm not even a commie, but people with more money will always attempt to exploit people with less money in the long run.

Food banks are a big fucking difference from starvation. Food banks ease the life of poor people. They are not bread lines where it's literally the only way for them to get food.

Again, how many people died in America of starvation over the last year? Almost none, and almost every single one it was starvation from abuse or neglect, not poverty.

How much of a bootlicking retarded sheltered suburban baby do you have to be to think all the economic problems are 19th century larping? I'm not even a commie, but people with more money will always attempt to exploit people with less money.

Why are you commies so fucking bad at reading and understanding? I never said there are NO ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. I said that as a field, it's just dated, commies give unordinate importance to it because they're larpers basing their ideology directly off that of someone from the past.

Unfortunately the human brain (being retarded) is only really aware of relative wealth. Absolute wealth doesn't do much for human happiness.

Is starving to death a problem anymore?

the worst famine in a century is happening in yemen literally right now LMAO

Which is political starvation...

history ain't over, and we're on the right side of it bruh

The fact that poor people can own tvs doesn't exactly make poverty not a concern. That is a weird delusion. The fact that many of them could be out on the street if they lost a job still makes them have a big issue. It might be less of one at the point where at least they have security.

People can temporarily be on the street, worst case scenario, yes, the only people chronically on the street are those unable or unwilling to work. Not REALLY that big a deal. Gotta keep these things in perspective. If the worst economic consequence available to us is someone has to sleep on couches or in cars for a few months... yes that sucks but is it really worth burning the whole thing to the ground over?

No, but it doesn't mean economics is suddenly "no longer a concern"

I'm making $40k this year. But I'm also homeless living out of my truck, often without a shower and rarely without a bathroom.

But at least it's comfy shitposting on the internet and playing vidja at night. Make more than some liberal friends of mine yet have a lower standard of living.

You work a full-time job but can't even afford to live in a place where you can take care of basic hygiene needs? I'm sorry but that's seriously fucked up.

Live in the truck. Every week im out i get one day off for "home time" but i crash at people's places. I dont know how truckers with children handle it.

You should have mentioned that you're a trucker; that's a pretty different situation to living out of your car, unless you actually can't afford a place.

Especially people who live in expensive city apartments but think they are poor because their take home after paying for said apartment doesn't allow them to save a ton. Rich people who spend a ton and so can't save a ton misinterpret themselves as poor all the time.

Especially people who live in expensive city apartments but think they are poor because their take home after paying for said apartment doesn't allow them to save a ton.

That's actually an issue that warrants a resolution, though. A lot of people in certain industries are pushed into places with an incredibly high cost of living because that's where all the jobs are (at least if you're starting out), and as a result they can't save, or at least they have to delay when they start saving. That's starting to change, but the COL is rising in all of the places that high-paying industries are moving to, so the middle-class and working poor in those locations are getting priced out or finding it harder to save. What does income matter if it doesn't go very far? The average working poor American may be monetarily wealthy compared to the average person in rural Cambodia, but their money doesn't go as far as it would in rural Cambodia.

Yes but they're still about 10 times wealthier even comparing for cost of living.

Then push people to make more office buildings in the suburbs then. In this case though, I'm talking about people who could commute, but want to live in the city since they see themselves as city people rather than (((suburbanites))).

You sound like you've never had a career

I think its more they are upper middle class, fucked around in college and got a shit degree in psychology that won't help with getting a job and are pissed that their fairy tale expectations for life are not being fulfilled. So, sons and daughters of Boomers they are, they mask what failures in life they are by virtue signalling to the world what enlightened people they are over social media to give themselves a little ego boost. The plumber fixing their toilet they clogged up may make more money than they will ever make but by god, at least they are a better person than that dumb mayo in his American flag tie will ever be.

They don’t understand that the dude that came to fix their bosses forklift is making more money than they are. They see him and think “damn workers are exploited cause I don’t make shit pushing paper and most make less”

Repair dude probably has a more secure position too, given how mind-boggling difficult it is to automate repair processes while paper-pushing is likely to disappear before assembly line workers.

