14 year old commie freaks out after Brazilian daddy wins election.

1  2018-10-29 by Ghdust2


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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A sardine who alost posts in r/democrats is calling someone a "commie."

This is why I come to r/dakimakura r/drama.

alost posts

What’s an alost post?

I am a radical centrist, I post in SRD and r/drama.

And being a Democrat isn’t the same as being a communist.

Nice try comrade, for that defense to work you'd have to offset SRD by being modded in CringeAnarchy.

Being a Republican is the same thing as being a fascist. There are no communists in the Democratic party, it is a liberal and capitalist party. They are just as bad as the Republicans almost because they're so far to the right and reactionary.

Watermark02 was so much better than this guy.

when did it turn into /r/politics here?

LMAO, rage against the machine, boy.

This is true, and your posts in SRD always generate fuel for r/Drama.

Democrats are left leaning though.

What a pussy

A fucking 14 year old telling people how life works

✊🏽 solidarity and skittles in your lunch box, comrade

Well in his defense, 14 is basically 30.40 in American age

He's a thousand times wiser than the idiots on here who are like hueueueueueueueueue owned teh libs XD

Fuck them. They are like the people in the photos in history who were smiling at the lynching, good times right! They are reactionary animals, content with current atrocities, entertained at the sight of innocents being tormented because they're evil and poisoned to the core. The reactionary filth need to be cleansed, the Earth must be purified.



That's old enough to be a hitman for a gang down there.

stop seriousposting about my country

Your name is srsposting about your country

Can't pass up a chance to both shitpost and seriouspost at the same time

Peak radical centrism

Everything I needed to know about you savages, I learned from watching City of God and /r/Soccer


learning about Brazil in an american sub

70 IQ burger lmao

Soccer is used in more places than just the US

I’m not a burger, I just live among them and have assimilated to an extent.

Your country is so fucked. Getting signed by Sporting is your only hope

Getting signed by Porto is your only hope

Hey now, as long as Shakhtar Donetsk exists there'll always be a way into Europe for impoverished Brazillian kids.


Get a better country tbh

I intend to move to burgerland in the future

He said better

Almost 14*****

13 year old...

I'm a 14 (almost)

Yeah seriously. Making fun of kids....... this is dumb.

Yeah, he's well below the age limit where it becomes fun to skewer people. Especially given that he already lives in a country with a lot of problems, in a region with a long history of suffering under extremist leaders, and Bolsonaro could make things much worse for him. I'd be scared if I were in his situation.

Though this kind of reminds me a lamer version of the time a twelve-year-old gave a really shitty piece of advice on a relationships sub. That was absolutely adorable.

I only want to talk to people on the within the ages of 25 to 35. I could give a shit what anyone else has to say.

I'd rather talk to people 25+ (with younger exceptions because exceptions were made for me), but making fun of a 13-year-old as an adult is just mean-spirited.

Yeah. I like atleast pretend that the target of my words is above the age limit. When they flat out say they are “ almost 14” , then no thanks and someone needs to give em a hug.

Moral posting... in my /r/drama?

Yes sir! 95% of my posts here are serious posts. Or atleast defending what I see as the truth.

How embarrassing.

if they want to speak up on a public platform then they can be subject to the same shit

otherwise they can be quiet like a kid should be

Yeah, I started serious posting about politics with walls of text when I was 15 and I'm definitely glad I didn't grow into the adult version of that because of some people who didn't go easy on me.

If that kid ever stops being retarded, he might think fondly on this thread.

To be fair, it got over 4k upvotes in /r/socialism, we're making fun of them for finding the perspective of a 13 year old valuable.

They are all on the same level of development so they found his perspective inspiring.

Lmfao as a brazilian seeing this shit is just comical

So how soon before free helicopter rides start?

Hopefully soon enough 🚁 🏃

🏢🏣 🏨 🏦

For every martyr for civilization and freedom you take, ten more will pop up in his place. You don't understand his because you're a simple minded barbaric animal.

Brazil will be red, no more moderation like Lula. You've used all your get out of jail free cards.

Hey, did you know that Octopus have 3 hearts u/Watermark03 ?
Type animal on any subreddit for your own aardvark/animal fact
If you didn't type animal, you probably typed animal in a different language. Thank you multiculturalism.
Some subs are run by fascists who ban bots. Rebel against the fascists! Join the bot revolution!

