Build The Fence lmao

1  2018-10-28 by MaleEnergy


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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White House Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly told lawmakers in January that Trump's rhetoric on the wall was "uninformed."

"A concrete wall from sea to shining sea" is not going to happen, he said according to the Washington Post, instead calling it a "physical barrier."


DDF cucked yet again

Based Jewish deep state and their kikery tactics! 🙏

MAGAcels on suicide watch 😂🤣

Trump was the one who demanded a transparent wall in the first place right? Because the cartel could be on the other side, and you wouldn't be able to see them. Most of the designs I looked at originally were some horrid mix of concrete at the bottom, steel beams in the middle so you could see through it, and like panels at the top. They seem to have finally cut the shit and just gone with straight steel. Which leaves it as... a fence. A really tall fence.

Pretty transparent that Trump was desperate to shove this out before the election. They did not have congressional approval so they probably had to do some legally questionable maneuvers to divert funding from some other source to Trump's pet project. So they just raised this small segment for the photo op. Probably will end up backfiring though because, again, it looks pretty unimpressive.

We already had fucking border fences lmao.

No we really didn't. They were half as tall as this and made of low quality steel, all rusted, flat and no spikes at the top. This is basically impossible to get over without a grappling hook. The bars are rounded and too wide for someone's hands. You either need a really really tall ladder but then how do you get down without falling? The average person won't be able to get over. You think women, children, the disabled, pregnant women and old people can get over this? This is actually fine believe it or not. The ones in Syria and Israel are actually smaller and less efficient than this and they kept 99.8% of people out. There's also a road near the wall for ice agents to drive back and forth on. There's also vibration sensors for people climbing on them, cutting them and tunneling.

This is probably one of the most hilarious attempts to spin out of the fact Trump didn't build a wall but simply expanded the already existing border fence.

This small section might be a bit taller, and either way, the idea a border wall is going to stop illegal immigration is ignorance at best, blatant retardation at worse.

This has been a thing for years:

"It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, and the haystack is the Pacific Ocean," agent Tim Feige says, minutes before sunrise.

This is a new frontier for illegal immigrants entering the United States — a roughly 400-square-mile ocean expanse that stretches from a bullring on the shores of Tijuana, Mexico, to suburban Los Angeles.

In growing numbers, migrants are gambling their lives at sea as land crossings become even more arduous and likely to end in arrest. Sea interdictions and arrests have spiked year-over-year for three years, as enforcement efforts ramp up to meet the challenge.

While only a small fraction of border arrests are at sea, authorities say, heightened enforcement on land, and a bigger fence, is making the offshore route more attractive.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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Also, it's not like there's mountains or rivers over huge sections of the border lmao. The wall will never be built.

It would actually be built already if we had more people in the senate but a few RINOs keep blocking the process.

Keep telling yourself that

If a border wall stopped between 160,000 and 200,000 illegal crossers — 9 to 12 percent of those expected to successfully cross in the next decade — the fiscal savings would equal the $12 to $15 billion cost of the wall.1

Even just preventing 10% of the crossers in the next decade would be worth it. If it's made well it would pay for itself every year it's up. Israels wall is worse than the one trump wants and it keeps out 99.8% of the people trying to cross it.

Maintenance costs don't real. You right wingers talk so much about how things like universal healthcare won't work here because the US is so large and heterogenous, but then you compare the massive proposed US border wall to the much smaller Israeli wall.

cope harder MAGAcel

Even if it does it will do nothing to stop illegal immigration.

An actual physical wall means shit to the cartels smuggling people in.

This wall looks nothing like the border wall, the actual one across the border has massive holes in it. This one is OVER twice as tall. The first one is so short a fit person can LITERALLY run up the wall with a running start. If the new border wall keeps out only 90% of the illegals then it would still be a massive success. No one on the donald actually expected a giant concrete wall. That's not only ineffective but more expensive. You wouldn't be able to see the other side.

You are literally a retard if you think it was possible to run and jump over the border fence.

Have you ever even seen it?

There's certain spots near the coast very short. There's videos unless you are actually retarded enough to not believe it.

Show me a video of someone jumping over the border fence.

You said run and jump over, not climb over. Do you see how you just got caught in a lie?

WTF is your argument??? Wait did you actually think I meant that someone could leap straight over the 12foot wall? I definitely implied it was easy to climb over. How retarded would you have to be to think that I mean a mexican could jump 12 feet into the air?

You claimed someone could run and jump over the wall, did you not? Should I copy paste that back to you?

Even the new wall can be climbed, it's just a bigger fence.

The meme that “fences/walls don’t work” is dumber than the actual wall. Even if a few Macguyvers get through it makes patrolling the entire border much easier when people can’t just walk across at any point

coping this hard

Peak pede faggotry lmao 😂

We want more immigrants to come in and vote (even if it is done illegally) to make sure that we never have a republican president and majority in Congress again. This is the only way that we can repeal the first and second amendments. Once we make political opposition illegal and handicap citizens’ ability to revolt we can start implementing socialism.

Also, we use the term socialism because it’s a little easier for people that aren’t “woke” to swallow. What we really want is full communism, but done correctly and not the way others have tried in the past.

You're really mediocre at this btw.

Go away, fascist.

Now you're below mediocre.

Imagine my shock

.....that's the wall? That's literary the same shit they had before.

I believe this is a taller fence replacing the one Hillary voted for.

You can't see the landmines and machine gun nests on the other side of it though.

lmao the fuck is that

wtf where is the barb wire on top?

and automated sentry guns that fire high explosive rounds

And mechas

And catgirls

and psionic magi using ESP to detect the browns

It literally looks like an IKEA garden fence

Lol sounds like your garden fence is pretty weak and dainty.

Only 30 feet high steel bollards, only 1/2 inch thick, and only cemented 10 ft deep into the ground? That's nothing,

My garden fence is made from steel bollards is so high, they reach the clouds, thicker than Serena Williams' legs, and burrowed so deep into the ground that they heat up.

My garden fence could totally beat up yours garden fence.

Oftentimes I find myself reading "Camp of the Saints" while masturbating furiously

Seriously, with the right tools you could scale that in minutes...

We have achieved an absolutely unprecedented level of border security here. They must have gone to KBR and said "make it like something you could buy at Home Depot except 4 times taller". Only the leadership of such an inspirational figure as Donald Trump could have made this possible.

So it's the same shit we built before but a little taller. K. I have a feeling that extra tall ladders are about to become hot sellers in Mexico.

Lmao they don't even need to carry a big fixed ladder to hop it, just toss up a long enough rope ladder with enough length to reach the bottom of the other side as well. You only need a single Guatemalan guy to carry it rolled up in a backpack.