gender reveal parties for newborns are just parents telling strangers what shape their child's genitals are and how thats gonna change what interests they're going to force on their children

1  2018-10-29 by itsnotmyfault


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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full time disappointment

well she got one thing right

polyam, plant mom, robot girl

Absolute state of

I assume polyam is polyamorous, but what the fuck are the other two?

plant mom, probably vegan. Robot girl = tech savy or in a STEM field? Or she's a conscious sex doll, something we feared all along

No, even worse. You know how some pet owners call themselves dog moms or cat moms? This is applying motherhood to literal potted plants

maybe its a joke

uh, you know that 'cat mom' is also a joke, right? The issue is that it's terribly unfunny

Women are funny, get over it.

only if you clip their achilles tendons

she's a conscious sex doll, something we feared all along

Something just occurred to me. You know how feminists are angry about sex dolls because (the feminists claim) they objectify women? Well, gender and sex and everything else is fluid - I wonder what feminists would say if the sex doll manufactures started claiming that all their dolls were male.

Wouldn't work because the dolls don't have a gender.

Gender is a social construct. If we agree to agree that dolls have it, then they have it.

It's not my job to educate you, but you need to know that not having a gender is a gender.

Nah thats like saying not having a religion is a religion

how dare you erase my existence!

Forget it. Most of the anti-sex doll feminists are TERFs.

I like how men preferring a full-bodied representation of a woman to have sex with is disgusting and creepy, while the woman who takes a crude approximation of the one part of the man she deems useful and discards the rest is beautiful and liberating.

Right. The charge is that men dehumanize and sexualize. The truth is exactly the opposite: men are so desperate for a real woman they are humanizing an inanimate object.

something we feared all along

Reeeeeeee go back to /r/GenderCritical

conscious sex doll



You don't mix and match monster girl types, it's just not done.

Asking people why they do this is fun. Like watching someone have to think through and verbalize why their infant child's genitals matter to them enough to throw a party is like watching someone stare at the sun.

As opposed to, say, getting all tilted over other people's kids genitals. Which is not only normal but noble!

I imagine they're thinking "why am I friends with this person again?"

I don't know if this is a galaxy brain level take or the least interesting take possible.

It's certainly #Woke tho, I'll give her that.

It's not a gender but rather sex reveal party.

The fetus didn't have chance to have his or her gender constructed in a society.

Why do they always flock to intersex like it's a normal thing?

Because they are trans and of course love pushing the fringe as mainstream.

People will cling on to the smallest point if they think it supports their views.

who knew that cancerous ideology would consume it's self?

consume it is self

Dahmer 😍😍

I hate when people mention Intersex... as if that matters. Like do you have any idea how fucking extremely miniscule rare and small that shit is?

Implying sex and gender wasn’t literal synonyms until feminist theory was suddenly considered science

Fuck it, at this point, it's like going against tsunami.

I'm just being centrist about it.

I'm unironically 100% on board with sex and gender being different. What they mean exactly is something I haven't studied enough to make a great argument for.

For example, if we say sex = genotype, gender = phenotype, then we already have a really great and meaningful distinction between the two concepts for people that are REALLY deep in cutting edge research, but 99.9% of people literally don't have to care about at all. As in, almost nobody will be grabbing a DNA sample and figuring out what chromosomes someone has, even though a gel electrophoresis kit is probably in the $100-$1000 range.

And there's all kinds of more meaningful distinctions that make even more sense. Like if you're buying a kid a toy and you ask "oh are they like a princess-type or like a tomboy-type", you can immediately separate the entire set of "girls" in to two obviously apparent peaks of separate behaviors, and the knowledge of if it's societal or genetic has absolutely no importance.

Honestly, the most useful usage of gender is probably in targeted advertising, and I suspect they're the most aware of the "correct" answers to "how many genders are there". I also assume most of us will never see that research, because OKCupid gets called bigoted for their blogpieces about how nobody wants to date Asian men or black women, and how basically everyone is cisgendered (with a notable riot at CSCW2017 when they were a keynote speaker in a room full of SJW social scientists).

