PayPal bans Gab for having too many Qboomers

1  2018-10-27 by Suudsu


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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For context, PayPal was already really desperate for a reason to ban them

what kind of monster turns off cleartype

Why is @PayPal even asking a site to takedown content. This is why bitcoin will rise

Bitcoin makes PayPal look downright sensible in comparison. And I fucking hate PayPal.

Lmfao TFW you compare bitcoin (a crpytocurrency) and paypal (a payment processing network offering accounts) unironically.

Bitcoin doesn't look "sensible" because it's the primary currency for the dark web, online drug trade and is already on it's way to becoming the number one human trafficking currency, the number one sanctions-avoiding scheme, one of the most popular money laundering "schemes" for criminals and is already completely and fundamentally linked with nation state based organized crime in countries like Russia and North Korea.

Meanwhile, Paypal effectively polices its network and cuts out criminals, money launderers and child sex trafficking...

There's reason why Paypal will always be more successful in a civil society. Because it allows for tracking and combating organized international crime.

Bitcoin doesn't look "sensible" because it's the primary currency for the dark web, online drug trade and is already on it's way to becoming the number one human trafficking currency, the number one sanctions-avoiding scheme, one of the most popular money laundering "schemes" for criminals and is already completely and fundamentally linked with nation state based organized crime in countries like Russia and North Korea.

And yet, it's everything about it makes a pain in the ass to use.

Which is funny, because the dark web itself is comprised of some of the leanest, best optimized BS (and javascript) free webpages out there.

Yeah because they have to be loaded through TOR

just because

Gab is already denying that the synagogue shooter was a Gab loser who announced his spree on their shit hole twatter clone

it's free publicity for them anyway. I never even heard of them before this.

You know CO detectors are like free at most fire departments, right?

Trumpies don't care for free stuff if it's not covered in asbestos, coal fumes or carcinogens.

They love SSI bennies for their "back pain" though

Only if it comes with opiates on the side

Mmmmm then we have 3rd world Chinese slaves weave it into blankets, rub it on starving pygmy ape children in Africa, then pass the ebola asbestos carcinogen blankets to the Central Americans walking here

"Nah man free stuff by gubmint is socialism"

pretty sure other shooters and criminals have posted on twitter

Difference being Twitter was already famous and widely in use before people started posting their terror plots on it.

gabs been around since like 2014 or some shit you knob its not a terrorist twitter

Literally never heard of it πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

well yeah its small scale and basically only used by people who really hate twitter but still want to post dumb shit

So, right-wing nutjobs and terrorists? Lmao.

t. politics poster

everyone hates twitter except fags

everyone hates twitter except fags

And yet Daddy and his buddy Kanye love Twitter.

they like using it, i doubt they actually like the platform or the owners

I doubt Kanye is lucid enough to know what he likes, and Daddy likes literally anybody who says nice things about him, including the leader of North Korea, lmao.

lol at people calling kanye dumb now because he doesnt vote the way they want

including the leader of North Korea, lmao.

he was 100% unironically more professional than anyone else in america he has to deal with

imagine having all these crazy women and black people like maxine waters and liz warren yapping at you all day and having to tune it out, a stilted official meeting with a fat dude in a suit would be a relief

What do you mean "now"? It's been ten years since he freaked out at Taylor Swift, fool.

he was 100% unironically more professional than anyone else in america he has to deal with

Are you retarded? He literally doesn't allow his people the internet or running water πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Which ones have they not removed yet? Can you link us one?

Donald trump amirite

why does that matter this is about whether theyre twitter losers

They'll be lucky if their domain host doesn't kick them the fuck out

How long until there's a nazi TLD?

Fun fact: The .org TLD, registered through PIR, is explicitly anti censorship and would likely tolerate gab. It's just that a three letter .org domain costs $$$.

Gab loser

Not only that, he had a blue check there.

Wait they seriously have blue checkmarks there?

What are the chances they give the checkmark to everyone as a protest on twitter's system though?

If you want take part in the free market of ideas and visit Gab, you'll see a lot of people without it. I don't know why they gave it to him though, since I don't think he was anyone of note prior to the shooting.

You probably earn one by unironically screeching about the Jews a lot

Does this mean facebook, youtube, and twitter should also get shut down when their users do bad stuff?

Why should it even matter if he was? Twitter and Facebook are crawling with ISIS supporters and they aren't blacklisted.

This is just politically motivated because it's a popular site that isn't controlled by leftists.

Why do they tweet on twitter instead of their own shitty site? Oh yeah, because nobody uses it lmao

So people can reply with sassy gifs.

jews gonna jew

Ehem (cough)...


the synagogue shooting was a false flag

Your mother's love was a literal false flag

I mean, you're an idiot and wrong and all, but I'd still love to know why you think the crazy literal neo-Nazi in Yinzerland (honestly, fuck Pittsburgh) is a Soros plot device.

I just at an entire apple pie all to myself and now feel digusting


I do that and all I feel is glowing love for America

"if a thing happens that I do not like...its a false flag. I dont really even know what the term "false flag" means exactly, but I still say it"

programmed robots

not enough people believed the bombs thing lol

do you have a TBI?

is your caretaker nearby?

you are talking utter idiocy

omg im ANGRY that someone is saying something i dont think! i dont know how to respond!

lol stop being a fag

Dude, I dont even know what in the fuck you are saying really

its like retarded right wing talking points filtered thru a inbred meth head

lol ok ill write simply and in bullet points so your dyslexic ass can parse the words

-they faked some bombs

-the fake bombs were dumb and fake, and lot of people dont believe it was a real threat

-they needed another extreme thing to scare people

-so they faked a shooting

-oh no a shooting this is trumps america vote democrat

-and then you vote democrat because youre just that easily led

i still dont get why so many of you claiming you dont understand things or cant read is some sort of burn against me lol maybe you need more education

get checked for a TBI

it might not be too late for treatment

lol get some more responses jesus christ

Imagine being this retarded

Imagine still getting mad when cap says stupid shit obviously designed to bait people.

you put a lot of faith in peoples abilities

don't have to, I'm a /r/drama poster


It's good that guns are highly restricted in the place that captainpriapism infects irl

For the security of my sanity I choose to believe that's a Markov Bot set to "Unironic nazi."

