Gamers freak out when photographic evidence of deep state conspiracy between Anita Sarkeesian and Wizards of the Coast is leaked on Twitter.

1  2018-10-29 by itsnotmyfault


I don’t know if your older (16yo) groomer-handlers have broken the bad news to you yet, but karma points are not redeemable for waifu pillow-cases, Baja Blast, MAGA beanies, or tiddy volleyball vidya games. So punching at the downvote button with your Dew-‘n-jizz sticky little digits may make you feel like you’re wielding mighty katanas of vengeance, but it’s really no more productive than what you did to all of those crusty socks under your race car beds. But don’t let that stop you, lads! Avenge your brother Elliot! You are proud child soldiers in General Rodger’s personal army!


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Anita lookin fine asf!! 👌😍😩💕💋

Brother, I’m a little concerned for your love of gussy.🤢🤢🤮🤮

Its been proven that fat girls give the best head

This is bussy territory, gtfo gussy-fag.

who says you need to be a faggot to love bussy?

My bros in the football team took turns running trains on each other lol so not gay faggot queer

“Lemme genocide your unborn children”

-Anita giving head, probably



Tfw you can only get with landwhales anyway

What kind of hellhole are you in where she's more than a 3?


Idc if she's -2 but all these autists S E E T H I N G just because she exists is enough for me to praise her out of spite lol

Bruh those Khazar milkers tho

As a guy who's hit far more than his fair share of goblins, I can all but guarantee those things are flat as pancakes and make it to her knees when she takes her bra off.

If I could impregnate one and only one feminist, it would definitely be her.

I'm pretty sure she's gotten fatter. Which is good cause I love thicc, tall, busty women.

Based and redpilled

Which is good cause I love thicc, tall, busty women.

She's short, fat and most of that weight didn't go to her tits.

I actually feel bad for girls that get chunky and their boobs stay the same size. It's like they're missing out on the only positive upside.

gamedesign Daddy not looking too bad either 👌😍😩💕💋

Brother, Anita is the one on the left of the picture.

She looks like a crushed bag of chips what the fuck

stay away from her she's mine fbt

/u/distortedlines I have found our new kween. We shall orbit her. Change your flair

I love Anita 😍 but tay is my one and only 💖💖💖

Also why do you keep asking me to change my flair 🤔🤔🤔

tay is dead to me

She looks plain ASF, maybe a bit better than plain but not a ton.

She needs someone to sort out those nineties eyebrows.


Damn, looks like they're too preoccupied with "Gab has been literally censored rip free speech forever"

Well I mean the average KIA poster is a NEAT who lives in his parents basement so what do you expect?

its NEET, you wagie scum

Same guy from the first comment I linked.

I really hope that this guy is already on some sort of future police raid lists.

Uh, maybe it's because the weeb market has constantly come under siege by assholes that are obsessive about pedophilia?

t. pedophile


Said the fucking neckbeard, clutching his loli body pillow.

Reverse new york v ferber but unironically

What a weirdo fucking hill to die on

I wish more pedophiles would choose to die.

That sub is a bunch of Jeremy-fanboys who blame women for everything from their missed lunch to why Standard sucks.

Hambly sounds like a bitch but at least he got punched at Gencon for no reason.

Knocked the trendies straight off his plate.

If only anita fans were to form some group like the anita freedom alliance, or anitfa for short, they could join up qith like minded groups to yell at elderly people in portland.

yeah, yeah, I like the sound of this already.

Srs question was does Anita have to do with mtg and why do they hate her?

I don't think she has anything whatsover to do with MTG as far as I know. That being said there's a lot of overlap between players of MTG and regular ole vidya gamers and Anita is a hated figure in those groups.

It has more to do with that particular sub being full of "anti-sjw" types in general

The creator(?) of MTG met her at a conference and now the MTG playing NEETs are angry because most of them don't like women in their games/vidya

Honestly, Mark is the sort of person who would get a genuine good conversation out of somebody like Anita and actually take away good points from it, even if he has to make them himself after inferring what she's saying in a very different way from how she's actually saying it.

that sounds like something michael scott would say

Surprised she didn't slide into irrelevancy with gamergate

implying she was ever relevant.

Enough to get every gamergater riled up

She didn't rule up gamer gate though.. She kinda just picked some straws and stacked them up and the 5 guys girl and the ibomunable she man, forgot her name fanned the flames just right.

the abominable she man

Brianna Wu

The 5 dudes he she it banged P sure

I know one was the asshat who made “Fez” and another one was some lead guy at one of the shitty game journals.