That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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It was based on bullshit research, but made it through peer review because people didn't want to be fired.

Eh, it wasn't. A Sexologist differentiated them in the mid-1950s. In the 1970s Feminists latched on to the distinction:

it also totally makes sense, but people from both sides fail to understand the distinction and sperg the fuck out about it regardless

Oh good, I haven't been living in a parallel universe.

One day people were just like "DUH, sex is this thing and gender is this other thing, everyone knows that".

It was my assumption that "gender" was just something you could say so you didn't have to explain what "sex" meant to little kids.

But now wh*te people nonsense has postulated they're two different things.

They are too different things. Mayo nonsense was conflating them in the first place because they were too prudish to say the word sex.

ok then. name a gender besides male and female that isn't complete bullshit

There being 2 genders and 2 sexes that largely overlap does not mean they are the same thing. Gender is more based on how a person's sex interacts with their society (ie is a "social construct"). Gender can change over time (as in gender roles in the 1800 are not the same as those of today) while sex is biological and less subject to change barring extreme surgery. Putting aside intersex people and other chromosomal anomalies, sex is binary and gender is a spectrum. A spectrum still has 2 poles, but it allows room for the variety of gender expressions clearly visible in society.

this is absolute mayo heresy. literally no one argues this except wh*tes and oreos

intersex people

Is Hermaphrodite too offensive now? smh

Denying that there are obvious differences in the ways that gender is expressed is idiotically anti-science. Clearly there are many ways of defining maleness and femaleness beyond genitals. Why is it so heretical to point out that there is a difference between biological sex and social gender?

because it's not a spectrum. If there's one thing gender isn't, its a ph value that is tuned to a specific number for each person

So there is one male gender role and one female gender role? Society and sex always interact in the same way? That is mega retarded and a blatant substitution of feels over reals because you can't understand the differences between sex and gender.

"roles" have nothing to do with any of this

So do you mean to say that the soyest of soyboys understands and expresses his idea of maleness the same way as a redneck who loves to hunt? They are the same sex, but clearly at different spots on the gender spectrum.

if either of them are concerned with "expressing maleness" consciously then they are probably gay

I never said they consciously thought about expressing maleness. By living in society as a man, they are constantly engaging in the world as a male with all the baggage and expectations that brings.

Do you not think that gender plays a role in personality? Of course those two men have differences in personality, but they also have differences in gender. Yeah they are stereotypes, I was looking for a way to describe two men who view and act upon their maleness in very different ways.

This really isn't a hard concept. What is the point of insisting that gender is binary when we already have sex to describe the biological binary?

sure whatever

Smh you got me to seriouspost about gender like a retarded SRDine πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯


Do you know what a gamete is you tard?

People need to stop saying gender so much when they mean how people conform to their societies gender roles, it's just stupid and does nothing but cause arguments.

Or people can stop using gender when they really mean to say sex. The unnecessary conflation sex and gender is what causes stupid arguments.

Where does that leave trans people? If gender is just a social construct, then doesn't that make dysphoria bullshit and transgenderism just another word for enjoying the trappings commonly associated with one sex or the other?

Tbh they should be called transexual. They claim that their biological sex does not match they sex they perceive themselves as, which causes dysphoria. Being "transgender" would be more like taking on the trappings of the gender that does not match one's sex but not experiencing dysphoria about genitals.

I know transexual is not the preferred label due to past prejudice associated with it, but it really is more technically accurate imo. Using transgender just muddies the waters of the sex vs gender debate even more.

The most accurate way to phrase it is that sex is extremely bimodal. That way you don't have the "But what about the intersex" people wailing in the background.

The issue is whether Trans Women Are Women!!!1!

If a soy boy wants to put on a wig and makeup, he’s still a male human being, so he shouldn’t be using the girls locker room or competing in girls sports.

So express whatever gender you want! But you can’t change your sex. Be β€œbrave” and push boundaries by wearing a wig in the men’s rest room. It’s not β€œbrave” to take girls sports scholarships away.

Where did I say otherwise? All I said was that there is a difference between sex and gender.

