I went to my father's funeral today

1  2018-10-27 by CharlesSchwabSucks2

He wasn't religious, but some woman he didn't even like got up and started singing some religious song. I jumped up and started raging at the entire place. I flipped my shit and started saying every cuss word I could think of. I raged for a while and stormed out. My dad was prominent in the community and there was a lot of people there all dressed up and I had on an old Subhumans tshirt. It was actually pretty awesome, I wish someone would have filmed it.

It did piss me off that he was misrepresented. The woman singing was the last straw. Several others had gotten all preachy and shit too.


Praying for you!

This but unironically

Anyone who posts in r/drama is in actual need of prayer

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my old Subhumans tshirt.🤘😂🤘


How long have you been crafting quotes, friend?

Not to dox myself or anything, but I'm a professional atheist quote maker.


Btw this copy pasta is over 5, and possibly over 6 years old now! It's a relic.

I can't remember who said this originally, but she was a known spazz /r/Atheism mod back when /r/Atheism was 10,000 times worse than it is now (if you can believe that). Back when it was a default

10,000 times worse

Yeah, maybe during its' waning years. It used to be like an omega r/the_donald, except with no algorithm tweaking, which meant you got a front row seat to the dumpster fire.

And instead of shitty boomer memes, it'd always be edgy teens giving their big fat greek testimonials of how they saw the light and bitchfests where they took shit way out of context and said that expressions of goodwill were hate crimes.

Back in the day I used to troll /r/Atheism with shitposts. I remember one where I made up a story about how I pulled over on the freeway to help an elderly couple change their flat tire, but saw a religious fish bumper stick on their car so I dropped a witty le maymay and drove away, absolutely pwning them and leaving them to change the tire themselves. The comments in response ranged from "wow that's messed up" to "you're a fucking scumbag and I hope bad things happen to you you piece of fucking shit."

I can't help but think if I post the same story on /r/politics but change it to a Trump bumper sticker, I'd be lauded as the hero of reddit.

tl;dr 2018 = peak autism

Status? Dead. Afterlife? Not today, God!

Strong, then kill.

I wonder how many people started going to church because of r/Atheism circa 2009.

I wonder if the numbers are anything like the amount of people who started voting republican because of r/politics circa 2016.