Alt-right man shoots up a synagogue. Voat discusses how this is obviously a deep state false flag.

1  2018-10-27 by UnexpectedLizard



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Voat looks like leddit 2.0

More of Reddit .67 alpha build

Still better than the redesign

Literally anything is better than the redesign

Pinterest disagrees

Please don't bring up Pinterest.

Google images should just blacklist them tbh

Literally I am waiting for the redesign to become obligatory and watch Voat nazis scream in panic as their safe space is invaded.

4chan and TD had a baby

bringing up Voat is always a low effort

Right, like am I expected to click that link and go to Voat?

Cause I'm good, fam.

what's so bad about about a website where literally every second post is about killing race traitors and women that cuck their race?

How's that any different than this up?

it's not, that's the problem

saying Voat says something stupid or racist is so reductive that unless it's someone from Voat killing people (it very well might be lol) it's not worth reporting

Dude Bussy


Pokemon Go to Voat

This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


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Not going in that shithole

No right-wing nut would do this right before the elections. It makes no sense

People who shoot up synagogues are known for their political timing after all.

Some Brexiteer brutally stabbed an MP... Unless that was a false flag of the British deep fried state...

Even worse, he didn't have his knoif loicense. In the nick for loif he is

He killed her because of her strong Islamophilia, even in the face of Paki rape gangs in her constituency.

The only "let's throw all reason out the window and just say the person is crazy" thing is stupid.

I talked to people "why would Assad gas a city he had choked off when that's literally the one thing he could do to fuck it all up?" People "who knows man, he's crazy."

You can justify any nonsense with that, it's lazy thinking. It's assuming people will act with no rationale or reason. I'd imagine someone who was willing to throw away their life for a political purpose would probably have some awareness of timing and presentation.

Speaking of timing, weird how we were just reeling from the weak, weak van bomber story when this happens the next day. How odd.

Indeed, how odd that something can happen one day and something else might happen the day after it. Already that's iron clad proof of a conspiracy. Galaxy brain thinking right there

Just now, I flushed my toilet after taking a poopoo, then pressed save on this reddit post. Smells like a mystery!

And pray tell, how is the van bomber story weak? Basement dwellers make bomb threats all the time.

Not enough postage on the packages, no postmark. No way this person would be able to directly deliver packages to high level political figures. CNN taking the bomb out and unconcernedly taking pictures without any bomb defusal people. The ridiculous nature of the whole thing - big difference between 'making bomb threats' and mailing out a dozen pipebombs, all duds, to famous people, right before a huge election. The van with a brand new Trump collage, which it did not have a short while before. This following a long number of increasingly desperate and absurd leftist attempts to mess with the political process. Come on. Does anyone believe this stuff?

Given how a Qanon managed to re-enact the last quest of New Vegas, and get caught immediately. I wouldn't rule out the sheer amount of stupidity they can get up to.

Also implying they didn't determine the bomb was a dud THEN taking it out.

So your theory is this was a false flag but the CIA is so incompetent they can't put enough postage on a package?

If everything had been perfect you'd be claiming it was a false flag because "you expect me to believe this crazy person pulled it all off without a single mistake?"

If everything had been perfect you'd STILL be claiming it was a false flag because "you expect me to believe this crazy person pulled it all off without a single mistake?"

Bretty stupid desu. Tortured logic.

He literally said fuck optics on his gab page,

Trump is somehow radicalizing right wing nut jobs both for and against him.

Its kind of impressive, not gonna lie.

I thought these Qultists were conditioned to "Trust the plan" every time there was a conflict with an extreme right-wing view of theirs i.e. him not coming out and ordering the slaughter of all HuffPo editors and Mexicans.

Lmao this guy is so right wing the media cannot call him a Trump supporter

>Who benefits?

I don't know, probably the guy who wanted to kill Jews.

He died

Every synagogue attack in modern times has ended up as fake.


Alt right eh? Fell back on that because he came out as clearly anti trump.

Because voat was planning a similar deed and now feels unhappy that his fame is going unheard.


Is he though??

He said hd didnt like trump cuz trump had too many Jews around

But it isnt like he was voting for hilldog

hes a white nationalist who hates daddy because hes orange