You’re wrong. There can be a difference between sex and gender expression, ie how you act. Look at Prince or Dr. Franken Furter. But you’re still a man and should stay out of women’s spaces.

I welcome trans women into women's spaces.

I think transphobic assholes should stay out of them though.

All I said was that there is a difference between sex and gender.

What about in languages where there isn't a different word for gender which you seem to attribute to 'how you act' and both sex and gender means 'biologically assigned attribute'. Can germans be transexual?

Not until CRISPR can alter every gene from XY to XX (because transmen aren't real)

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Yeah that was the day Burgers finally got over having to use an icky word like "sex" to describe the biological reality of a person's genitals. This whole gender vs sex thing is only a problem because prudes started conflating them so they wouldn't have to say the word "sex".

c. 1300, "kind, sort, class, a class or kind of persons or things sharing certain traits," from Old French gendre, genre "kind, species; character; gender" (12c., Modern French genre), from stem of Latin genus (genitive generis) "race, stock, family; kind, rank, order; species," also "(male or female) sex," from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget," with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups.

Also used in Latin to translate Aristotle's Greek grammatical term genos. The grammatical sense is attested in English from late 14c. The -d- is a phonetic accretion in Old French (compare sound (n.1)).

The "male-or-female sex" sense is attested in English from early 15c. As sex (n.) took on erotic qualities in 20c., gender came to be the usual English word for "sex of a human being," in which use it was at first regarded as colloquial or humorous. Later often in feminist writing with reference to social attributes as much as biological qualities; this sense first attested 196

Implying it still isn't and normies care about the "science"

Thought gender reveal was when you announced whether you were having a daughter or an abortion

repeat over and over gender is socially constructed

also a fetus can have a gender


Look at this autist, not socialising while in the womb LMAO! "My feet hurt" -- you as a fetus, probably.

implying any interests are not forced onto you

believing freedom is a meaningful idea

not devoting all your energies to satisfying biological imperatives

t. mayos

They legit think the only difference between sexes is genitals. Real galaxy brain shit going on here.

Imagine thinking anyone needs to force children to play with certain toys.

From like 20 screens deep:

I want to go to a gender reveal party where they cut open the cake and it's full of dinosaurs.

/u/cdace is a twitter bot?!?



Lol javascript new fag

that getter method ugh. just use .random() instead

Literally stolen from an Adam Ellis comic.

plant mom


What the fuck is a plant mom?

Someone that wanted to be a cat/dog mom but can barely function themselves to they buy succulents.

i know theres r/im14andthisisdeep is there like a r/imtrannyandthisisdeep ? πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

Amazing! They deep fried the profile pic and I can STILL spot the mtf uwu transbian!

It's the tell tale mtf photo angle. Hides their shoulders and Adam's apple.

Let's be real: it is a chance for new parents to extort gifts out of family and strangers and have the opportunity to have a normal party before diving into parenting. I'm not sure why Internet trannies get their knickers twisted over this, but they are probably jealous they will never have kids and dip into that sweet maternaty leave.

sweet maternaty leave

these are American workers we're talking about right?

I just screengrabbed that for the next time my cis family complains about not understanding why i hate gender reveal parties

Surely some people haired 17 year old's tweet will convince their family.

theyre just bitter because they never got a gender reveal party and they dont actually know what their gender is


she/her, 22, polyam, plant mom, robot girl✨ part time software developer, full time disappointment

Least they understand how their parents feel. Just not enough to stop being a disappointment

Gross. Isn't that the opposite of what gender identity is supposed to be?

This is why we need to bring back government forced sterilization

Eugenics got a bad rap you know.

Trans people are indeed mentally ill.

Gender Reveal parties are fucking stupid. Just tell people what sex the baby is I don't want to buy a present for every little revelation about your crotch fruit.

Expecting parents are worse than bridezillas.

Like you ever got an invite to a gender reveal party ever

no because my friends did things the right way. A group text "hey y'all the baby is a boy". A gender reveal party is just another way for a mom-to-be to garner attention for themselves.

Stop whiteknighting for mentally ill collectives of people, it’s not like they are not going to give you their pre-op hun bussy anyway πŸ˜‰