Pittsburgh shooter's Gab account (partial archive, some more archived posts in comments)

1  2018-10-27 by Vorefag


I'm not used to such hate being directed at me and that made me cry


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I always new these bots were Jews

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Wew. He didn't like Daddy because Daddy wasn't nationalist enough.

There's the key DDF needs to claim "not ours"

Not DDF, but maybe Proud Boys-leaning given the neo-Nazi anti-Jew vibe.

Proud Boys love Israel to embarrassing degrees. But I guess "proud boy" is the new npc slander to throw around, previously 'incel', before that 'altright' etc.

They literally chanted "blood and soil" at Charlottesville, lmao.

First of all, not sure how that says anything about Jews. Second of all, that wasn't the Proud Boys.

Yeah, let's pretend blood and soil isn't a throw back to late 1800s-early 1900s German nationalism.


Blood and soil (German: Blut und Boden) is a slogan expressing the nineteenth-century German idealization of a racially defined national body ("blood") united with a settlement area ("soil"). By it, rural and farm life forms are not only idealized as a counterweight to urban ones, but are also combined with racist and antisemitic ideas of a sedentary Germanic-Nordic peasantry as opposed to (specifically Jewish) nomadism. The contemporary German concept Lebensraum, the belief that the German people needed to reclaim historically German areas of Eastern Europe into which they could expand, is tied to it.

Oh wow late 19th century German nationalism, sounds very worrying.

Fucking CSI and shit seeing how we can turn every little thing into Hitler.

You claimed blood and nationalism wasn't related to Jews.

I don't buy that shit. I know lots of people who don't think he's nationalist enough, but none of them hate him, they pretty much all support him. Doesn't pass the smell test.

I know lots of people who don't think he's nationalist enough

Lmao. Do you have a special retard badge that goes with your achievement?

American nationalists make no sense. What have you got to be nationalist about? It's just a bunch of land that you stole off the Indians, and you've only been there a couple of hundred years. You don't even have your own language, or any real roots in that place you just happened to find yourself in because your ancestors got kicked out of Europe for being religious retards.

A nation needs roots, language, and history. Not a settler colonialist state set up by a bunch of lawyers and merchants with a ridiculous "constitution" so they could more easily exploit their slaves and attract riff raff from all over the earth to come and live there.

Germany has even less history, and I don't see people complaining about German national...hey, I guess you're onto something!

Germany has got thousands of years of history. They used to fight the Romans when they tried to invade. Then they became the Holy Roman Empire.

I mean...if you want to drag predecessor states into this, sure.

Do you really think German culture only starts in 1871?


Doesn't pass the smell test.

Classic lmao

I'm starting to think this guy doesn't like Jews.

What could possibly make you think that?

Subtle he was not.


I liked to think that I was fairly in tune with the world. But this guy has shown me there are some brutal people out there living amongst us.

Another retarded Boomer being a retarded shooter. Sadly typical, it seems



This guy is solidly gen x

Boomerism isn't just a number, friendo. It's a way of life.

cracks open a natty lite


Man, this guy really hated Trump. These Nazis stop at nothing to sever the alliance between us and our greatest ally.


Of course he has a Gab account. Wonder how ass-hurt he got when they banned cartoon kiddie porn.

Lol did they really?

I kinda get a kick out when those "no rules" forums start having rules that begins with that exact rule. It's almost clockwork.

That's beautifully pathetic. Truly it's like Christmas.

How did I miss, like, all of this. They all need to be put on a list, although I'm sure most certainly are.

The whole point of federated accounts isn't for there to be no rules it's for the rules to be limited to federated sites with long lived accounts across sites. Like reddit if each of subs only had mods and no admin oversight.

And yet the types that find that kind of rule making "good" immediately flood with Loli-shit. Not. A. Coincidence. Lol

you don't have to be a loli fuckhead to care about unrestricted speech but if you are a loli fuckhead you probably care about unrestricted speech.

The overlap is quite noticeable

Or we just cover the most ridiculous cases in /r/drama. But even then, knowing full well that 95% of the speech that would otherwise be censored is unworthy of defense and detestable you still have to uphold the ideal for the rare case.

No one is writing hard hitting exposes on Assads war crimes on Gab. While the issue of free speech is something I hold dear, to say all speech and therefore outlets are on the same plane is silly.

to say all speech and therefore outlets are on the same plane is silly.

Who said that? The benefit of federated accounts is that it avoids the problem of ideological and controlling admins because setting up a new site is trivial and accounts can move between them while maintaining their identity. If the mods decided to shut down /r/drama today we could all go to /r/freedrama relatively unperturbed but if the admins decided to shut it down and shut down all new subs we'd be SOL. With federated accounts we could go out of the jurisdiction of the admins if we so chose.

Hey I can kinda get behind the idea but it seems more like a massive lack of quality control and an easy way for utter shit to overwhelm anything useful or positive. Basically the same issue all social media platforms are.

The "subreddit" type sites would have their own quality control, in fact with less erasure of idenity between sites you'd have greater quality control because you'd be able to vet people's history across multiple sites. I'm not advocating for a single site with a shitshow of no moderation, although a couple of those may be beneficial, but a whole system of federated internet identity using a shared identity ledger.

While I could see how that'd be useful in very select circumstances (ie truly oppressive regimes) could be an opsec disaster... Too many breadcrumbs but that's a different topic entirely.

Turns out there's a kiwifarms filter in the sub lmao, I had posted this 2 hours ago but it got filtered out.

Here's more of his profile


The original image is from kiwifarms, go there if you want to see it uncompressed. they have a sub-forum for shooters.

He was also a prolific poster in /r/conspiracy. Too bad it would be considered doxing to post a link before the main stream media

He also was an rabid srdine. I'd post the links but it's doxxing and all.

The absolute state of boomers

I genuinely don't understand why Jews are bad or evil to some people.


Maybe you should research it.

This has been a thing forever pretty much.


gab user

The fact that the cops didn’t have a shoot-on-sight edict for this guy is a grievous oversight.