Front page of /r/Iowa is completely spammed with posts about racist Steve King. Do Iowans really hate racist Steve King that much, or are racist Steve King supporters spamming posts about racist Steve King to get posts about racist Steve King being racist banned from /r/iowa?

1  2018-10-30 by cochnbahls


Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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Is every burger state/city subreddit about blue wave midterms these days?

Ask /u/annarchist they moderate here and /r/Iowa

Sorry to tell you but reality seems to have a well-known blue wave bias

thinking Reddit = reality

lmao November's going to hurt you so bad, bro

So naive. The Democrats will take the House, the Senate and then the White House.


Ok, so there are some flaws in OPs execution, but he more or less has the right idea with his little scheme here.

The internet is an inherently contrarian place. Laws of fashion unfold at an accelerated rate and ironic detachment is the most powerful rhetorical device.

I've been saying for a while now that if there is an idea or a talking point that you hate, don't argue against it -- make a bunch of alts and spam it everywhere. Sooner or later people will begin repeating with purposely wrong capitalization (fReedOM oF SPeecH iSnt frreeDom FrOm cOnseQuenCes) or some other ironic tell. And every neutral person will upvote because they want to show both the world and themselves that they are up-to-date with the current internet discourse.

This particular user's plan would have been more effective with multiple alts, but the general idea of an accelerated counterjerk is still inspired, at least for his kind.

Controlled opposition is the future of the culture war.

Steve King is a good guy.

Uhhhgg nuke Iowa