Forgot the others tho

The 5 dudes he she it banged P sure

I thought this was about gaming in journalism tho ?? 🤔 🤔 🤔

Yeah a great game maker who didn't mince words and would call an shithead a shithead

Ok, I'm all for trolling but that guy was an insufferable twat.

Hahaha, Phil Fish is not a "great game maker".

> I know one was the asshat who made “Fez”


Phil Fish is not one of the Five Guys, but he fucked her for sure.

Phil Fish was just overall a giant bag of dicks, and probably still is.

Do you mean Zoe Quinn?

Think so, yea

Literally Who

Fuck, I miss gamergate. That was like the pinnacle of internet drama.

this comment astounds me, because literally the only valuable part of gamergate WAS the first ~3 days when it was all about that cuck outing his girlfriend as a thot

to be fair watching Gawker implode because autists wouldn't stop emailing their advertisers was pretty funny too.

Fuck, I miss gamergate. That was like the pinnacle of internet drama.

It was when online discourse irrevocably turned to shit. Also you can still relive it every day on the GG/anti-GG subreddits, since quite a few people just can't seem to let it go.

Enough to be invited to the UN

What’s a UN?

United Nations

She got invited to the UN unveiling of their plan to stop "cyberviolence" (specifically misogyny and blasphemy against Islam) by basically forcing every website to pre-approve all comments, tweets, videos and speech in general before they're viewable.

That sounds like the dumbest idea known to man. Wouldn’t that mean ending freedom of speech?

I mean, if I find people being mean to me on the Internet, I could just click the back button.

Wouldn’t that mean ending freedom of speech

The idea was that it wasn't free speech but word violence aka cyberviolence.

This was also a few years ago when "word violence" was the big trend for identity politics, if they did it today then the angle would be about the alt right or something.

Also the whole thing went tucking nowhere because the UN is impotent, but if they had the authority then they were going to enforce it st the DNS level, so if some Chan or Twitter clone let people post freely they'd get null routed.


TylerTheCreator’s cyber-bullying quote here.


Oh she is, she wasn't intersechshunal enough for woke Twitter and wasn't as busy as whoring herself as Zoe Quinn. Guys like Milo also detonating their careers ironically hurt her, as she lost good rivals to bounce her idiocy off of.





Hot take: Without KiA she wouldn't be relevant.

This is the first time ive heard about her since 2016. I thought some epic gamer had finally gone epic style on her long ago

Reminds me of that shitty csi episode with the gamers rape and “level up” by having sex

Hotter take: The only reason anything gg related is still relevant is cause none of them can shut up the fuck up about each other

It's 4chan x Tumblr all over again, but this time in mainstream news and academic journals for some god forsaken reason.

Cursed timeline

More like Blessed Timeline.

Where did you think the cancer in Tumblr came from?

This is the kind of loyal relationship incels don't think exists.

At this point, her relevancy is mostly residual.

Blazing Speculative Take: She's no longer relevant among SJ people because she's actually a closet TE?F.

TERFS are just tsunderes at this point

Not far off, also her Women vs. Tropes videos on YT have tanked, plus she broke up with partner in crime bf McIntosh who was the brains of the operation.

Men are even better at being feminists than women. Also rapists.

And that nutjob is actually doing pretty well through patreon bucks and shit.

Wow that speculative take is actually at the pinnacle burning edge of wokeness. Do u have evidence tho?

None, and a cursory glance of her twitter seems to point against it.

Isn't she on a podcast with a trans woman?

Fuck if I know.

There are a number of YouTubers who still talk about her all the time for some reason.

People still blame gamergate for everything from Trump to James Gunn getting fired.

One of my new favorites:

I feel like I should keep a running list of every time someone blames GamerGate, see if we ever get past a week.

it'd be the new male feminist rapist

James Gunn getting fired

That one was Thernovich's fault, not gamergate

More like Disney's fault for hiring a guy known for very R rated shit to helm family friendly capeshit and expecting his old dumbassery to politely be ignored

No, more like Disney's fault for falling for a fake controversy. Do you really think the mouse wouldn't have know about those tweets before they hired him? You don't think they knew that hiring the Troma writer what also carry some baggage with it?

There is a common saying, the mouse does not take a bullet for you, you take a bullet for the mouse. Disney will not go back on a firing because of the principle of the matter. They knew they got tricked, especially because the guy who should have fired Gunn was on vacation at the time, and it was someone else hitting the panic button.

Disney will not go back on a firing because of the principle of the matter.

ah, but Cernovich was part of GG. And so by associative property, GG via Cernovich is responsible for James Gunn getting the boot.

