Synagogue shooting suspects Twitter account

1  2018-10-27 by GandalftheChromatic


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Gab, not Twitter.

Even more pathetic then

You posted it, you should know this shit.

Do you think I even think about the dozen Reddit/Twitter clones retards make after getting ran out of here much less visit them

That sentence hurt my head, I think it needs some punctuation.

That sentence hurt my head

It's called thinking. The more often you do it, the less it'll hurt.

I thought it was called proper grammar, shows you what I know.

What even is gab ?

It’s Twitter for Stormfags. All the alt-right dipshits that managed to get the boot on the bird site get sent there.

Their logo is a green frog.

These people exist.

You can’t make this shit up lmao

I made a gab account to look up some nazi types that I found on FB

When you make an account it uses a currently popular post to highlight its UI. The post that I got shown was about holocaust denial. Legit first thing I saw was unabashed retardation.

Kinda curious what Gab's reaction will be to that.

Except they lost a big chunk of their userbase because they banned pedoshit loli

So now we have a horde of smelly, nomadic altright NPCs wandering the lands and shitting everywhere they go like pajeets at a street convention

Did you say pajeet and street?


you telling me a domestic terrorist wound up being...a right winger???



Twitter for low IQ

The Voat of twitter

Is there a dreadit for twitter?

Twitter's Voat

It's Twitter Voat.

The Democrats are really out in force.

lol this one could go either way.

Should be a another good episode.

It's Gab. Only far right tards use it.

Nah the anti Jew thing, could be a pro Palestine goose, but I'd bet its a /pol/ type of anti jew goose

no it's pretty clear it's not some imaginary pro palestine american who thinks the jews control the world.

Kind of obvious he is a neo nazi

Yeah thats where id put my money

Tfw the left can't meme mass murder

They already hold high scores though.

Do you not know Ulrike Meinhof?

Anders Brevik outmurdered the entire RAF in a single day.

They got high profile kills though. He just shot a bunch of kids.

Can this go in the snapshill bot quotes

This whole thread is r/TopRetardComments

Jokes on you, you're in this thread now too

Let me be the anchor that drags you all to the bottom. it'll be worth it.

And bombed the Norwegian Government building while he was at it

Miss me with that decades old shit from irrelevant countries.

The right truly can't meme stop shooting and blowing up people

And anarchists bombed Wall Street in the 1920s. Thus, right-wing terrorism is not a problem right now. Flawless logic.

That's not what I was saying at all. I just meant the left are better at terrorism when they get serious about it because they're traditionally not inbred mongoloids who can only shoot people because whenever they try to make a bomb it doesn't even go off.

The right-wing paramilitaries in Colombia and elsewhere in Latin America were pretty effective.

This is true. I'm losing this one.

This is true. I'm losing this one. Americans are just retarded at terrorism.

the left are better at terrorism

tfw right wing extremists did 9/11


S E E T H I N G 😂👌

This comment hurts me personally

Lol. DDF is already on the case.


I am not a murican, dum-dum.

Liberalism is a disease that sees no borders.

ohh boy here we go again

Epic gamer win

heated gamer moment

not sure what im looking at friend but thank you and continue the gamercide

Onedingo was his username on gab

M-m-m-m-monster Kill


Victory royale, epic style!

Here's the archived account, also GAB not twitter.

No he's actually saying Qultists are retarded.

It's a convoluted comment, but i think he's saying Qanon is "waking people up" that he wishes woke up in the 90s.

Yea ur right

No he's saying against Q for sure. He's saying he's inciting martial law, which is bad.

No he's mocking them. He's saying that Qultists are being brainwashed into wanting martial law. Which according to him would be bad because (((Jews))).

Actually, having read his other posts, you're right. He argues with a Q account so much that they threaten him with a military tribunal, lol.

No he's actually saying Qultists aren't retarded enough.


