Amateur woodworker shares wedding ring box he made on r/woodworking

1  2018-10-26 by gatekeepr


This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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Hell, if she says no, I WILL marry you! Good luck though! i assume you'd prefer him/her, over me :D

fucking lol

What a cheapskate that stone is probably not even half a carat.

That girl must be desperate to say yes.

Wow that is shit

That screw jesus christ

Would've looked far better if he simply hid the screw ( just tuck it in a little more and glue some wood on top) and applied some varnish to the box. Some simple carvings would look nice too.

Wood glue + shavings name a more iconic duo

Holy shit its not even countersunk

It's not sanded, stained, and sealed. Just doing that turns an ordinary piece of scrap into something easy on the eyes.

I have literally never seen a project more low quality

I'm almost afraid as to how he made the hole. It's perfectly round, so I'm thinking router + jig, cause that's cheap. I feel like the guy has more money than sense.

Get some perspective guys. I know most of you are great woodworkers, but that doesn’t give you a right to say this thing is shit. I know a lot of people that could not make this box.

Just because everyone should be able to make this, doesn’t mean they can. Yeah, this box isn’t impressive. But I know people who don’t even own a saw, or know how to use a drill correctly. They’re not idiots, they’ve just never had to use their hands.

The actual state of urbanites where they think cutting something is too hard to do when normal children learn how to do it.

Probably the same people who find difficulty assembling Ikea furniture.

A box with a hole wow talk about getting creative.

Nigga that ain't even a box, it's a cut piece of 4x4 with a hole drilled in the top.

lul this is some old school reddit drama

Lol he literally took pressure treated soft timber and cut a hole in it for the ring. That’s like not even a box it a...piece of wood with a hole in it?

His fiancé should’ve said no

An adult male drilled an off center hole into a chunk of wood and was proud enough to share his accomplishent.

Hey, they cut off a bigger piece of wood to get that chunk! Don't you dare diminish their accomplishment