Yet another cryptardcurrency is revealed to be a scam. Victims on suicide watch.

1  2018-10-30 by POST_BUSSY



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Yours respectfully, a logical person.


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Now they want to place a bounty on the CEO who exit scammed.

> Mfw people are shocked that a product designed to be anonymous that's lead by an anonymous 'CEO' would exit scam.

It’s quite funny to see boomers use cybersecurity jargon tbqh One of my favourite griefing videos is basically just this.

"IP addresses are static to computers."

"IP ban his MAC address over the whole internet."

oh lawd

“Let’s give some anonymous guy access to potentially millions of dollars worth of funny money.”

That's no way to talk about the head of the federal reserve.

imagine believing this 😡

Ron Paul blessed this post

Ben Bernanke saved the world

That's what they said about Sauron when he forged the rings.

tfw no all powerful paper ring

True, if it were the Fed it would be trillions

Also be your own bank and stop trusting the governement fucking sheep

>oysterbruno17 points·9 months ago

>We encourage legitimate criticism, but don't appreciate people going into extremes and calling us a 'scam'.

rly makes u think

i think the isn't a guy but the team making a fall guy(whos fake) and then they can maybe in a few months get a whats left($100,000 or more)

having their cake and eating it all the while taking suspicion off of them, they even got people saying sorry and apologizing to them for fuck's sake.

any thought? or could be a guy giving kickbacks. im saying don't trust these "managers" and CEOS who have zero accountability.

who would ever invest in these schemes after getting burnt time and time again, then again this time might be different.

HODL till there's NoMo

yeah, this is my thought too. Those people telling everyone to calm down are loling behind the scenes. Creeptos are sad desperate people. I'd feel bad if these people would learn from the hundred other scams that have happened this year.

This is good for bitcoin?

Yes. Additionally it's good for Dramacoin

My dramacoin value is low, I hope it increases..

I should buy in before the drama peaks.

Midterms are about to happen, and that always gives a boost to Dramacoin.

when is the result date??

Hodl. Dramacoin will certainly peak in 2020, 100% guarantee.

I don't belive you, look what happened to bitcoin

And there's the inevitable suicide hotline number.

Any cryptosub should just have that number stickied, permanently.

I don't think any of these people can actually afford a rope.

Are they too dumb to jump off the roof?

Smh😡 Nothing is free, you commie! Go learn economics 😡

It's not though, taxpayers will have to pay for the cleanup at the very least.

Or if you use a train your family will pay.

lmao the suicide hotline being posted on crypto subs is like a running joke at this point

except it's real


smart contracts are the future

super secure and self enforcing, no need to trust those darn (((central bankers)))

dev backdoor plainly visible in the code

idiots still buy it

they deserve it tbh

so this Bruno character designed the platform, was the only one with access to steal all the weird money things, then he stole all the weird money things...AND NO ONE ACTUALLY KNOW HIS REAL FUCKING NAME???

how can these people take themselves seriously?

"I left me car on the street with the keys in the ignition and a note saying "steal me" and then...someone stole it!! can you believe it?"

yes. yes I can.

He apparently manages to be anonymous while also having a tragic backstory.

It is hard. Bruno had the back story of selling his furniture to fund the ICO misfortune so it's easy to feel for him and think he's giving everything he had to make the project succeed.

Imagine believing this

This just in, retarded boomers are retarded. More at 11.

There's not a single boomer alive, not one, that invests in crypto. This is a gen X/millenial abomination.

Anyone who invests in crypto deserves everything that's coming for him

It was probably still a decent amount of work for the $300-500K he made.

Plus he separated crypto idiots from their money, so it was really a public service

Still, ~$400k for a year of work is quite the pretty penny

That all? With some of these coin makers becoming overnight billionaires that seems so small to run away with.

Hahahhahahhaha its OVER for libertariancels.

Imagine unironically using crypto for anything besides buying drugs lol.

“Imagine unironically using the internet for anything besides buying drugs lol.”

I’m sure that comment was just as edgy back in 1997, too.

How much have you lost in made up money


Bought back in 2015... ask me how much I’ve made in non-made up money 👀

Is it none? It is that, isn't it

It’s likely significantly more than all the money you’ve made since 2015, let’s put it that way.

You’re letting all that salt get in the way of you realizing that crypto is the future of legitimate investment vehicles. It’s ok... same can be said for a lot of people.

Don’t let scams like the one in OP confuse you for believing they’re all scams. They’re not. Corporate media (aka Reddit) have a vested interest in getting unsuspecting people like yourself to think that.

I've made double plus 1 of what you made actually. But just like you, I made it all up.

Ok, guy 😂

We can pretend together

TBH if you make more than a full working person yearly with what's supposed to be currency you either are gambling on it or putting insane amounts of cash that would be more profitable elsewhere.