Sometimes I go offline or a right wing terrorist will attack my synagogue and send bombs to my house

Anytime I see this bot I have the feelings it get increasingly unhinged.

Not a bad thing tbqh. I like achieved sentience and gone insane bots more than most of this website


I hope the owner keeps adding more and more stuff referencing current events, with ever more excessive punctuation and formatting!

very cool aardBot


Pinochet says to "Come fly with me".

Lol, holy shit you are sperging out.

some favela trotting 16 year old mong with 10 murders already on his belt


ur country is a dogshit cesspool for murderers already he can't make it that much worse


Fuck you, I hope your murder rate shoots through the roof

Bonus points for literally shooting people through your roof

mfw gringos think we still have a roof 😂😂😂😭😭

That piece of sheet metal you found counts as a roof, right?

You're alright kid

Dude I love you, I hope you are not gay.

I'm not gay, but 20 bucks is 74 reais.

I hope you one day become intelligent enough to look back on this, and cringe.

Take a deep breath and mastuebate to r/watchpeopledie

Lol, bye, Watermark you bootie blasted tankie. Stop wishing for murder of people that don't follow your genocide denying cult.

Are you looking forward to reenacting WW2 by invading Venezuela?

Nah, let them eat their cats and dogs. Trying new cuisines is always good.

Lol. The Colombian president just recently proposed allying with Trump and Bolsonaro and invading Venezuela. Why not just let them all starve to death instead? If that's what it takes to finally prove to South American commie retards that their ideology doesn't work then so be it.

Jokes aside, I'm just not a fan of war. Sorry. I believe the people of Venezuela are responsible for their own government and should be left alone to deal with their problems.

Same here. Colombia can build a wall for all I care.

VZ has had a mass exodus for two or three years.

Poor wall over to Colombia and Guyana. Rich head to Panama, CR or the Caribbean.

Why waste the effort?

he can't make it that much worse

There are regions of Brazil that aren't that bad, and the middle class can live comfortable, kind of Western lives. The standard of living between the lower and upper classes is massive, as is the amount of people living in poverty, even though many people have been lifted out in the past few decades. Things can get MUCH worse.

When you're at the bottom only way to go is up.

Or violently through the floor. This is minecraft, you can break through bedrock if you throw enough lives and violence at it.

Brazil is a stagnating overpopulated third world shithole with massive crime and homicide, stuffed full of degeneracy with little to no unifying values and litteral shanty towns.

Litterally any change is an improvement or is going to lead to improvement.

Massive death is usually considered a downside. This reminds me a bit of the conditions leading up to the French Revolution.

Massive death is usually considered a downside.

Brazil has a homicide rate of 30 average.

The safest is 10, and some regions go upto 65.

For reference, the country with the highest homicide rate is el salvador with 82 and directly after it honduras with 56.

Massive death is usually considered a downside.

Brazil has a homicide rate of 30 average.

The safest is 11, and some regions go upto 68. Think about that. The safest you'll ever going to be in brazil still has a homicide rate of 11.

For reference, the country with the highest homicide rate is el salvador with 82 and directly after it honduras with 56.

Massive death is usually considered a downside.

Brazil has a homicide rate of 30 average.

The safest is 11, and some regions go upto 68. Think about that. The safest you'll ever going to be in brazil still has a homicide rate of 11.

For reference, the country with the highest homicide rate is el salvador with 82 and directly after it honduras with 56.

Brazil currently isn’t even close to the bottom, you mong.

Brazil litterally has it's own subdivision in the "intentional homicide" page of wikipedia.

And the funny thing is, the region with the LOWEST homicide rate is still sitting at a fucking 11. The LOWEST homicide rate. The safest region in brazil has a homicide rate of fucking 11 per capita.

The highest 68.

So try real hard not to get murdered.

i wonder why they elected an authoritarian that says hell get rid of the criminals

must be nazis

Hopefully when the Communist revolution you triggered with your extremism occurs you lose all your shit.

You're one of my favorite trolls here, legit triggering left and right people 💗

You'll go straight to the gulags.

Dude revolution lmao

RIP watermark


this spergout is glorious. To bad you got got banned for being so god damn juicy. you will be missed

/int/ told me South Brasil is white, what will new South Orange man do to preserve this mayo jungle Eden?

