Bussy vs. Gussy on what is gender and what gender is and gender is what and is what gender

1  2018-10-30 by Momruepari


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Gender is whatever is convenient to the person arguing about it, and sex is what the people who argue about gender politics don't get to have

good take

Notice me momruepari.

noticed 👈👈

don't get to have

That's why we takin this, nigga

Can't 👏 rape 👏 the 👏 willing 👏👏👏

She's right tho. They're interchangeable in casual conversation, but they're two different things. This is like biology 101


You're better looking tho


Christ, that's a title alright.

Gender used to be a grammar term and didn't refer to humans. Then in the 1970's, feminists and social scientists decided it should mean "the social roles imposed on sex". Confusingly, some feminists also thought it was a good idea to retronym man/woman to refer to gender rather than sex (now, male/female).

This doesn't make a lot of sense according to the the still-new definition of gender (is it a set of prescriptions on an identity or the identity itself??), but did lead to the mainstream, having perverted "sex" to mean "fucking", to be like GREAT I'm going to use gender so I don't have to say "sex" anymore.

Then transsexuals said, hey if it's a set of prescriptions as well as the identity associated with the sexes, that means if I follow the prescriptions of the other sex I get to be the other gender! Which, again, made no sense according to the roles definition but did make sense according to the male/female=sex, man/woman=gender distinction that feminists created. Thus, they renamed themselves transgender.

Meanwhile, the mainstream got so used to saying gender instead of sex that they completely forgot feminists fucking came up with this and say hilarious things like gender used to mean sex until the feminists came along.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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Where's this pasta from?

I may be retarded but I don't even think our top minds could make sense of this

it's not that hard

that's what she said

having perverted "sex" to mean "fucking"

These morons don't understand context or what synonym means. It still says sex on my drivers license.