Some SRDines are scandalized to learn that missionary in a darkened room isn't good enough for everyone

1  2018-10-28 by dootwthesickness_II


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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If I'm masturbating to something, it's because I want it to be real, just like literally 100% of humans who masturbate to things they can't have in that moment.

He's right.

I masturbate to SRDines walking into Saudi consulates all the time


Mods are a spook

There's actually a bit of sanity from some of the posters. Honestly though, the sheer number of people who refuse to believe fantasy is just fantasy is pretty scary.

I'm not going into my personal life but I see it like this. Fantasy is fun. The folks who cry foul all the time are just programmed to hate any kind of fun that doesn't appeal to them. The worst types are the ones that not only hate the fun,they co-op it and morph it into something as joyless as them.

Anyway, the Original Topic is a fucking goldmine. It's a fucking clicker game.

Honestly though, the sheer number of people who refuse to believe fantasy is just fantasy is pretty scary.

I bet they'll rev up the rationalization engine when it comes to women's fantasies though.

No, they're consistent. A woman who gets off on being roughly handled has "issues," and she needs help. Just let me liberate you, as that popular song from 2013 went.

SRDines are totally nice guys who’ll save all wamen from the “bad boys” they’re actually interested in

Cos she’s a good girl 🎶

nope the ratinalization is about violent video games because they are fucking nerds and the moral outcry against them is obviously unfair whille their moral outcry useing the exact same argument is different because shut up they're right.

The amount of people who have a hard time with Fantasy vs reality seems higher in the past 10 years or so. Every week there seems to be some new controversy about how depictions of “x” cause “y” or how acknowledgements = endorsements. Shit is bizarre.

Studies have shown that religious people have a harder time with the fantasy/reality distinction, and SJW-ism is a cult in all but name.

I think it mostly comes down to “intent “ being disregarded.

fantasy is just fantasy

That just makes no sense. Own up to your fantasies people.

If you run around in a vidya like a little mass murderer then you are into killing people. You watch it, you role play it, you like it. When I play as some dude with a sword crawling in a cave looking for treasure it's not 'cause I am enjoying the experience on some aesthetic level of a pure fantasy. It's cause I want that experience myself but crawling in caves with swords irl is retarded.

If you get off to rape then you are turned on by the thought of someone getting raped, duh. And that is sick, but oh well. People are messed up. Clearly that doesn't mean everyone is a rapist or a murderer. But this whole "oh its just my innocent fantasies I didn't do nothing" is such bullshit.

Are you actually retarded or just larping?

Mostly LARPing, but you sicko fucks fantasizing about all kinds of shit and then sitting there foaming at the mouth with denials that it tells something about your personality is pretty funny. I have no clue what it all actually means or what the answer to any of it is. But I am a simple man. I see a dude jerking off to loli hentai I call him a pedophile. It's just not a stretch.

It might be a sign of autism that you cannot fantasize without self-inserting, id auggest visiting a doctor and checking if youre entitled to neetbux

this makes no sense, sometimes i play as a rogue character even though irl i'd be a cleric 🙄

I get off on rape and sadistic BDSM shit, and I've never raped anybody (nor do I want to), and I've only smacked the shit out of one woman (she literally asked for it... it was weird, I didn't enjoy doing it).

JUST KIDDING. I've raped and tortured like a dozen women. Fantasy = immediate precursor to action, he's right.


I stopped reading there.

Mate, its perfectly simple. If you get off to chicks being raped you're probably a bit of a rapist. Same as if you get off to cute, deliciously flat chested anime girls, then you're probably a pedo. How hard is it to only jerk it to mature anime women who give their full consent?

If you get off to chicks being raped you're probably a bit of a rapist.

So women with rape fantasies (therefore getting off to the idea of women being raped) are actually the rapists themselves and need to be sectioned and put on the sex offenders registry?

I unironically agree.

Chicks should be put on the sex offender registry, no matter wether they get off on women being raped, tho.

Rape fantasies are actually popular among women.

you post on /r/drama?

you're propably a bit of a retard

So how many chicks would I need to get off to to make me an entire rapist?

fantasy is just fantasy

This is all well and good but there is still no amount of money that makes me meet up with /u/mircy in an isolated location.

You could probably overpower her.

and she would like it

The most shocking part of this post is the fact that there is a community dedicated to discussing cookie clicker esque games

Ghdust2 threads always bring the metadrama.

...I have a question though, why are people saying that violent video games might affect a mind of a possible school shooter downvoted to hell? If this kind of "games" or even softcore huge tits of Soul Calibur might " create rapists and sexist" them surely the same can be said about CoD in which you can literally shoot up a civilian airport or Hatred - a game created by actual fucking neo nazi nutcases.