Trump is a globalist not a nationalist

The only conservative sane enough to say this is a Jewslayer 🤔

TFW when even a violent, murdering nazi thinks Quitists are retarded.


yeah thats just too fucking funny right there

Trump supporter confirmed

I never even saw or touched a penis before. That makes me super not gay.

Go to the r/news sub and anyone that announces that they are Jewish are reassured with a dozen "stay safes" christ I hate reddit

They probably get told to go kill themselves in the next thread about a palestinian terrorist getting shot or whatever. It's a mixed pot. A cesspool if you will.

I could give a shit about Arabs or Jews, I just hate the phony "Stay safe" comments.

Oh, right, those are cringy, yes.

Stay safe fellow dramanaut

Fuck mayos and fuck bussy

Keep yourself safe

I plan on it, just building the courage

Plz dont

Too scared anyway.

Careful! Words have power.

A seafood place uploaded a video called "Know Your Seafood" last week and I was wondering (((who))) was behind that.

LOL no dey dont

You go too far.

couldn't give a shit

Stay safe on Reddit with those opinions

I gots the Hot Takes

Oh a hurricane is coming. I was not going to stay safe until a brave redditor told me to stay safe.

My thoughts and prayers are with you......Sike, bitch, I'm gonna need those myself, so you'll have to do with a simple "good luck".

I think they're totes hecking wholsemoe >_<

May they all Keep Themselves Safe.

A melting pot 😍😍

I'm hungry

It's true though. Trump supporters are killing everyone out here

Oh yeah... let's see.

I'm a friend of the Jew BTW, I just hate the "stay safe" meme.

It's such an empty platitude. How does one "stay safe" against random acts of violence? The only thing to do would be to arm yourself and concealed carry, but if you were to do that most of these people would probably just say "lol u like gun u have smol penor fuck the NRA"

I swear there was one where a crash happened on the other side of a freeway, and the top comment was "stay safe" Like how the fuck would this dumb cunt that posted what happend be in danger?

I fucking hate the people on this god forsaken site

No shit. I doubt all Pittsburg Jewish's population were going to do a block-wide Hora before some morons on reddit told them to "say safe".

Why would Jews need to stay safe when they have all that white privilege?

are you saying that they shouldn't expect to stay safe unless they actively keep themselves safe?

keep yourself safe dude

Is this the red wave I've been hearing about

You betcha.

We've fed our retards nothing but lead paint chips and infowars videos since Kavanaugh to rile them up. Now we are letting them loose right before the midterms to tank our chances so we can go back into the opposition and complain about Obamacare and Benghazi.

Now this truly is epic.

Just unironically gas the neo Nazis


Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society

What a piece of shit. They shoulda bodied him.

Healthy in all sizes. /r/fatpeoplehate did this.

FPH is actually one of the only internet movements not to have resorted to terrorism yet. We've had vegans, environmentalists, incels, leftards, rightards, but no FPHers.

Diabetes is already doing most of the work for them

You get a cookie for not killing anyone over muffintops.

Hillary's Immigrant Attack Squad



Race of peace smh

radical christians and radical muslims are virtually the same. So weird. If only they had some sort of similar trait in their culture which could predict stupid and violent behavior...

The  Analytical Engine was a mistake.

Another member of the DDF?

Probably just a single issue shooter.

Not in the way Sayoc was. This guy is an old-school nut.

False flag. Libs did this.

Mayos are fighting back, too bad it’s Muda, mayocide is happening whether they like it or not

This guy has been planning to murder people all his life, I guarantee it.

I have been PMSLing at r/conspiracy over the last couple of days because of their MAGAbomber desperation. I'll have to change my underwear for this one.

7 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue. Only CNN, MSNBC, and NBC broke into regular programming to cover this. (the title implies they knew in advance, not a criticism of Fox etc)

They're getting desperate. At least 8 dead in shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue" on YouTube

Never stop resisting Jewish-supremacy.

Its good to see that lunatic nutjobs can cut through the politic polarization and still hate the jews and blame them for everything

Wow, he has more twitter followers than I do.