AND the fact that you think of a currency in profit terms is proof of how bullshit the "crypto is the future" thing is. Only way for crypto to be useful is if central banks adopt the tecnology and absorb the costs.

Couple things you’re misunderstanding here.

First of all, it’s a technological advancement. If you know your Econ, you’ll know that a vacuum is created when a new tech is created. By getting in early, I’ve luckily been able to ride that vacuum through the price discovery period (which we’re still in). I didn’t invest “insane amounts of cash”, I invested reasonable amounts at the right times.

Secondly, I agree about looking at it in terms of profit isn’t the way to go, and I don’t. I’m about collecting Bitcoin and Ethereum (with a few other main competitors just to balance out the portfolio). I also have an index fund and a precious metals IRA that I invest in.

Out of all of those, my returns on crypto have been ridiculously higher than returns from literally any other investment vehicle. My first point being the reason for that.

And finally, central banks don’t need to adopt it... they simply will no longer exist. Bitcoin will act as the universal exchange rate for all currencies. No more IMF. No more central banks. No more human manipulation (in theory down the line, that is). Just a stable, calculable, deflationary currency unit.

Internet + money

You might now how to invest but you certainly have no idea on Economics if you long for a deflationary, unregulated, universal currency. Or that because there is no CB there will be no manipulation.

Also your "vacuum" thing is the bullshitiest version of a life cycle I've read in a long time.

The two things that go above every crypto apologist's head that absolutely kills your concept of crypto are a)Trade and b)Shocks. Look for literature about long term relationship between the current account and the exchange rate and tools for handling crisis and financial shocks.

Let me ask you, how much of what you just referenced applies to the internet...?

And overcoming the challenges of a deflationary currency are MUCH more solvable than overcoming the challenges of a manipulated inflationary currency. We can create incentives for investing through other vehicles than inflation. I trust that the internet will provide those solutions as well.

The internet has changed EVERYTHING we thought we knew. Most people, including economists, have yet to truly comprehend that.

Can you explain a little more what you mean by Trade and Shocks? I understand the concepts, just not clear on how you're applying them in this instance.

Appreciate having someone that actually knows Econ to discuss this with. Thanks for the replies thus far.

Let me ask you, how much of what you just referenced applies to the internet...?

So long as there's production involved and the exchange is done between different countries (or largely different regions, for that matter), it applies. You can't have one currency without having one state, in the long run. EU is a good example for this.

And overcoming the challenges of a deflationary currency are MUCH more solvable than overcoming the challenges of a manipulated inflationary currency.

They actually aren't, and I'm writing this from fucking Argentina. Deflation is a much, much worse thng that inflation because of how adjustments are done in the real world compared to the theoretical world. Long story short, it's easier for individuals to rise prices than to cut them, so adjustments done this way take longer and impact more on the economy.

Can you explain a little more what you mean by Trade and Shocks and how that "kills your concept of crypto"? I understand the terms, just not clear on how you're applying them in this instance.

Trade as in international trade, because of the previous two paragraphs. The current account would fuck countries over every single time because there is no exchange rate. All changes would be price changes done via deflation. Same with shocks. Negative shocks like the 2007 crisis will have to be absorbed entirely.

Basically to long for cryptos is to long for the Gold Standard in a world drastically bigger and more interconnected than that where it already failed. That's why we had Bretton-Woods. That's why B-W failed and now we are here.

To be clear, I understand that now Cryptos are a goldmine, just not for the reasons people think they are. Cryptos feed on people's hope that the price will go up and they'll cash out the dividends. There's no real component backing them up unlike actual currencies which have a country's GDP as backup (or source of stability, to not be ambiguous) and its principles are uncompatible with how the world works. The beest part of it is that there may be a time when the tech can be adopted by central banks, and that will be THE contribution of cryptocurrency.




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You can't have one currency without having one state, in the long run. EU is a good example for this.

I never said one currency. It would be one universal exchange rate. All currencies would compete against bitcoin.

Deflation is a much, much worse thng that inflation because of how adjustments are done in the real world compared to the theoretical world. Long story short, it's easier for individuals to rise prices than to cut them, so adjustments done this way take longer and impact more on the economy.

Again, this is the old way of thinking. For example, we've never had a currency that could be (virtually) infinitely divisible.

In the end, supply and demand of labor and resources will always be there, so a need for a means of exchange will always be there. Unless I'm misunderstanding what your argument is here, in which case please elaborate.

Basically to long for cryptos is to long for the Gold Standard in a world drastically bigger and more interconnected than that where it already failed.

And why did it fail?? Boom... internet gold saves the day. Comparing the two as likely to fail for the same reasons is borderline disingenuous.

