OP's husband is being a jerk. r/breakingmom calmly discusses the positive virtues of men.

1  2018-10-28 by Gugulen1


I did a research paper this summer on this subreddit and there was a published study that found that 74% of attacks on Reddit came from 1% of source subreddits. I assume that subs like r/Drama are the 1%.


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having gainful employment to support his family what an asshole.

It's over for femcels.

fuck men. Fuck them forever and ever. They are weak ass humans that always need people to do things for them. Most of them are selfish - born and raised to be selfish as fuck. Do whatever THEY want. Can’t inconvenience them to do something for someone else unless it benefits THEM. Can’t possibly think of other people’s needs or feelings first - something women are taught to do from the very beginning of time.


I second this motion.

It sounds like something that would get upvoted here if 'men' were replaced with 'women'

the moid menace tbvhwy

It also sounds like that would get upvoted by gendercritical if you change literally nothing

Or twoX, really.

men replaced by women

Misandrist much sweaty?

But it'd be the truth then.

That should be on the side bar for twox, trollx, gendercritical and menslib.


Op's husband sounds like a man child tbh.

I hope I do not have the benevolent curse of owning a gaming system (or a reddit account) when I have kids. And he doesn’t even see what’s wrong with it...

Real Dads have a tool shed and a drinking problem. Fuck this new age shit.

fatso who plays games every day for 7 hours and dunks on his wife for being a mayo chubsters while he's probably worse himself. For sure.

The only way I would have sympathy for him is if he has to work a high stress high paying job to keep up with frivolous spending by his wife. If he's giving his wife shit and calling her fat because he's stressed from his shit job (wtf? why?) and ignoring his kids he is a bit of a cunt. How autistic do you have to be to spend like 30 times more time playing xbox instead of with your kids. I guarantee this guy is fat too.

I get defensive, tell him he doesn't have to talk like that. He gets angry that I don't take the criticism and that I'M now criticizing HIM.

I wouldn't be surprised if his stress from work is from something like "Hey Bill, you need to change the way you do this task. It's not working and it's causing people trouble down the line". Unless she's leaving out her calling him a selfish prick and shit father which wouldn't surprise me.

Seriously he’s just another person to take care of and clean up after. The only way he benefits you is financially. If you get out, you can collect child support and alimony and reduce 90% of your stress.

Why to never marry gussy. Exhibit A.

It’s not fussy. It’s the fact the gussy thinks it’s a person with opinions and rights


"It's just like in Handmaid's Tale!"

No it's fine to marry them, just make sure you never earn more than them. Wife starts talking about wanting to be a stay at home mom? "Honey, good news, I just quit my job to be a stay at home dad!"

at least he has a job. actually scratch that, since shes a SAHM taking care of the house and kids IS her job and shes trying to pass it off on him, while she sits around hating the guy who makes her cushy sahm life possible.

Me: waking up day and night with kids, doing every single meal for everyone, washing every dish, Every load of laundry, taking care of diapers,potty, bath time, bed time, preschool, grocery shopping, appointments, keeping track of major things like insurance and taxes.

When you average ~20-30 hours of actual work and consider life hard.

It's incredibly unlikely that this even reaches 20-30 hours of activity.

Any job you can do in your pajamas is not a hard job

Thanks for the insight Bill Burr.

Anytime ya cunt

75% of her tasks are automated and require no thought or real effort in this day and age.

She makes simple household chores sound like back breaking work. Laundry is probably one of the easiest things to do. "keeping track of insurance and taxes"?? That's not even a real chore, I keep track of my insurance and taxes by paying my bills every month, she makes it sound like she's having to file taxes every week.

Yep, i'd say the biggest thing making stay at home moms go crazy is the mind numbing boredom, not the hard work. You'd think that more women would be authors, considering the sheer volume of them that have the time to sit and write every day.

and are the harpies that expect us to care about shit like "emotional labour"...

