Blexit lmao

1  2018-10-28 by MaleEnergy


Eat shit


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This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Au contraire, snappy this a perfect time.

using idpol faggotry to sell your chinky sweatshop made merch


Best track on that album



You right No Mistakes is better



shut the fuck up ed LMAO

braincels poster


yikes sweetie your post history has some really problematic content


this aint it chief

this aint it chief


Imagine being a prison slave/Chinese child worker and making those ugly ass shirts

I hope the fashion styles of old school Black leaders come back. MLK and Malcolm X always wore a suit. As rich as Ye is he could (should) go around in bespoke suits. I would rather see his line of clothes be dockers and a button down shirt. Bring back the Nehru look. Anything but a t-shirt and saggy jeans. If a person wants to walk round with their underwear out and their pants hanging down I do think they have a right to do that. You do you. But it looks stupid and most employers and people in society will see you like a certain type of person. Not necessarily as an earnest young man who cares about his appearance and wants to make a good impression. I guess some workplaces are more accepting or being a gangsta is a good enough career path. But it makes you stand out like a dumb thumb. Whatever you think about Nation of Islam those guys were snappy dressers.

Kids these days

"reeeee i wouldn't hire them colored folk unless they dress like me reeeee"

the absolute state of boomers in 2018

When you say that black people need to leave the Dem plantation and then immediately go back to the conservative tradition of saying they dress like niggers and won't get jobs

I never said that. I was making the point that certain fashion trends are not very stylish, IMO. The Black Panthers had style, Shaft had style. People who go round in some African garb have style. It's about professional appearance and people's perception of who you are. Not me per se, but police, service people, school authorities. People can leave or stay on the plantation, I don't care, but ffs pull your pants up.

You said it, you just took forever to get around to the point u boomer faggot

go to sleep, gramps

Sure thing Elijah.

Grandpa, you're screaming at gas pump.

Why do you hate black culture?

Politics aside, I still can't believe people were paying 100s of dollars for those yeezy shoes. they looked awful and cheap. like kids shoes.

But i gotta give it to him he'll make a lot of money doing this.

I was thinking about getting them, thank god i never did

An elite like someone born into money, given a tv show, constant camera attention, movies cameos and interviews over everything for over 20 years while having no skills that actually would make you famous naturally? He's the male kim kardashian. If you don't think trump is part of the hollywood elite then I dunno what to tell you buddy you fell for it.

Shoes are ableist

You should get a vasectomy just for co considering buying that shit.

they looked awful and cheap.

That’s his type

The 750s were nice

"Blexit is a renaissance and I am blessed to say that this logo, these colors, were created by my dear friend and fellow superhero Kanye West,” Turning Point USA's communications director, Candace Owens, told Page Six.


"Fellow superhero", implying she is one as well.

Wouldn't blaxit be better?🤔


Is Kanye clowning Trumpies by making them buy his overpriced merch? Will there be a bunch of rightoids burning Kanye apparel once Kim inevitably tells him to stop being retarded?

He'll go back on his meds someday.

Lol the r/politics thread

Our society needs to stop giving stupid people a platform..

Posted on fucking reddit

My favourite part about Reddit is how debating the point gets you downvoted. This is how you know that stupid people are afoot

When you’re so politically illiterate you name your movement after another movement infamous for its dishonest campaign and inept aftermath.