"not everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi" right after your man shoots up a bunch of jews is pretty bold

George Soros bought into Paypal and he caused them to refuse service to Alex Jones as well. I have had an account with Paypal since 2007...I will now delete my account. I hope many more patriots will do the same. I pray that Soros gets just what he deserves very, very soon.

This person sounds well meaning

all the boomer shooters are false flag


also death to all jews

boomers lmao

be old Jewish billionaire

Wake up

turn on news

Fox News saying I supported the people who took my parents from me


decide to make myself feel better by helping out some poor Mexicans

be accused of funding invading army

receive letter of thanks from charity I donated to

this will surely make me feel better

open it

it’s a bomb

What's the parents thing? Did I miss something?

A misunderstanding I guess as they survived the Nazis and he was with them.

But Foxcels are always tying to lie about him being a Nazi. He was taken along to a house where Jewish property was being catalogued one time, and the "happiest time of my life" quote (referring to pride in his father).

First we banned all conservatives from normal outlets, and now we're taking away their funding for the alternates so that they'll have to act even more like a criminal enterprise.

If by conservatives you mean Nazis then sure. There are plenty of conservatives still on Twitter you victimizing twat.

Conservative twitter is really funny, regardless of whether you agree with them - its good banter. Gab is nazi garbage and should fuck themselves.

How much does Soros pay you to come and shit post here Millennial? Boomers are unique and changed the world.


You are a millinennial--at least according to your social media.

Although you're acting like a boomer--apparently you don't realize that anyone using modern reddit suite tools can see everything about you.

Your reddit account isn't anonymous...I really hope you realize that.

google "ironic"

You got whooshed son

The Greatest Generation were the parents of the Baby Boomers.

If they were the greatest, why did they raise kids to become Boomers? Checkmate.

Okay, this is epic

Alexa, play vietnam war film helicopter music

Ok playing your CCR playlist

You've got a point there.

Because they had gone through a depression and two world wars and wanted to give their kids whatever they could even if it wasn't a great idea? Maybe that's why?

Also, stop logging into alt-accounts to argue with yourself and post anti-semetic comments in attempts to get subs you don't like shutdown. Thanks.

Maybe that's why?

Or maybe they just spoiled them too much.

Also, stop logging into alt-accounts to argue with yourself

You know that you're one of my alts?

Or maybe they just spoiled them too much.

When you've suffered through what that generation did, then you can make that judgement. Until then, shut the fuck up.

That's something from a person who complains 24/7 about Liberals on the Internet.

Where did you get the idea that I complain about liberals all the time? I barely ever mention liberals. I spend most of my time on star trek and star wars subs, or the CF sub. Either way, it's utterly ridiculous for you to critique a generation unequivocally suffered far more than our own. Honestly, it makes more sense to ask baby-boomers what the hell they were doing raising all these whiny millennials we have today, and I'm saying this as a millennial.

Ah Jesus, pull your head out of the ass called nostalgia. You know which generation suffered more than the WW2 generation, the WW1 generation. And you know which one had it even worse? The one before. Are you going to play oppression Olympics? You can be thankful for them and their sacrifices, but that doesn't exclude them from being criticized.

Honestly, it makes more sense to ask baby-boomers what the hell they were doing raising all these whiny millennials we have today, and I'm saying this as a millennial.

Ask yourself which generation taught Baby Boomers how to raise children. That's right, your and mine glorious WW2 generation. They made their children so incompetent in raising children, that you're stuck now with whiny millennials.

The very fact that you uttered something so stupid as "oppression Olympics" ends this conversation.

You're the only reason for the end of this conversation, nothing else.

My man what's the difference? You think blumpf isn't a conservatard?

A leftists accusing others of playing victime

The left-tard screeches in pain as it attacks you

How did you make two spelling mistakes in one sentence?

Not paying full attention.

These fuckers and those who think like them have been killing people and being all around cunts for a very long time.

As is why the #Mayocide simply must happen.

Conservatives are all deranged Q boomers

This smells like a good liberal bait, keep it up!

Oh no my discount nazi twitter is gone! Guess i better shoot up a humane society. Their fault, not mine for being batshit crazy.

Also your statement makes conservatives sound like they are inherently dangerous and criminal, so gj.

Shutting down their ability to propagate their ideology and radicalize each other is what stops them from committing crimes. They aren't going to shoot up places because we take away their alternative twitter/reddit/etc, but because we fail to do so quickly enough.

PayPal s just a glorified merchant provider, and there rates are expensive. There are 100s if not 1000s of merchant service providers that will process CCs and other forms of payment for a fee out there on the web. What does PayPal do that is so special?

Ez integration, especially with recurring payments. Low risk to never have to touch a cc #

Now that they're blacklisted though they'll have to use a porn merchant provider.. those rates about to jumo

Also whenever I go to pay for something and get forwarded to World Pay or some shit I always do a double check for legitimacy.

PayPal has that trust factor.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is PayPal Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Invest A Crypto-Currency Platform Like Nigga Get Some Bitcoin


I bet the lolis did this

Good, fuck those assholes.

PayPal did not appreciate them banning the lolis.

"Its like youtube comments, but better"


(why is some cunt pming me about this shit prolly linking me to something sketchy)[]


Pay pal refusing conservative sites?

Right wing moneys not good enough?