This is literally easier than any job I have ever worked. If you hate being a mother so much maybe its not your husbands fault. Dont like it? Hire a nanny and go out and work but thats quite a bit more labor intensive than driving to a preschool twice a day and taking a half hour a month to check over insurance and taxes. They just sound depressed and they should get divorced tbqh

I like the way she just glosses over him going to work and makes him seem lazy

im, completely mentally checked out. Wakes up literally 5minutes before work/ works in his home office. Sometimes goes into work during the afternoon. Comes home, spends 10 mins playing with kids, gets on his xbox to play from 7pm-2am every night. On the weekend, He sleeps until 11a, wakes up, plays xbox from 11a-2/4am the next morning. Like once every 2-3 weeks, on a weekend, he'll do some kind of yard or housework that he's procrastinated. That's his entire life, every day every week.

If she doesn't see it, it's not work!

I’m a stay at home mom, my husband works a lot at a very high stress job. I ONLY expect him to spend as much time as he can with the kids, even if it’s just sitting in the same room as them. He doesn’t have to clean, he doesn’t have to worry about meals, or errands, or ironing, or listen to me talk about mundane stupid neurotic shit (I try to put that shit aside when he comes in the door). I KNOW what I married, and I accepted him despite his lack of homemaker skills.

I’m sooooo grateful I get to stay at home and not work a shitty job, and I’m not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth and fuck this up by constant nagging. I’m sure some husbands are truly terrible, but I think a lot of women just have incredibly unrealistic expectations.


But you could divorce him and not have to cook or clean for him anymore, while still getting all the financial support.

Instead of thanking me for giving him this luxurious carefree lifestyle, he's constantly critical, belittling me. He tells me "you don't have any clue how stressed I am about work since you DON'T WORK."

lollll...stay at home mom mad that someone is criticizing her leeching ways.

Also, I'm terribly spiteful.

well at least they're self-aware

Your husband is a hateful dickhead and you should crush his testicles in a waffle iron.

Wow and yet only subs full of loser men get quarantined for being so bad with their rhetoric.

Feel like this interaction is obligatory https://imgur.com/a/PMhiUhA

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Nice, bro. Here's mine:


Thanks, sister. Braver than the sick drone pilots in their gamer chairs that killed all those Afghani mothers 😪

You don’t deserve this. I’ve been in a pretty strong man-hating mode lately (due some fucked up things in my marriage) - so I’ll say it: fuck men. Fuck them forever and ever. They are weak ass humans that always need people to do things for them. Most of them are selfish - born and raised to be selfish as fuck. Do whatever THEY want. Can’t inconvenience them to do something for someone else unless it benefits THEM. Can’t possibly think of other people’s needs or feelings first - something women are taught to do from the very beginning of time. WE have to be so considerate. WE have to put ourselves last. WE have to make things work. Fuck it, not anymore. Go on strike, full stop. Run some strong magnets over his PlayStation. Pinch the cords of his headset so the volume doesn’t work. Stop cooking for him - meals only for you and the kids. Eat before he gets home. Bring the kids into the room when they wake up and have them play on your bed - no sleeping in! It’s family time motherfucker! Everyone’s up! Kid up in the middle of the night? Time to wake him up too. “Oh? You didn’t want to get woken up? I thought this wasn’t ‘work’ or ‘hard’ so figured you can do it. It’s so easy, right? You can easily do this non-difficult task”. I’d wake his ass up every single time. All the time. If he’s still awake, time to unplug his PlayStation and hand him a kid. “Your turn! Isn’t this fun!” Also, I’m terribly spiteful. Also, very much hating men right now. Hope you got some ideas or at least a laugh. You deserve happiness. You deserve more, he does not deserve you. He doesn’t deserve his kids. He is not a parent, he is a needy house plant.

Anyone want to bet that this lady’s name is Karen?

I've known more coherent downies.

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So go work in the coal mine and let him take care of the kids you dumb harpy.

This woman is a stay at home mom.

I doubt her husband comes home and tries to pass his work off on to her, so why does she think that she's entitled to try to pull that garbage on him?

Histrionic mother who thinks doing taxes once a year with fucking TurboTax is hard smh.

The fact that she exaggerated her duties to that degree makes me think she is probably exaggerating her husband's behavior too.

I think you're being too charitable. Knowing most men, they would violently assault or possibly murder you. Men literally care more about a piece of plastic than a living human being, as long as that human being is a woman of course.

Lmao women on Reddit are almost as big of a joke as mayos are.

How can one bitch about women when they only spend their time in their father's basement?