I dunno why people hate hearing that, but I agree with you. I think it’s obvious that exposure to violence desensitizes you to violence, and if you were already inclined to be violent, this desensitization might be one more factor that pushes you towards lashing out irl. But the price for living in a society that values artistic freedom is that art with dark tones (and garbage that barely even pretends to be art, obvi) will be produced, and some people will consume it and be influenced by it. That’s a price we should be willing to pay.

I agree with you completely, but same individuals later go and reee - "Vampire - The Masquarade Bloodlines sequel should happen, because it might be mildly sexy and have some cleavage"

Wait, should happen or shouldn’t? These sorts tend to be sex-phobic.

Cause they’re hypocritical morons who just believe whatever seems woke. Duh


Video games cannot prepare you for real world violence. If someone walks up and slams a battleaxe into the head of person next to you. You will cry like a little bitch and get PTSD.


"Something MIGHT create rapists" is just a retarded argument. Sugar might give you diabetes, do we ban sugar now?

And all the studies on the topic are just that, it "might" influence people's belief system in some way, but we don't exactly know how or to what extent. Well quick now, better ban all the violence in art!

> violent video games might affect a mind of a possible school shooter downvoted to hell?

video games only have an infinitesmal effect, no one has ever given examples of potential school shooters who suddenly came to their senses after they stopped playing gta.

So, same should work with shit like mentioned Soul Calibur and yet it somehow creates sexist abusers.

Oh my god look at all the four plus paragraph responses like who tf has the time to write all this downsy sexology shit

IDK, but these people are out there. Remember that guy who would show up in every, and I do mean every, post about animals on this site, and write walls of text about how mosquitoes have rights? This person is like his femcel sister.

I fantasize about bustin' /r/Ed_ButteredToast's gay mayo cheeks

😩😫💦 🍑 😖

It sounds like sour grapes to me. If someone is going to fantasize about committing rape and having access to any woman they could overpower, why would you fantasize about raping a SRDine?

Conversely, no woman has ever had her loins quiver at the thought of being dominated by some dork who smugposts on an internet forum.

It's just like since people often LARP as vampires, they're actually ok with the idea of assault and murder. Or like how people play Warhammer 40k, and thus are super down with genocide and oligarchies. Or like how because people play GTA, they think that carjacking and murder are perfectly normal. Or like how people who buy shit from Bad Dragon really would fuck a dragon. Or like how all furries are zoophiles.

This one is true though.

Yeah, bad example to bring up after all the Kero/animal torture shit.

Literally everyone who's purchased from Bad Dragon would fuck a real dragon if they could.

OP is right. What he's saying is: " people who fantasize about rape and/or being raped on some level want to rape or be raped." and yeah that goes without saying. if you're fantasizing about that shit on some level you're looking for the ultimate high: actually having it happen in real life. dudes who wank it to to big asses aren't like "yeah i love this huge ass on the screen but i could never want one in real life. that would be too weird!" no one thinks that in real life because it's retarded and illogical. likewise, any thot who's fantasizing about rape most definitely wishes they could get taken by force by some dude who looks like Brad Pitt or George Clooney.


Now this is rapist talk

> yeah i love this huge ass on the screen but i could never want one in real life. that would be too weird!"

analogies aren't arguments.

you're responding to a bot

The absolute state of SRD

Speaking of Pokemon and Hypnosis, can Alakazam consent to sex?

I remember that one!

seeing far-lefties talk about sex is hilarious. they never seem to realise that the people watching gangbang rape videos are more often women than men

Exactly. I'm straight, but if foxbois were real, I'd want one to have its way with me.



I thought the main way they got off was by being triggered by us

ITT: way too much seriousposting

There was one decent comment but the fucking mods removed it.

huh, what was it maybe?

Someone said that masturbatory fantasies do indeed represent real-life desires, and gave as an example his fantasy, which he said involved users of a certain subreddit entering a certain Middle Eastern kingdom’s diplomatic offices.


I challenge any of those dweebs to try holding their girlfriend's arms down by the wrist next time they're making out and see what happens.

Spoiler - She might like it.

I actively avoid fetishizing anything too much because the people who do that end up clearly going down a path of weird escalation because they don't know how to be fucking satisfied with life and have innumerable obvious subconscious issues connected to their sexuality, self-esteem, and happiness.

t. someone with no obvious subconscious issues connected to their sexuality, self-esteem, and happiness