The thing is that automation should have gotten rid of a shitton of jobs already, but its not really working out that way.

That article isn't about automation, more about how policies of both public and private nature incentivize creation of entirely superfluous positions that may or may not be automation friendly.

The funny thing here is that arguably the most "high status" and high paying jobs fit under that rubric of jobs that shouldn't exist and more importantly are a drag on economic growth, or actively cause economic crises.

are a drag on economic growth, or actively cause economic crises.

Not sealioning or being ironic, serious question, how are these two correlated, or how are do they cause an economic crisis?

A lot of financial services are basically just speculating on the backs of real businesses producing real value. To be sure, there is a necessity to having liquidity, and the financial services sector needs to exist, but the vast majority of their profits are parasitic and they largely drive the boom/bust cycle all on their own.

Enh. Most of those "bullshit" jobs are driven by creaky institutions like the University those guys work out of

Workers are exploited. Wage theft is a serious problem in the US, wages themselves are stagnant, and legal protections and rights for workers are abysmal for a developed country. Just because socialism is shit doesn't mean that the current state of worker's rights in the US is okay.

they do some but what they really care about is their sense of superiority over all other beings which supercedes all else, cant have the proles getting uppity when you are fighting for their cause.

A lot of leftist circles are legitimately upper middle class white city people who identify as poor because they go to a microbrewery that was designed to look unfinished to spend $15 per drink. Many of them hate the real working class, but think that leftism is their class versus the 1%.

None of them are poor, they just want to kill people.

be generous, a good half of them dont have trust funds

Well, I mean, haven't you ever wondered if whiteys have mayo for blood and a jar of Hellmanns where the heart is normally located on humans?

Has anyone in that subreddit actually read any communist literature at all

only the tankies at this point

In that case the less they read the better.

people say 1984 is the most prescient book Orwell wrote, but that shit definitely goes to Road to Wignan Pier

literally everything he said about Socialists are still true to this day.

Unironically true. Although tankies will say you didn't understand Orwell if you qoute that book in a debate.

Orwell is an ex-socialist who became disillusioned by the inevitable breakdown of socialism into nihilistic power-grabs. No socialist could possibly understand him, only people who see clearly the flaws of socialism can.

Orwell's best work has always been his nonfiction, its just the high school sophmores that make up the default subs haven't read anything beyond the Coles notes to 1984 and Animal Farm and that's all they care to discuss


reading anything more complex than Harry Potter

If they were smart enough to read Marx they wouldn't be interested in third rate pundits.

I would guess not, because Marx very clearly distinguished between the proletariat (despicable maga chuds) and the lumpenproletariat (welfare state-dependent minority underclass). They love the wrong one and hate the wrong one, according to the most basic Marxism 101, which they cannot even get right.

what a retarded take lmao. A worker is not excluded from the proletariat because they happened to be black.

Work on your propaganda man, reactionaries have long since understood that "non-white workers are bringing down your wage" is a much more effective appeal than "actually only white people work".

No, they're not part of the proletariat because they don't fucking work. Read Marx, buddy.

Bullshit. A huge portion of the American proletariat are people of color, probably close to a majority.

If you genuinely think nonwhite Americans are unemployed you've got to be mentally ill. What's the skin color of most bus drivers, mailmen, retail workers, and security guards in your area?

Commie's reading and understanding of ideas is so bad.

I never said there are no minority proles or that all minorities don't work. Jesus Christ.

If I say "The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor", does that mean literally every Japanese person bombed it?

Shit analogy. "The Japanese" is standard shorthand for the Japanese government.

"Black people don't work" isn't shorthand for anything. It's just a lie.

Do you, or do you not, understand the difference between "proletariat" and "lumpenproletariat", and are you, or are you not, familiar with Marx's position in regards to these very different groups?

The lumpenproletariat aren't "low wage workers", they're the vagabonds and criminals who scrape by without contributing to capitalist society.

These people are a single digit percentage of the US population, and a hell of a lot of them are white.

Vagabonds, eh? Pull your definition straight from wikipedia?

They are the underclass. Non tax payers. At least 10% of the population, however you define it, and overwhelmingly minority.

