The day of the discordocide is upon us.

1  2018-10-28 by pisserpatterwater

Anointed in the blood of people who think it's cool and hip to post about some retarded chatroom, he comes. None shall stand before him.


This commie bussy will only get plowed by one fashy mommy.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /u/voicelesshoodwinker -,*,*

  3. /u/DistortedLines -,*,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I used discord a hell of a lot yet am still here. I think it’s because I kept my shame mostly secret.

ComedicSans' problem appears to be with bringing discord shit here.

Yeah. To which I say: “What’s a discord?”

Good for him

This is never a positive contribution to any conversation

Don’t have r/drama discord server as an offshoot of drama and listed on the side bar if a mod can’t be arsed with the drama it creates. Stripping mods of their position on Drama due to discord nonsense seems rather petty tbh.

Rather petty is exactly how /r/drama mod scuffles should be.

Apparently so. No sense of loyalty. Backstabbing. Smh. None of you are trustworthy.

boring who cares


when are you modding me?

i'm aluzky replacement

But then you'd need sexual experience with animals first, you dumb virgin.

But then you'd need sexual experience with animals first, you dumb virgin.

But then you'd need sexual experience with animals first, you dumb virgin.

Who is upvoting these shitposts? What is wrong with you? What does this post even mean? Who actually gives a shit about the lives of """""""popular""""""" r/Drama users? Fuck off.

It seems like there's a group of ~50 people here with no lives who constantly jerk each other off and all the other 80,000 subscribers just kinda go along with it because, oh, it's weird and circlejerky, that must mean it's funny, better upvote it to demonstrate I get the joke. Because the alternative - that the everyday posters in this community know and approve of whatever the fuck you are talking about - is just too bizarre for me to accept.

1 upvote = 1 prayer to satan

I downvoted this for Jesus.

Bless Up 🙏

wow ultimate anime betrayal

It's over for Satanic Worshiping Sarah-cels!


dude bussy lmao

Do you ever add anything of substance? Or just cliched shitposts, rehashed circlejerks, inane commentary and.. well this?

Sorry if that sounds harsh. Parroting the conventional r/Drama meme is I guess good to some degree but this sub could deal with a bit more substance, critical thinking, insight, etc. We shouldn't be alright with ad naseum repetition of what has been said countless times. At least try to move the needle, advance our understanding of where we are and where this drama is headed or add something new.

You lost me at critical thinking and insight but I'd love to see dinoposting done away with

You lost me at critical thinking and insight

That's a real shame, and shows just how much this subreddit has changed since the good old days. I used to come to r/Drma not only for fun and funny drama, but for deep discussions and news on how reddit itself was reacting to any particular bit of information. Now this is all just my opinion and I don't expect a warmer welcome than the last time I brought this up, but I liked r/Drama years ago. I think it was a useful and thought provoking subreddit filled with discussion that was on a higher intellectual level than the default subs but covered the same topics. I want to see things go back to that.

Where's this pasta from?

How dare you accuse me of plagiarism.

That is an original comment (DO NOT STEAL)!

That's a real shame, and shows just how much this subreddit has changed since the good old days. I used to come to r/Drama not only for fun and funny drama, but for deep discussions and news on how reddit itself was reacting to any particular bit of information. Now this is all just my opinion and I don't expect a warmer welcome than the last time I brought this up, but I liked r/Drama years ago. I think it was a useful and thought provoking subreddit filled with discussion that was on a higher intellectual level than the default subs but covered the same topics. I want to see things go back to that.

That's a real shame, and shows just how much this subreddit has changed since the good old days. I used to come to r/Drama not only for fun and funny drama, but for deep discussions and news on how reddit itself was reacting to any particular bit of information. Now this is all just my opinion and I don't expect a warmer welcome than the last time I brought this up, but I liked r/Drama years ago. I think it was a useful and thought provoking subreddit filled with discussion that was on a higher intellectual level than the default subs but covered the same topics. I want to see things go back to that.

definitely mod this guy

good old days


Be careful, you're reaching boomer levels of reminiscing over the good ol days



first, is this pasta?

If not...why would I ever make a serious post on a sub like this? What could I possibly contribute to Trans Debate #47285 or Point and Laugh at the Boomer #59275 besides memes without effort?

I write serious screeds on other sites, I’m just lazy here

Nice pasta m8

I like your attitude, young man. Do you want to become an /r/Drama mod?

Only if I don't have to do any moderating.

It's mostly posting weird, terrible, self-referential circlejerky shitposts and then mocking anyone who doesn't find them funny.

So basically normal r/Drama posting but with a green username? Sounds good to me.

A million times more autistic tho.

Not to mention gay

Can you mod an MDEgenerate or something? I feel like the mod team is lacking abrasive shit stirrers now

/u/darqwolff was our resident Trumptard but he changed coat instead.

Maybe you can make /u/MasterLawlz crazy?

I think it would be best to unban my quck alt then mod him

Mod captainpriapism.

Hey, make me one so I can make sticky posts about how /u/Ed_ButteredToast is a gay mayo

That's just mean.

Yeah, I know. So how about it?

He deserves better.

What if I call him a 'faggot mayo' instead?

You'd remind him of his dear father.

mod me and i wont take a single god damn thing seriously for as long as i'm on this website

Implying it hasn't always just been mods jerking each other off

But dem drama celebrities!

We need to know!

Most of the 80,000 subscribers never come here lol.

We gotta keep /u/DistortedLines. I'm due in about a week to do a discussion at the Brookings Institute on the role of Taylor Swift in the Arab world and I'll be totally lost without him.


I'm due in about a week


We agreed that we weren't gonna make it a big deal so that nobody felt pressured to contribute to the baby shower.

Imagine being a Reddit poweruser ever lmfao

Wow rude! I've contributed so much to this sub.

I know u do bby😘

You were a useful idiot in the mde/cth purge, nothing more.

Rude! My tayposts are irreplacable.




I don't even know what discord is, so...

I'm just sitting here eating a flaxseed muffin, listening to Kate Bush. What's good, blood?


Unironically, I'd like shout out to the discordcels for distracting us from the Daddy posts for a glorious, fleeting moment. The halcyon days of yesteryear...


Anyone here wants an animal friend pic?

Unironically u/distortedlines is a good lad. No helicopter for him pls, even though he does lean left a little.

Tbh he doesn't really sperg too much about the discord here, I also guess he can stay. Also don't mention helicopter, even when its obviously a joke.

Honestly if an admin can't tell that it's an obvious joke then I'm out of here.

That's rich coming from you.

Free helicopter rides for drama try hards.
