No longer relevant rapper buys 200 front row tickets to a concert of another no longer relevant rapper just so they will be empty for the show

1  2018-10-28 by ChipChippersonAMA


Well, the second dog was almost as big an emotional roller coaster as the first. I felt dirty for "cheating" on Max, who is now more of a "husband" in my heart than my ex ever was.


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I don't have that many friends. I don't want to scare away the few I DO have by trying to bang them.


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That was pretty funny

Yeah, but it's not really a prank if you reveal the joke before it happens.

He’s still legally obligated to perform. The diss is that he must perform to an empty crowd. Ironically, the location can probably sell all the empty seats again.

Oh, right.

Well yeah it's just funny.


Mmhmm, just like an NPC.

yes just like an NPC.

soyboy show

that pic is this sub in a nutshell

The people will just move up.


Has this been done before and is there footage?


Well Ed in a fight between Ja Rule and a Lil Pump the winner would be...actually I don't know. Let's look at the stats.

Both are manlets, but Ja Rule is in better shape and some might argue had a better career.

On the other hand, Ja Rule will forever be known as a Tupac clone who's carrer was ended by a skinny mayo man.

What skinny mayo man?



It was fifty (fi'ty) though.

Ja Rule is 5'9" and Lil Pump is 5'7" I don't know what sizes are the definition of Manlet, but I assumed it was 5'0"-6". I always thought it must be a smaller than average man.

Found the manlet.

What are Manlet sizes?

How tall are you?

I'm 6'1"

Now days, it's anything under 6'.

Ja Rule is actually 5'6, he only says that he's 5'9

Ja Shapiro

It’s actially anything below 6’.

For real? That's kind of crazy. Those on the high scale of 5'7-8" don't really have that 'manlet' look that I consider. I'm surprised they are grouped with dudes who would are 5'4" because they do look like you can put them in your pocket.

I don't make the rules, sorry.

to be serious here, this manlet classification is more about riling up average dudes. 5.7 to 5.8 dudes is enough in the real world. (whereas in online dating, it can be a bit hard)

The winner is society.

Wow, you are extremely racist. I am reporting this comment to r/againsthatesubreddits.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

Wow, you are extremely ageist. I am reporting this comment to r/againsthatesubreddits.

Wow, you are extremely ableist. I am reporting this comment to r/againsthatesubreddits.

Okay. I am going to go ahead and stop you right there. Being misgendered can be extremely hurtful to the individual. It is a form of sexual harassment and sexism and has long term effects on the individual’s psyche.

You happened to get it right this time, but please be more aware in the future.

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

Where is u/n8thegr8 when you need him?

He is basically the Ben Shapiro of the left.

I wish he’d show up here and skull fuck you with facts and logic for being so hateful and hurting my feelings. I am literally shaking with anger right now.

Sorry the truth hurts your little-girl feelings, white boy.

user reports:

1: B A N

1: pinging

/u/n8thegr8 is on the whitelist idiots. I'm sure he enjoys the attention.

how does it feel to have your username become a meme?

how does one view the whitelist?

You can't, it's an autmod config page. Basically it's just the /r/drama mods and a few admins. And like 50 other people.

Unfortunately it's impossible to just walk a few steps to these empty seats. So the spectators have to wait for the invention of legs to be able to do that.

Im honestly surprised the seats weren't already empty anyways

If you’re not too well-versed in the world of rap feuds

That’s why I enrolled at Everest College.

Shows how out of touch Curtis is. Those seats will fill up the second the concert starts and people in the back realize they are empty. All he did was give the people attending a lot more room to dance and enjoy the music.

But there will be 200 fewer people attending the show.

Exactly. More room to dance and the artist won't lose a dime. Win Win. Anytime Curtis wants to do this at a Phish show, please tell him to buy out the first ten rows. That would be awesome for everyone.

In this case it’s win win win win

And just as much cash in his wallet.

lmao this nigga can't even read

When you're so rich, you can throw away thousands of dollars just to spite someone.

Didn't he file for bankruptcy?

Yeah “bankruptcy” not real bankruptcy

yeah $32 million in debt and poof erased and is now buying 200 tickets to a concert to troll his nemesis.

Lol how did he fuck that up? He made like a half bill off the vitamin water sale

Because he's retarded.

IIRC at one point he was a rich guy pretending to be a poor guy who was pretending to be a rich guy

Maybe he's just a ticket scalper lmao

He was trying to pretend he was broke because he got sued by Rick Ross' ex for tweeting her nudes.

50 being a dick in social media is always fun

3k is pretty cheap for the attention that he got.

Nice prank 50 cent you gave 3000 dollars to Ja Rule, that'll show him you got him so good. This mother fucker is too stupid to have money.

So that money still goes to Ja. Good job, Fity

jfc rap wars are so pussified now.

50 cent about, well, fifty times as relevant as Ja Rule. At least the average kid knows who the hell 50 cent is

These days I honestly don't think so

you think Ja Rule is move relevant than 50 cent?

No, today neither of them are at all

Yeah but my point is the average person has heard candy shop or da club before

50 cent is a “pop culture” rapper

My kid knows who ja rule is cause I always make fun of him. Doubt he knows who fitty is.

So he just gave Ja Rule 3,000 dollars. That’ll show him!

Fucking Chelsea Handler is still the gayest thing 50 has ever done

Awesome! I always thought it would be cool to wear those spandex outfits that are like onsies, but they are shorts with one strap across the shoulder. Like Andre The Giant wears. When people look at me funny I can just say "Don't worry, I'm a Manlet."

Someone said Ja Rule is really 5'6" and he does have that Manlet look to him.