Nearly all of those people are workers, even if their jobs are too shit to be taxable. Look at Central American day laborers. The working poor are still workers.

Again, you're distorting the truth to facilitate your lie, which is that white people are workers but black and brown people aren't.

The average person on welfare works 8 hours a week. That isn't a "worker" and some 90 million Americans are not in the workforce. The rate of blacks, Hispanics, and mixed race who make up this demographic is almost twice that of whites. Blacks make up over double the amount of those not in the labor force compared to their population percentage.

If you look at employment category by race whites make up the overwhelming majority of working class workers.

So proletariat - overwhelmingly, but not exclusively, white. Lumpenproletariat - overwhelmingly but not exclusively minority.

Which one do chapotards love, and which do they hate? They hate the white proles with the fire of a thousand burning suns, and love the non-working minorities.

The average person on welfare works 8 hours a week. That isn't a "worker"

/>works 8 hours a week

not a "worker"


Whites are the majority of the working class only because whites are a majority of the population.

Looking at labor force participation, a much useful statistic, shows that white and black people work are roughly equal numbers. 60.4% of whites over 16 are in the labor force versus 57.6% of blacks.

If you're concerned about people who work several hours a week skewing the statistics, let's find some more numbers: 7,533,000 black men are employed full time versus 1,208,000 part time. Among black women, 7,901,000 work full time and 1,945,000 work part time.

So if black people work at almost the same rate as white people, and the supreme majority of black workers work full time, where is this nonwhite lumpenproletariat?

The working class is white and it's black and it's brown. MDE autism won't change that

Whites are around 75% of the working class and 66% of the population. Blacks are around 30% of the out of the workforce and 12% of the population.

Whites are disproportionately lowly represented in the unworking, blacks and Hispanics disproportionately high.

Crime, welfare, and poverty statistics provide an even clearer picture of this.

There are Communists who genuinely believe white people cannot be members of the proletariat, 3rd world-ism is hilarious.

Are there really? Link me a single one.

Go look yourself dweeb


He can't name one because he's a special needs child, making up weird situations and people in his head.

*Settlers: The Mythology of the White Proletariat," is a good place to start.

Literally the area where the industrial revolution, and therefore the proletariat, came from was Europe.

make fun of the poor white workers

unironically fits CTH

make fun of the poor white workers

and 👏 that's 👏 a 👏 good 👏 thing 👏


My family has money, I don't. The parts of my family with money are somehow both libs and very "pull up your bootstraps" about me, specifically. Not a supportive lot.

His family thinks that poor people should get welfare but that their son's fuck up was his own because he came from a rich family and had everything. That's a perfectly reasonable position.

It's not "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" when you're literally the child of a doctor.

We all know that socialists have it harder than the single mothers, the poverty stricken, or the disabled.

A lot of socialists are those things because socialism would improve their life. No one on the rich end is like, "Ugh, all this damn money! I wish there was a system where I could be forced to distribute this evenly among strangers!" No it's all, "I don't have as much money as those people over there. If this were a socialist group, they'd have to give me some of theirs, and then I'd have more."

Are you honestly replying a paragraph to me over a joke on a forum

He's an immigrant from CA and KiA, what do you expect? 🤮

This here was my gateway though


I think you have enough energy from all the fat on your disgusting goblin body to last you a few years

Bitch you paid extra for the lapdance

If I wanted to see a fat used up whore on me I'd call your mother back

Oh sure, play it off now. You're the one that made this public. It would have went to my grave that wear a diaper and make me call you Wet Boom Boom, but you insisted we drag it out

Who has it worse the man in the diaper or the woman who got shit on

Leave the fucking diaper on! Motherfucker that's why people are getting shit on

It's time us two titans stop our feud that is tearing r/drama apart, we need to start shitting on the SRDines, the MDEgenerates, and the Chapofags, not each other

Did you honestly just reply a paragraph to me over a joke on a forum?

Aight this is autistic, I feel ashamed of my comments, this stopped being funny 3 comments ago

I've been ridiculous from the beginning. This is just fun for me. However it does make me a little sad to count back 3 comments and realize you were actually trying, and proud, of that goofy goblin body comment.

