It’s over for naturecels

1  2018-10-28 by cmakk1012


Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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😭😭😭 im honored

I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Can't be worse than the commie he ran against.

He didn't run against a commie you retard.

Worker's party Wikipedia

Ideology: Democratic Socialism

That's a commie in my eyes.

Wear glasses then

Are you not happy with Daddy Jair being elected Pimm?

Socialists and Commies are two different things retard, its like comparing ancaps and nazbois

Ancaps and Nazis don't form united political parties like European 'socialists' and 'communists' do.

Democratic Socialism


Peak Amerimutt political compass right here

From which party is the guy who won?

Social Liberal Party

Fucking Liberal Socialist.

only options are to be Perón or Chavez, no centrism allowed 😡😡😡

Looks like we're making Brazil great again. Hell yeah, let's go!

DDF unironically cheering for fascists

congrats on coming out of the closet!

Your slander didn't work to keep him out, not going to work now. People are seeing through the lies!

Sorry ur mad lol. Brazil is going to be made great again and theres nothing you can do about it.

yes im sure this time for sure that far right ultra nationalism wont lead to an economic meltdown! we just have to do communism, sorry i mean "nationalism" right this time.

Far right is usually pretty good with the economy in actual fact. It's the other things they get criticized for.

protectionism totally works!

lol no burgerstani literally every prominent economist who wasnt an insane commie dissagres

Bolsonaro isn't even a protectionist are you literally retarded because you don't know anything of what we're talking about

Nationalists who reee about globalists arent pro protectionism!

imagine being this retarded

I've imagined it and it's like being like you. Not a fun thought!

ive imagined

no you havent its well known magacels have no imagination

More than 20 Brazilian universities were invaded by the military police in the past 2 days

Oh shit, that was fast. RIP Brasil

Based and redpilled my fellow kekistani!

Entertaining watching MAGAcels unironically cheering for a fascist after endlessly reeeing about everyone calling them closeted facists.

the whole point of nationalism is pretending people outside your country aren't real people and dont matter.

Believing this unironically

Other nationalists are better than left wingers because that means we are all in this together.

But it’s not a revolution, and countries fight over the same shit, only with right wingers your leaders are less likely to cuck out.

Other nationalists are better than left wingers because that means we are all in this together.

all in this together

better than leftists

"nationalists all in this together" when referring to geopolitics

i cannot handle this level of retardation

Look at it this way. Under the left outsiders are given priority over the people. Migrants degenerates etc. When you see a Trump or Bolsonaro commit thought crimes and do racism and not get jailed or ruined thats where the common struggle is.

All nationalists in the west are together fighting against leftists who want to turn us into refugee camps with no history where people don’t know which bathroom to use. In this respect we are in this together because the left tried to kill us all.

Once in power, it’s not like the world changed, our countries still compete and have issues, but you can still have nationalist alliances. Europeans have germanic Latin Slavic or generalised white brotherhood, or look at Poland and Hungary’s friendship, it’s notnjnpossiblex

You lefties should study nationalism your understanding of it is superficial

Look at it this way. Under the left outsiders are given priority over the people.

WEWLAD mexicans taking you job at mcdonalds isnt "being given priority over the people" its called the free labour market and has nothing to do with leftism.

All nationalists in the west are together fighting against leftists who want to turn us into refugee camps with no history where people don’t know which bathroom to use.

reeeing about immigrants dispite it being proven for years they give economic benefits is the mainstay of reactionary retards like you

In this respect we are in this together because the left tried to kill us all.

LOL unironically talking about mayocide, there are more mayos than there ever have been at any point in history sadly.

Once in power, it’s not like the world changed, our countries still compete and have issues, but you can still have nationalist alliances. Europeans have germanic Latin Slavic or generalised white brotherhood, or look at Poland and Hungary’s friendship, it’s notnjnpossiblex

"its totally possible for an ideology based on anti geopolitics to be pro geopolitics" yeah k sure lol

You lefties should study nationalism your understanding of it is superficial

"calling neolibs leftists a proud tradition of retards since forever"~

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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See rights there the condescension?

Im European, our migrants come begging do terrorism gang rape and build mosques with clear intention to colonise and destroy us. Think I’m wrong? The right is winning everywhere so clearly I am right.

Its not a free labour market when citizens pay taxes to maintain the market and outsiders not only get easy access without paying any taxes but their children get affirmative action quotas putting them ahead of mine at institutions my ancestors built.

Immigrants bring nothing but harm, they depress wages and create social divisions and conflicts. You’re american so your country could be said to not belong to you. Others of us actually have countries we don’t want to give to Africans.

But go on, keep talking like a cunt, they’ll come for traitors like you sooner or later.

See rights there the condescension?

of course im being condescending your main fear has been the same bullshit trotted out by reactionaries for the past hundred years about brown people ruining everything unless they act right away! newsflash (its all bullshit)

Its not a free labour market when citizens pay taxes to maintain the market and outsiders not only get easy access without paying any taxes but their children get affirmative action quotas putting them ahead of mine at institutions my ancestors built.

Except immigrants do pay taxes you retarded mong thats why they are a net benefits because the state doesn't have to pay for them as children. Oh god affirmitive action the whole 10 jobs lost to that, what a huge tragedy that has befallen the white people what have they ever done to deserve this? fucking lol

Immigrants bring nothing but harm, they depress wages and create social divisions and conflicts. You’re american so your country could be said to not belong to you. Others of us actually have countries we don’t want to give to Africans.

Not burgerstani dumbass and once again "REEEE IMMIGRANTS RUIN EVERYTHING" is the old and most tired nonsense that retards like to sperg out about like its the end of the world endlessly when the impact is hilariously minimal you just spend all day getting triggered reading some dumb clickbait news about the brownies you think its a epidemic.

Under the left outsiders are given priority over the people. Migrants degenerates etc. ... All nationalists in the west are together fighting against leftists who want to turn us into refugee camps with no history where people don’t know which bathroom to use. In this respect we are in this together because the left tried to kill us all. ... Im European, our migrants come begging do terrorism gang rape and build mosques with clear intention to colonise and destroy us. Think I’m wrong? The right is winning everywhere so clearly I am right. ... Immigrants bring nothing but harm, they depress wages and create social divisions and conflicts. You’re american so your country could be said to not belong to you. Others of us actually have countries we don’t want to give to Africans. ... But go on, keep talking like a cunt, they’ll come for traitors like you sooner or later.

Nationalists confirmed for second biggest lolcows behind commies

We should have nuked you people when we had the chance. Europoors deserve nothing but the boot.


I guess that's it's for the planet then. If he goes through with his plan to bulldoze the Amazon for the logging companies, that will remove one of the primary buffers against carbon dioxide buildup in the atmosphere.

Not sure if there's even the possibility of stopping the runaway greenhouse effect at that point and it was already a slim chance under current conditions anyways.

imagine thinking thats a bad thing. the end of humanity cant come soon enough