Ever r/propagandaposters downvotes pro-Berlin Wall arguments

1  2018-10-28 by JoeFalchetto


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Fullcommunism mod being a tankie?

Suprise indeed😒


Finally one of my r/drama submissions has gotten the supreme Qualitätszertifikat; Ed‘s three emojis.


Wow nazi

Certificato di Qualità.

Still fascist.

TV license

Сертификат Качества.

Uhh... state capitalist?



ay ay ay

That's not fair. This is authoritarianism and totalitarianism which can occur in any political or economic ideology. Capitalists can and do the same behavior...

/> it’s not fair

Whiny little fuckers aren’t they? It’s not fair the dinosaurs 🦖 were superior to humanity in every single way either but you don’t see me complaining.

Well if I were the dictator in charge of a communist society, I would be a benevolent one.

That’s because you’re very friend1y. Your successors however could be as brutal as the dinosaurs 🦖

I'm also better at predicting market trends than free and open competition. I would be an excellent central planner. I predicted the success of Robotic Sex workers before it was a thing.

You won’t be able to predict when the dinosaurs 🦖 return though. Then your economy is gone

"It often happens that persons like these ascended to the supreme magistracy, and as he had risen to that place and had seen things more closely, he recognized where the disorders arose from, and the dangers that impended, and the difficulty in remedying them. Since he saw that the times and not the men caused the disorder, he suddenly became of another mind and of another sort, because the knowledge of particular things took away from him the deception that had been presupposed in considering them generally. So those who had first heard him speak when he was a private individual and later seen him become quiet in the supreme magistracy believed this arose not through a truer knowledge of things but because he had been got around and corrupted by the great."

  • Niccolo Machiavelli



gets shoah'd by a stone lol

Imagine defending fucking communism in 2018. Do they not have jobs?

Do they not have jobs?

Nigga please.

Degrees in Grievance Studies do indeed offer illustrious, high paying jobs.

You just answered your own question

Borders need to be protected or they're not actual borders or something

It's also relevant if you are trying to keep people out because your society is so awesome that people from worse countries keep trying to come in, or if the wall is there to keep people in because they want to escape.

Why do these people chimp out seeing illegal immigrants deported but when shit like the Berlin wall or Holodomor happen they think "meh, had it coming"