/r/brasil tying the rope after their favorite corrupt isn't elected president, watch in real time before it's over(in portuguese)

1  2018-10-28 by SonyXboxNintendo11


The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


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Yeah sorry dude, I don't speak Italian.

I don’t speak off duty cop

in portuguese


"He once said a female politician was too ugly to rape and suggested that having a dead son was better than a gay son. Last year, he suggested that some descendants of African slaves were fat and lazy."


I think this will be great fun for the r/drama community.

The guy elected is as close to a fascist in modern times I've ever seen.

It's not good for anyone, period.

Meh. He's in Brazil. It won't be a big deal to anyone outside the region.

Apart from the rainforest

It’s almost cute being that clueless

You have to go back...

He must be super-extra turbo-Hitler fascist then, on the "progressives on Reddit" scale.

They seem to think he's on par with Trump which is weird.

Trump has nothing on this guy.

Hey! Don’t you talk about my Orange Fuhrer like that? He’s the fuhrerist fuhrer out there.

Serious posting in /r/drama? What is this white people nonsense?

That’s pizza you dork, show some respect

Does being descended from an African slave make you immune from being fat and lazy?

Wouldn't the racism be extending that to all or most descendents of African slaves?

It's like saying some mayos are meth addicts. True.

Who the fuck speaks Portuguese? It is like the bastard offspring of Spanish and Russian that you speak like you have balls in your mouth.

Found the bussyblasted Brazilian!!

Lol if you don't think boloanaro is corrupt. Just because every reporter who reports about his and the military corruption winds up at the bottom of a lake doesn't mean they're not corrupt. There is no check in their corruption.

says the guy who says Lula, who instigated perhaps the biggest corruption scheme in the history of the world, was the last great president

Who said boloarnaro wasn't corrupt? It's Brazil, they're all corrupt.

Sorry friend I don't speak drunk spanish

me no speak corruption

BDF is lit🔥