Rate my cat

1  2018-10-30 by snallygaster


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meow/productivity blocking
would pet

He's why I can't work from home very often.

He looks like a pussy


I wish

Cutie/10 😻

Sweet pussy, Snally

Thanks man



Snally poorcel confirmed.

It's a 1k+ laptop, though the mousepad was shitty out of the box so I can't do much with it.


bourgeoisie scum 😤😤😤

That's one nice fuckin kitty right there.

Laptop looks like the ones you buy from a Nigerians blanket on some shady city street corner that has the Apple start up logo but uses Windows 8.

wow rude!

Is it an ASUS? Mine looks eerily similar

Kinda looks like an Acer Nitro given the keyboard, the hinge design, and the red "D" key.

It's an Acer Predator

Did you just out yourself as a gamer?

Has same colourings of a cow. 2/10


Sweet, sleepy, cuddly. 9/10.

You, on the other hand...

Very cute :)

Tuxedo cats are so 90s.

RIP Socks. 😥

fuck you!


😻are his/her/xir paws black or white? Plz post feet


Can we get a better angle? Your kitty looks vvvv cute but I want to be sure before I rate 😻


But that doesn't change the fact that it's a cat.

I’d pet it. 10/10

Love tuxedo kitties. Post him/her in /r/tuxedocats.

patrician subreddit.

9/10 very kawaii

Gonna give it a 4 out of 10. Better than one of mine which is like a 3 but way worse than my mother who is an 8 or a strong 7.

Looks like you'll have to dispose🗑️ it off 🚮 because it has hints of🤢 mayo on it

Why is your cat a blackface?

Not a dog 0/10

Too dark. I can't see much.

Seems like a healthy cat. though.


Black and white cats are the best \o/

Dude pussy lmao


its a good cat snally!

My corgi says 7/10 would chase around the house and annoy.