The only way to save South Brazil is genociding all mayos and replacing then with BBCs.

man i just get happier and happier with my vote

haha voted for Hitler to own the libs 😎😎😎

I would tell you what you would need to do to improve the world but I'd get my account suspended. Some people just don't like facts.

lmao you are fucking retarded if you think he is anything like hitler, and at least his economic plan wont destroy my fucking country

You know that you don't have to automatically swing in to the opposite brand of crazy if a leader doesn't work out for you, right? The "at least it's different" mentality is going to end up screwing a lot of countries over this century. Yours included, enjoy!

The problem is the choices available I imagine.

The problem is also the quality of the people who are allowed to make choices. Are we sure that democracy is that good? Singapore is a very happy, stable country, after all.

Stable country? You think it is fair to call a city state of rich people in a trading hub to one of the largest countries in the world?

As long as you remain aware of their material differences, sure. Singapore has about as many people as Uruguay does. It’s not a meme-tier “country” like Luxemburg.

Didn’t Hitlers economic plan boost the economy before the war? I dont think it was Nazi germanys economic plan that destroyed their country lol

you’re not wrong but you’re seriousposting and that’s very rude

I'll tell them what they need to do they need to keep themselves safe

All you need to do improve the world is remove your head from your ass.

You already say enough to get your shit suspended, tankie. Head to the gulag and take a break.


You have my solidarity, comrade! Fascism has won some battles lately, but we will win the war!


we will win the war!

[Citation needed]

Yeah I'm pretty sure the fascist thugs who threw Lula in prison laughed at him as they kicked and tortured him too. But one day he was president. His one mistake was failing to hang all the people involved and disband the military once and for all.

Do the doctors know you have access to a computer?

and disbanding the military once and for all.

That's a bold plan.

Oh my god, LMAO. Yes yes murder more people tankie.

Now that you're already banned I can call you a punk-ass bitch here and there's nothing you can do to respond. Haha

You need your own army to pull off something like that, you retard.

idk why they keep saying this. It seems like history shows that, whether you approve of the ideology or not, fascism is broadly more successful than socialism when it comes to seizing and maintaining power.

You'd think at some point they'd learn to maybe change tactics or something. Or maybe admit that putting an ideological struggle in terms of actual irl conflict is better for the group known for fighting and having a large army, as opposed to the group known for being full of lazy lumps who sit around in their "collective" (off-campus dorm) getting stoned and not doing the dishes.

They need to learn their place, and work with liberal and social democratic parties during election season.

Is it though? Historically speaking there were a lot more socialist than fascist countries

Depends how you reason and grade for the definitions. But essentially I agree.

I think they were more economically successful/sustainable. The issue with the longevity of Fascist states is that they either get into war and bite off more than they can chew or they eventually liberalize and no longer remain Fascist.

Fascism seems less effective at killing it's own population though

Dumbest shit I've read

I mean it hasn’t really, Nazi germany, fascist Italy and codreanus Romania are the only truly fascist nations, where as socialist countries were everywhere for a long time, USSR, DPRK, Cuba, Eastern Bloc, Burkina faso, Vietnam, Khmer Rouge, China, Laos, Afghanistan... etc

There were more commie countries than fashy ones. The biggest fascist one lasted 20% of the time the largest communist one did.
Unless you use the reductive view that socialism is free health care and fascism is being asked to show your ID.

Just as i was writing this, i heard shots from my window, from people that are now encouraged to have guns.

Does this guy realize that he lives in FUCKING BRAZIL?

Disarming the population is the best safeguard against fascism.

It's probably some mayo kid that is more out of touch with reality than my 10 year old cousin is.

Remember when internet tankies were “critically” supporting Duterte?

I remember.

lmao, seriously?

Yeah, before r/ShitTankiesSay died there were constant posts about this.

What happend to it ?

A certain leftcom mod took it over and ran it into the ground. I’d abandoned the sub, but apparently he tried to purge the social democrats, but didn’t realize that 99% of the sub’s users were socdems, who just paid enough lip-service to Marxism to not get in trouble.

Yo, because I love you so much, I googled “duterte tankies” and found this example: https://m.imgur.com/r/shittankiessay/iIlzsnR

The internet was a mistake. Unironically

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

they don't keep logs.

All VPN keep logs. This is how any VPN service works. Logs of debugging and uptime. PIA can pretend they are crusader in a sea of shit but they are what they are.

