Drama in r/fightporn as brave racewarrior comes out of the woodworks to defend a sucker punch to the backšŸ˜¢. Proceeds to get torn to shreds by the Neanderthals and bullied grade schoolers that share the subšŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢.

1  2018-10-28 by Killer_B_Cell


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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So I'm a neanderthal nazi? While this is one of your posts. Which I agree with except the biological part being racist. Fight or flight from many years of living with lions, tigers, and hippos. While whites lived with foxes and rabbits.


"First off, blacks kill at a higher average than whites on all fronts. What your saying is really problematic because knowing this fact, it is either cultural or... something else. The racists would say biological. Obviously there is a cultural problem in the black community regarding violence. In almost all of the musical artists that Black people (and white teenagers) consume they glorify killings, violence, and illegality. Blaming it on anybody else but ourselves is diverting the problem, because the white man can do nothing to curve the urban blackā€™s (the main perpetrator of this violence) problem. And on the subject of the whites cleaning up ā€œ[their]ā€ act, I couldnā€™t care less. The white peoples murder is a flee bite compared to a bulletwound to my people. This get precedent.

Edit: Obligatory

Donā€™t even start. Iā€™m Black "


Jesus fucking Christ! After viewing your post history I can see you are retarded.

not an argument

Ok this is epic.

Add it to snappy quotes

It seems you got lost somewhere along the way and managed to somehow get back on track. I myself do believe in some distinct differences in the evolutionary psychology of peoples, but I only stated otherwise for the sake of my argument. Even a suggestion of that paralyzes people from the fear of seeming like a racist.

But that being said, youā€™re on r/drama, not circlejoke2, so gtfo with your effort posting