r/toronto has another debate about the pride parade but this time it's got nudists

1  2018-10-26 by AchtungMaybe


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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  3. user complains that police aren't a... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. "Body shaming is something that pla... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  5. another much-deleted thread over th... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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  7. "What is the justification for the ... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

  8. "Yeah, I don't get why the Pride pa... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

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I demand the right to show you my pale mayo nuts.

> We came across the Naturist's booth and the guy attending it crouched down to explain very well to my 5 yr old why they do what they do, and so far the only thing I've seen from my kid is a vague side eye like "pants are a con job?". He's shown zero trauma, only curious.

>Kid's seen statues and nudey people before it's not a bit an issue anymore. And we explained that mom's friend has a husband, and they're two guys. Ok. Not an issue.

>Kids understand stuff if we bother to get over ourselves and explain it, and we had a fantastic time at Pride.

why are these people allowed to have kids


"How dare you not want to see my naked body"

someone lock these people in a room with twox

Body shaming is a good thing. Fat gross slobs should be shamed for being fat gross slobs.

Agreed, shame isn't a bad thing. It's ok yo shame people when they're being dickheads.

/r/toronto holding onto that Most Autistic sub award pretty hard.