From a favorite lolcow, drama in the dust

1  2018-10-27 by Imhotep_23


That post history is delish

KIMCP is legitimately out of his fucking mind. Go search is 2016 election posting.

He's a true patriot, sir. Don't you dare call him a nutcase.

I knew I remembered the name from somewhere

Fuck, now I have to go watch some Butch Patterson episodes. "I think you'll find I do some of my best work sans pants."

Pretty sure most of them are on YouTube

Yes they are. Been enjoying a lot of Butchy.

Wow, great essay. I read your other one, too (GOP = Cancer).

I wrote this.

It's certainly not as well-composed as your writing (it needs more clarification and some revisions), but I think it places itself as a companion piece to your thoughts. I, too, think the GOP is completely unredeemable.

I think your essay expertly shows "the banality of evil", and how casual racism--and a near total lack of civil society interaction (think Bowling Alone)--left to seed can warp someone's thinking (although, perhaps in Bob's case he started out sociopathic) into a self-understanding that The World Is Out To Get Me.

I am interested in reading any other essays you punch up.

To his horror, Quantum_Telegraph found himself unable to stop using too many words to vigorously agree with the lolcow's written diarrhea. Could this be the end for our hero?

We can only hope he isn't wh*te, cause we all know what they do when they're politically radical

Almost hard to laugh at the mayo threat today.


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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I'm sorry for asking but who?

Lolcow for years who has a history of meltdowns, legit one of the more insane ones

Behold one of the Originalist of Original Reddit Gangsters.

Looks more like a studio wanksta.

Aww I've missed Kubrick. He's such a giant wanker I thought he kept himself safe.

Democracy was a mistake