Being retarded is a disability after all.

Wont give money to worthless son who finds every excuse not to leave childhood bedroom. Yeah sounds pretty reasonable to me.

I bet they'd be willing to help him go to college, learn a trade or anything useful. Just don't want to support his LARPing as a revolutionary.

Sounds like his dad made his own money the hard way. Shame his son turned out a dickhead but I guess we're all probably the kind of people who'd with the best intentions want to give our children what we didn't have at their age. Then you realise that's what made all the twats you hated when you were young.

I mean I'm not huge snoop dog fan but didn't he make his kid sleep on a mattress on the floor or some shit until he was like 12 to try and stop that happening? Some rapper did anyway and my google skills fail me after a night out on the piss.

wHY dONT THe workING cLASs liKE uS

wears multithousand dollar suit to interview with the proles

whoopsies looks like i occidentally spent $3000 on a suit

"How do you do, fellow workers?"

I'm surprised too, they're all rich, who's getting offended?

Sort by controversial or even look at some of the top comments.

All twitter bluechecks, White fucking asshole transplant douchebags in the lower east side/Williamsburg, and pseudowoke medium/vox/The Verge types are fucking stupid animals and deserve to go just as much as your average chud

This is the most ideologically self-consistent position for a Chapo to take.

if this catches on, they'll have literally no one who doesn't deserve the glorious bullet of the revolution, and turn into Aum Shinrikyo. inshallah.

More like Aum Shitrikyo

if this catches on, they'll have literally no one who doesn't deserve the glorious bullet of the revolution

Is this your first encounter with leftism? It has long been said that, if you put 3 leftists in a room together, you'd end up with 4 splinter groups.

if I was restricted to making fun of things that surprised me, I'd be a very frustrated man.

What do you get when you put 10 tankies in a room together? 10 iceaxes and 9 dead tankies.

they are so close to realizing that the chapo hosts are also asshole transplant douchebags

Is a chud like a chad but like dumber or something

It's from a movie about canonical hobos who live in the NYC sewer system. I have no idea why they chose it as an insult, it could not bother their intended targets less. Might as well call them Martians or something.

Next they will call me harry potter insults. For fucks sake chapo tards at least use insults grounded in reality

Sounds like something a muggle would say.

Im a proud Slytherin boy of pure magic blood bitch

literally the same as NPC

It's a way to dehumanize far-right boomers. Basically NPC but much older.

"Fuck the working class" -CTH

The thing with failson isn't that they're poor white people who fail despite their privilege but rather that their (failson) failures within that system are insulated by they're being well off. Kavanaugh is a failson, that kid of the Koch brothers too. The point is that they're NOT poor.

CTH user calling Supreme Court Justice a failure in life.

A supreme court justice is a failure, but a depressed, alcoholic, teenager thats failing out of college- thats success baby!

It says a lot about how they measure "success" that someone writing mean op-eds that nobody reads negates all other achievements

Socialists are all mental or real teenagers

Lol sweet this sub dropped all pretense of Marxist class based optics and are now idpol radlibs


Just maybe

These dorks will finally realize that their shit has been taken over by professional crybaby victims who just want to be lazy.

white privilege is not being aborted

I don't see anyone shitting on poor people. Is it too much to ask mdegenerates to read the chapotards before making fun of them?

What that thread is full of are NEETs with affluent parents getting very uncomfortable at the notion of "failson", which describes them just as accurately as it does every bitcoin mining, pillow fucking, Jordan Peterson acolyte who cares about ethics in game journalism.

The reason "privilege" is bullshit isn't because high status people aren't afforded unfair advantages, they are, but because in the grand scheme of things, it means jack squat. The overwhelming advantage, in the job market as in all walks of life, is due to raw intelligence, and that is what bourgeois socialists believe themselves to have, going to those fancy schools and all, but they're not smarter than the people who got engineering degrees, and they don't have the grit that actual working class people have to apply themselves and work they're way up.

