Literal NAZI gives hot take that daddy fans are humans too. Askredditors disagree

1  2018-10-28 by wsbking


You were put down, in the future please refrain from discussing subjects you have no education in.


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Yeah but



Check commenters history he’s a based af r/anarchy user

He didn't even specify a political side.

Magacels over at t_d think that liberals are all demons paid by soros to destroy the west and want to genocide whites

Op is a lolcow

TD drama is low hanging fruit, not my fault default subs are mostly leftists sperging

kys for no reason


TD is in a constant state of sperging over something its just so gross nobody who doesnt go there unironically stays long enough to post something.

nobody who doesnt go there unironically







Republicans should be removed from politics. One party for each country should be good enough for anybody

Also, don't think that one's a nazi

fucking trannies man

That's because there's like one of them for every 50 thousand normal people.

fucking trannies man, it's nonstop on reddit yet ever hear shit about them in real life

Reddit is progressive hivemind in general. People aren't as concerned about progressivism IRL unless they are in a college campus.

they are the internet vegans , they will let you know they are trannies even if you ask them for the time

Imagine asking someone for the time on the internet.

If you don't hear about them irl then you are pickin up the wrooooooong street walkers homie.

You do realise that I am a person, don't you?

I don’t know, are you a Mayo?

Well, if your 100% not homo then that means you can’t be a homo sapien. Nice try tho.

On reddit no one knows ur a dog.

You post regularly in r/drama. Be honest with yourself. Is describing yourself a "person" is truly appropriate?

Because gender isn't a medical phenomenon, it's a social one.


it is tho. facts dont care about your feelings im afraid

Sex (male, female, hermaphrodite, etc) is biological, gender is social-psychological with biological components.

I mean it's right in the definition of the word when I just googled it:

the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

Don't get why it's hard for some of you other drama-ers to understand.

Is it that the facts don't agree with your feelings?

I empathize, it's a mood kill for me too when you are balls deep in bussy and they say, "I'm a dirty girl," but for chrissakes, just roll with it dude.

using some random dictionary definition is a non-argument in every context that isnt related to dictionaries themselves, but even if it werent the one you quoted doesnt saying anything about the "biological components" youve spooked yourself with

doesn't saying anything

You doesn't say anything.

Dictionaries are not prescriptive they're descriptive. The difference between sex and gender can often be forgotten in every day speech, so it's not really telling what your first google search gives you. Gravity is described as a force but that doesn't make it one.

A force is what your magic uncle did to you when he had you pick a card. Or stay overnight with him.

I have no idea how one gets molested with a card trick but you seem know your shit lmao.

lol you think that's an argument

lmao 2018 nu-dramafags are downvoting but got nothing to say. literally pressing the "ignore this guy cuz i cant think of anything" button.

You are not worth my emotional effort tbh 😴😴😴

Literally rapefugee


Right, the current issue comes from people believing that "sex" in civil rights legislation also refers to "gender identity". So, actually, the Trump administration agrees with your breakdown of the difference between gender and sex. It's not only the mouth breathing neanderthals that don't understand or who have confused things.

Gay guy here

a straight white Christian

a fellow gay

Trans girl here

One thing is for sure, all four have a solid hard on for things they care about.

"As a ______ man/woman" gets under my skin irrationally.

...where's the drama? Or is OP just mad?

I create drama then post it here it’s performance art

That people who oppose them politically are... people.

dont think most daddy fans are on board with this idea fam. or, if theyre among the smarter ones, theyve correctly identified this sort of naive humanism as the non-starter it is and adopted a more effective program.

To know pockets of thousands of people across the states, and that millions overall are in agreement. Is pretty terrifying.

Why are these pussies "terrified" of everything nowadays? Everything is terrifying to them. Grow some balls dammit.

They'd probably just cut them off if they did.

...this is why you're a meme. This is why people tell you to shut up almost every single time you speak. It's not a cute little joke that you're in on, you're like a human migraine and that is why people tell you to stop talking.

New snappy quote?



“Your political opponents are people” is now a controversial opinion.

The absolute state of <current year>


Jesus fucking Christ...

Serial killers are people too

Child Rapists are people too

Wh*te people are....well maybe there are some exceptions here.