Incel gets castrated.

1  2018-10-27 by OniTan


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


  1. This Post -,*,,

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That's nuts

No, did you not read the link? There are no more nuts.

On the plus side, he's now aerodynamic

Fucking moids... but it makes sense.

Eat too much? Stomach reduction.

Too obsessed with money? (((Rhinoplasty))).

Wank too much? Alex Jones doesn't sell Super Male Invitality, so it's off to see a vet. No other option.

Underrated comment

My decline in romantic interest in women didn't really affect my actual social life. I didn't date any women before or after, though I did try to before and have made no effort to after, but I suppose that could count as a "change in social life" depending on how you look at it.

My friends, family and coworkers have not noticed anything different or at least if they have they didn't say anything. I never told anyone about this that I know in real life.

Am I happy? I would say that I'm satisfied in the sense that I believe I made the right decision. There was a period though, where I experienced extreme regret and was severely depressed and suicidal. It really tore me up having to go to work after a life altering surgery, being suicidal because I regretted it, and having to pretend like nothing happened and nothing bothered me. Eventually though I came to the conclusion what I did was for the better.

Here is the best way I can put it. Imagine having a friend that you've had since childhood. He seems like a cool guy in some ways but he's into a lot of shady things. He's into popping pills and going out and causing general mischief. You did that stuff with him in your teen years and even in college. But your adolescence is long over now. You've grown up and you really can't be doing that shit anymore. But your friend never mentally made it past adolescence and he only wants to do that same shit. You know he's not going to change and you know if you keep hanging out with him you'll end up getting into trouble. The best solution would be to cut him out of your life. You'll miss him because you grew up together but it was for your own good to cut him out of your life.

That's pretty much how this decision was for me. I miss the "old" me in some ways (though obviously not in other) but as a whole I did what needed to be done. It was for the best.

Poor guy's coping so hard to prevent himself from roping.

still unemployed then?

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This is the best approach for incels like that OP.

He definitely one upped nail through dick guy.

He needs a nail and a board to complete the process