They're socialists because they think they are owed something and they're not getting it, which is why the problem must be with capitalism and not themselves. Funnily enough, their right-wing counterparts have the same affliction, but rationalize it as a conspiracy of government regulation and handouts to the undeserving, which saps their motivation, as if the Laffer curve applied to unemployed chronic masturbators.

Nobody here is going to read that. Lmao.

This sub needs a word limit. More than 25 words and to you get the taser.

Anyone writing more than 25 words is probably seriousposting. 🤢 🤢 🤢

/u/lightumbra hmm maybe half the char count for long post bot??

It used to be but people complained about it.


I'll lower it back down for u bb

You've been a mod here for years (lmao) and you haven't noticed the copypastas?

Just how much do you drink?





No good copypasta mentions Jordan Memerson.

The overwhelming advantage, in the job market as in all walks of life, is due to raw intelligence


t.has less than 150 IQ

Isn't >150 IQ something like 99.99% of the human population? That's not a very damning accusation.

> not being in the 99.96 percentile of human intelligence

why even live?

Agreed. That extra .03 made all the difference to me.

The overwhelming advantage, in the job market as in all walks of life, is due to raw intelligence, and that is what bourgeois socialists believe themselves to have, going to those fancy schools and all, but they're not smarter than the people who got engineering degrees, and they don't have the grit that actual working class people have to apply themselves and work their way up.

The world would be a lot better off if this were true. The main benefit of going to those pricy colleges is not the education or bettering yourself, it's the connections. At this point it's a truism that even the US has a hierarchy of invisible classes based on nepotism. There are of course exceptions, jobs that are purely based on merit because you need to be smarter than the other 99.9% just to do the job, but a lot of the highest status jobs are in fact purely based on connections.

My family has money, I don't. The parts of my family with money are somehow both libs and very "pull up your bootstraps" about me, specifically. Not a supportive lot.

Literally the exact same thing you hear from Republicans with rich parents. "Yeah my parents had money but I did it all by myself."

I mean it could be true.

People love the "le small loan of a million dollars" line, yet they act like they wouldn't end up in a ditch OD'd from heroin if they were given a million dollars.

There was a time when you could live on the interest rates of 1M just sitting in the bank.

Admittedly all those years of 0% interest fucked that but the Fed is trying to get back there it looks like.

I feel like "most people aren't heroin addicts" isn't an unreasonable assumption to make

That's just one of the possible endings. There's also broke in a casino, dead after crashing your lambo, bankrupt after bad investments, etc.

I think you’re projecting here, most people would easily attain success given trumps circumstances and lack of moral fibre

Champagne socialists are fairy common

They are most often seen avoiding the “less pretty parts of town” and sending their children to all white daycares

This dynamic ("status") precedes capitalism, and will survive it.

This dope thinks that white privelidge will always be around because apparently whites are the superior race. What a dope.

He's saying social status has always been around and there will always be ways of measuring it.

No shit retard, were making fun of them

11 day old account... I think I smell an mdegenerate. You have to go back. You're not welcome.

Cool catchphrase dork , you think they’ll let you in the discord chat now?

God I hope not.

Can I start this now?

BlUueEEee WAaavVEvVeeee?

I mean honestly the middle class hipster commie crowd never liked the poors, they just hate the rich and think they are smarter and can run things better. Funny how that always seems to end up with Gulags and cultural revolutions bloody purges.

They define "poor" as their own income level, "rich" as any income level higher than theirs, and dismiss anyone with less income than them as background noise.

Are any of these faggots anything except rich white city dwellers?

Man, that comment section reads like a T_D comment section. Why is that?

Uh what? How?

How do i get the white working class on my side? I know! I'll belittle them!

Fuck wh*te "people"

Cry more bitch

Take some extra fentanyl in your trailer tonight. I bet it will feel awesome. And maybe that will be one less source of funding for the narco gangs you fund that terrorize everyone in between decadent Americans and their drugs.

This “failson” meme just refers to failed mayos?

Failed white men only. Not women obviously.


Now there’s a FYAD meme I haven’t heard since 2007.

Barnacle Jim has .....a long face?!?!?

Fentanyl-Americans ass-chapped ITT.

Champagne socialists smh