Dude gets banned from The Donald because he's "too conservative" for them

1  2018-10-29 by justintruedoe


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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I saw Honduras as a country America could learn from

I agree completely. We are good at murder, but we ain't got nothin on Honduras.

The murders in Honduras are our own, we fund the murderers and our decadent boomers in MAGA hats snort the products given them up their shitty nose and fall back to sleep while they vote to destroy the world.

Maga hats snorting cocaine




He’s an insane racist; not a conservative.

Some conservatives are very racist tho, just sayin

Some leftists are very racist as well.

Never said they couldn't be.

I’m just saying, it doesn’t make a difference what political beliefs you hold. There are crazy people in all aspects of life

I agree that there could be hateful people of all sorts of political ideologies. It just seemed to me like your original comment suggested that conservatives aren't racist, which isn't always the case.

The reason I commented in the first place is because it seems to me like your posts was suggesting conservatives were racist. I merely commented to raise the point that those kinds of people are all over the place, in all walks of life with all kinds of beliefs.

Oh no, my original post was intended to make fun of the dude for him thinking that his ban was because of him "being too conservative" rather than him being an edgelord racist.

That's like saying some progressives are retarded; of course it's the norm, but it's not polite to point out.

I usually use the term "rightist" to describe people like this, "conservative" to me is like Reagan. A right-wing liberal. Once you get into racial hierarchies and shit you are clearly well outside of the liberal tradition. Since "fascist" has become passe I just use a more general term.

Since "fascist" has become passe I just use a more general term.

Careful. You'll get banned by both the legbeard Ghazelles and the Chapotards if you don't adhere to the "everything is fascist!" dogma.

He was really banned from the Donald because he didn't put everyone besides whites in last place.


Head over to /r/InvitationToDiscuss and invite your pal to share his views!

> Indians--You might wonder why I put indians below blacks, but they are the most ugly, smelly and repugnant race I know. At least black people can play sports.


yeah but like, they make some of the best facebook posts of all time so uh

superpower by 2020 wh*Tes BTFO


It's over for currycels

He singlehandedly destroyed the entire nation of 1.4 billion people

I know that is pasta. Yum yum.

He brings up some good points tbqhfam


This guy has achieved something truly remarkable

bait af 🎣🎣


That dude has issues ...

Mainly ones concerning him coming to terms with his sexuality as demonstrated by this:

And Latino men are very masculine, in a way that non-latino men should aspire to be. They are dominant, cool, smooth and always know how to talk to women. And they are incredibly chiseled, charming and have striking Spanish features that put many of their modern counterparts in Europe to shame. They are truly fine specimens.

And this:

Damn right I do! You snowflakes can't handle the large thundering, throbbing cock that belongs to Donald Trump, you pencil dick. MAGA!!!!!


Anyone wanna take bets he's an obese pastry gun owner with a latina gf who is overweight

Fake as shit. didn’t have Jews as last race in the ranking.

At least some of them caught on. Goddamn, though, trolls have been around long enough for everyone to have practice recognizing them.