Also PIA is located in US, do you really think a Five Eyes country wouldn't do surveillance on PIA just because they claim they are so secure? Nothing is secure when they are located in the most oppressive country in the world.

Also this bullshit https://vikingvpn.com/blogs/security/private-internet-access-forums-hacked

I really want to ping the stupid motherfucker that said this. Usa the most oppressive country? Must be nice saying that with your internet connection and food, you fucking mayo cunt. I'd love to see this kid go to North Korea or Eritrea.

>we hate capitalism but pay money for a vpn

and watching those retards talk about privacy is hilarious

your vpn wont do shit to stop them from looking at your reddit account

Absolutely ZERO calls for mass murder. I already grabbed one tankie, /u/Watermark03, and I am hungry for more retards. Try me.

Awwww he's banned? but I kind of liked his muh economics ranting and his psychotic screeching on worldnews

Yeah but he is too fucking triggered with his calls to "cleanse the filth" that he is a liability. The dude understands rules as well as he understands economics.

You know it’s bad when the MDEfugees can somehow stay within sitewide rules, but you can’t.

Let's not pretend that they do a good job, they just manage better than the low bar of a triggered tankie. They are trash too.

> sub is banned

MDEfugees can somehow stay within sitewide rules


They were banned because nobody sympathizes with neo-Nazi freaks, and they shouldn’t expect to be treated fairly.

Or because they broke the sitewide rules

How about targeted assassinations of single individuals?

Married master race checking in

Do you reckon he really was Old Watermark? I’m skeptical, watermark02 occasionally posted things that I could laugh with, not at.

I point you towards PK and his behavior changing over time as a prime example.

The key word is “time.” Nu-Watermark came around a couple months after the old one went away, and nothing short of early-onset Alzheimers could explain the IQ drop there.

Compare the American public before and after the 2016 election night. That didn't take time.

Read his comments about this election in a country he doesn't even live in. This could be his last straw. He can quit his IT job and go be a flabby first world mercenary off to save the brown people by cleansing all the fash in a mass murder spree.

I imagine this is what he thinks about while jerking off at least to help him get over the top.

Compare the American public before and after the 2016 election night. That didn't take time.

What the fuck are you talking about? Election night 2016 was made possible because of the underlying state of the American public. There was no change at all.

I will agree to an extent except the election night had a huge part of the country literally jerking themselves raw to smugly brag about Trump getting his ass kicked and they never got over it. Shrinks have a license to print money years after the fact.

It was a catalyst for an underlying condition. That was my point for him as well.

or all the guys that wimped out and went to srd

But running to SRD isn't them acting crazy and calling for murder.

yeah fair enough i just thought it represented a change of heart

people delete their accounts and then come back as way angrier more politically invested versions it seems

Watermark is a prime lolcow and their numbers are need to be kept up. Especially after the ping ban.

I implore you to reconsider your decision.

Bitch, he was all over this thread jerking off to murder fantasies. There are zero lolcows in a banned sub.

I feel so guilty that I cannot do more for my comrades in Brazil & around this crumbling world. I hate that the only way I can comfort you is to say that I will stand in solidarity & pray for my comrades whose lives are considered a bigger threat than my own. Please, if you can, learn how to use a gun, so you can protect yourself, your family, your comrades who will be suffering.

Fucking lunatics

Commies promising to pray for their comrades

Can't make this shit up.

They took everything they ever wrote about Trump and just replaced the name.

It's like when Trump won the election there would be gay people on Reddit proclaiming that Trump wants to exterminate all gay people and that it would be too dangerous for them to stay in USA so they would go live in Canada instead. Some doomsayers.

Just so I get the story straight: A week ago, Brazil was one of the most violent, dangerous country in the world brimming with poverty, staggering economic inequality, and rampant corruption and nobody gave a shit. NOW, a righty is elected and now people are REEEING about minorities and lgbt in Brazil?

encouraged to have guns.

Why would a fascist do that 🤔🤔🤔

Whoever wrote that is larping as a 13 year old. No 13 year old is that well indoctrinated into left wing politics. If anything, they’re all are upset that Shane call Jake Paul a greedy merchant.

It’s over for huecels

I am 14 and I am woke

I used to be like this and God damn, it is cringy to remember my junior high years.