We probably could play 6 degrees of separation with GG and tie it to everything tbh. Rawndan genocide? GG. Hitler being born? GG. humanity evolving from apes? GG. Toxic patriarchy? GG.

literally everything bad to ever happen in this world is directly tied to ethics in video games in the current year minus 4.

everything from Trump to James Gunn getting fired.

I mean, those things are somewhat reasonable compared to SJWs being blamed by GG for everything from DARPA social engineering to government mandated Black on White cuckolding and the fall of Western civilization. (These are things they have actually claimed)

But this sub probably sincerely believes half of those so...

That's the alt right. It is very different from gamergate

Uh no. Shit like this has been part of GG from the start. This is the guy guy who started the hashtag

That's the alt right. It is very different from gamergate

You're joking, right?

What about blaming SJWs for trying to ban books with male protagonists who rape?

I totally don't care about this! I don't!

Geek Girl Con



She is surviving off of all the flow she made from her videos that people massively overpaid for,and is now hosting a shitty podcast no one listens to and sipping up patreon donations from people that are too deep in to stop.

Armenian master race. That's the proof.

I’m lazy but the woman on the left has a face that looks like a frog.

literally who?

Gamergate was right all along

Look at the background, it looks like they are at some tiny backroom con, lol.

Lol her booth is a fucking curtain with a tiny sign. Her ass ain't doing good

They literally called it Geek Girl Con. No one is showing up

Anita Sarkeesian is to "games" what the health inspector is to a fast food restaurant. When she comes around, you smile, nod to everything she says and hope she doesn't see anything she doesn't like

The health inspector keeps your customers from getting sick. Sarkeesian does nothing.

She keeps you salty and mad which is more than enough

And then you send her a few necrophiliac murder fantasies and post her new phone number on /pol/ to punish her for not agreeing to your awkward date proposal.

Wow that seems extreme even for McIntoash.

And then you send her a few necrophiliac murder fantasies and post her new phone number on /pol/ to punish her for not agreeing to your awkward date proposal

Speaking from experience again I see.

Imagine being shorter than Mark Rosewater.

You ever run into an Anita fan, my neither. Her entire, very successful, career is propped up by these fat gamer incel master cucks. I'd say this is ironic, but I don't want to come off as a book nerd.

You are in no danger of coming off as literate

whew that was a close one.

it was not


Well there is a whole fucking subreddit of her zealots in /r/gamerghazi

Based gamerghazi BTFO of g*mers since 2014 mashallah

What is this place? How are people such fags on this website.

She put on wome weight

She looks like somebody's aunt who could never find a husband.

She’s wife material

Yeah, for my aunt maybelle, 53, mother of 5 cats

Brother, Anita is the one on the left of the picture.

I feel we're burying the lede here. What is up with that old man next to Anita shoopnig the fuck out of his profile pic to look like a 28 year old twink?

Going to make for a good addendum to the block list when the rage starts flowing

Imagine having all the joy in your life come from blocking strangers on the internet.

The head designer of Magic:the Gathering is a stereotypical SJW goofball but the game is probably the best it's ever been.

The diversity mostly just manifests itself as your human wizards and pirates and soldiers sometimes being brown or female, which makes for good world-building. He's clearly not promoting unqualified women and minorities to decision-making positions, so the game isn't suffering

They look exactly how you'd think they'd look.

Of course, stereotypes exist for a reason

I'm really concerned about the higher ups forcing the designers to push the power level of the recent + future sets too far. Something about making sure everything lines up perfectly to coincide with the Arena launch, but WotC is pretty much the only thing making sure my giant pile of $HAS money didn't go up in flames because of Toys R Us and Europe being a flaming pile of shit... so I guess it's not all bad.

Plus, it's not like an addict like me is going to cash out because they started printing MORE good cards.

Post NWO Best MTG has ever been

Pick one.

Seriously though, looking at the complexity of MTG now versus 10 (or 5, or 3) years ago makes me think in another 5 years, the game will be Candy Crush.

Honestly Mark barely even qualifies as an "SJW" since he's not disingenuous, he's just a chill guy who thinks representation should be done more and on that level I can agree with him. Also let's be honest he's really great at conveying himself in talks.




Girls don’t actually like video games

Good. She's a brilliant voice for women in all forms of entertainment. The fact that she gets so much hate from the most vitriolic members of the post-gamergate current alt-right should be evidence enough of that. They hate women being visible, and worst of all, correct.

MFW a woman is visible and correct

"Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek,but don't trust an Armenian"

-Orwell lmao


Little does he know, she wants to get him fired for being a man

SMH when feminist icon takes photo with a white man.