GenderCritical has a new prerogative: gas all furries!

1  2018-10-27 by jizzed_off


They aren't wrong...


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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Damn Snappy you don't gotta take it so personally. I don't.

I believe that in 20 years time pornography will be looked upon as a similar to lead paint in terms of the brain damage it causes.

99% chance she watches the most degerate, misogynistic porn possible

You don't need to just "no u"

That's some basic Reddit shit

Just call her a retarded moralizing cunt

moralizing cunt

Calling anti-porn women prudes is still pretty basic tbh

Nah man. I mean every thread that involves a racist/homophobic/whatever guy, the top epic comment is always something like

"Bet he jerks off to interracial porn"

"How long until we catch him with a male prostitute"

It's the epitome of 😴 take. "He says he that X is bad, but he secretly likes X! That's shameful!"

By saying that she probably likes "bad" porn you are basically agreeing with her that liking "bad" porn is bad.

Yeah, you're right that guy is basic but so are you for saying she doesn't like porn haha what a moralizing prude.

But it's the definition of the word "moralizing"

she probably watches disgusting Japanese pornography with adult women who appear to be underdeveloped, have a small, cute boyish frame, a delicious flat chest and who act young and inexperienced doing all sorts of dirty things while wearing a middle school sailor fuku uniform and call their male partner onii-chan. Its gross that some people are into stuff like that.

Hello Yamete, how was your week away?

Every day that passes it is more evident that Japan was a mistake.

very true, it's disgusting that some people are into these cute, small, boyish women and the Japanese studios just make it worse by specifically catering to degenerate preferences like this

we shouldn't have stopped at two

the second one missed so it was more like 1.5

Yeah.... I um, ...agree.

Wow. I never thought I'd agree with them until now.

Something I can agree with, furries need to be gassed

That may be the second best sub on this site. Speaks more to reddit's low quality than the content.

Is this a blossoming of a new friendship?

OwO gas me daddy

Mainstream porn acts you can find readily would have been the freakish weirdo shit 30 years ago.

Lol, someone obviously has never watched the cannibal, gore or incest pork (and I am not talking about the fake step mother shut) of the 70s. Oh and remember when

cannibal, gore or incest pork


This is why Allah forbade the consumption of pork.

weird flex but ok

As much as the 70s was filled with debauchery, those particular porn tastes were still very much underground and not nearly as easily accessed as they are now.

The 70s literally had underage pork stars

Violent crime overall is going down but violence against women is rising

Uh huh...

violence against women is rising

...she moaned, as she plunged the rabbit vibe deeper into her asshole.

a: that seems overly detailed

b: is anal appropriating from gay men?

Lol rabbits are not made for gay men

You can append that to just about any sentence to make it infinitely better.

You can append that to just about any sentence to make it infinitely better

...she moaned, as she plunged the rabbit vibe deeper into her asshole.

They left out the fact that the increase in violence comes from other wimminz

I am offended by this

I love these Femcels.

If not for their odious personalities and frumpy bodies, they'd run the world.

They managed to be more boring than the tradtards

WTF i love gendercritical now

goddamn. you beat me to it

wtf I'm a TERF now

Internalized furryphobia is a real thing apparently.

Stop sticking your comments fagget

Jesus Christ, I'm really digging all these TERFS lately. First they hate trannies and now furries. If they'd just accept buddy superiority then we'd be golden

So who's next?

Finally they make sense


GenderCritical is a radical centrist sub now. Prove me wrong. Hint: you can't

They don't like bussy.

That is something I can go behind

Fuck you for posting this. Now I agree with those fags.

suffer not the furry to live desu

Gas! Gas! Im going to step on the gas! Tonight!

This but unironically

Fuck, I finally agree with GC on something