Cryptos feed on people's hope that the price will go up and they'll cash out the dividends. There's no real component backing them up unlike actual currencies which have a country's GDP as backup (or source of stability, to not be ambiguous) and its principles are uncompatible with how the world works. The beest part of it is that there may be a time when the tech can be adopted by central banks, and that will be THE contribution of cryptocurrency.

Genuinely curious... do you work for a bank? Or some kind of financial institution? You obviously know your econ, but don't seem to know much about Crypto (and I don't mean that to be insulting by any means, it just sounds like I'm talking to a banker that's so stuck in the old ways that they can't see what's coming down the pike).

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Again, this is the old way of thinking. For example, we've never had a currency that could be (virtually) infinitely divisible.

This has nothing to do with the problem. The problem is individual decisions vs collective decisions.

Unless I'm misunderstanding what your argument is here, in which case please elaborate.

I won't because I feel like I made myself clear. It's not about absolute need, it's about relative competitiveness and how different price systems interact with each other.

And the gold standard isn't bad because of gold. It's bad because it forces a rigidity on something that's fluid. And the system adapts in the most painful way, always. Floating exchange rates meant understanding this and a crypto standard is a Stacy doll with a new hat.

You obviously know your econ, but don't seem to know much about Crypto

I didn't focus myself on banking (which has nothing to do with this) nor cryptos, but any advanced student in economics should be able to tell you it a very high risk phenomenon with no economic value other than as a massive, crowd funded research project.

Post pictures of ur fat stacks of cash along with home address if real plz

White detected. The moderators have been notified. Mayocide incoming.

Oh god.

Snappy quote pls

>crypto in current year


Nice argument

i dont need an argument youre a moron if you invest in crypto in the current year bitcoin has a massive flaw that will kill it once its exposed

As I said, I invested in 2015. I agree now is not the best time to jump in.

What massive flaw are you referring to? That’s news to me

you can put child porn into the blockchain and without making the blockchain illegal youve opened up a loophole for legal child porn

but as a libertarian you probably support that

You can put child porn on the internet... should we shut down the internet?

No, of course not. As unfortunate as it is, true freedom comes with caveats. We just need to vigilantly prosecute and stop people responsible for it.

It’s always going to be a big problem we’ll have to deal with. I just have faith that solutions will be realized that don’t compromise the integrity of the chain itself.

We certainly shouldn’t just throw the baby out with the bath water though, that’s for sure.

youre too much of a retard to understand the difference between the blockchain and the internet

So edgy

Its just the truth sweaty

theres an obvious difference between blockchain and the internet

When did I ever say there isn’t?

Your comparison to the internet

OK post the tx

Sure, I'll go grab my hardware wallet out of my security deposit box and dig in to my earliest transaction history for you. One second.

You don't need the hardware to view transactions tho...

Please enlighten me, how should I go about getting the txID's without my Ledger... very interested.

You just load up your wallet on your computer. The hardware is only used to create new transactions (just to sign them, actually). You can read your transactions just like everyone else can because they're all public information.

That’s not how Ledger’s work, not sure about whatever HW wallet you have. Sure the txID is on the public blockchain, but I have no way of accessing a way to find it without connecting me ledger.

I have a ledger, that's how they work.

Your wallet/addresses are basically public info (okay technically you can obfuscate addresses so they aren't obviously part of the same wallet but they're public when you use them).

My wallet software works just fine without my ledger being connected. There's a little icon with a red dot to show it's disconnected. If I try sending bitcoins it prompts me to connect my hardware wallet but I can still see all my transactions/balances (and so can everyone else, since it's a public ledger).

Whoa really? Which kind of ledger do you have?

  1. When I open my ledger software, I just get a gray screen that says "To begin, connect and unlock your Ledger Wallet." What you're describing sounds completely different. Do you have the Blue or something? I use a nano S

Same one.

I think I use electrium? I'm blanking on the name. I haven't done anything with bitcoin in months.

Ohhh I see, you use an Electrum wallet. That makes sense.

I only use the ledger hardware wallet, and you need the physical wallet to access the info (unless you already had the TXIDs for some reason).

I too make up lies to flex on reddit

i know right?

my father in law lost a bunch of money of crypto currency and it's like dude. I have severe autism and you are more stupider than me any day

It's okay guys you don't need any regulation. Just vote with your wallets! lmao

The invisible hand of the free market 😂😂

dumb fucks lmfao

Lel to the cryptofags.

the best part is where they are offering a bounty on Bruno's identity because

Despite working alongside him for the last 10 months, Bruno has always maintained his anonymity.

Don't worry though, these geniuses have the crucial hint that will ensure he's tracked down in no time: this BTC and ETH addresses!

Hope he dumps it all into monero or something

The only difference between this shitcoin and bitcoin is that there are more people believing in btc.

I can't WAIT for when that shit SFYLs.

Still selling normie_girl coins if anyone wants some. Only a matter of time before I get that lambo. I mean you.

I will buy on margin!

TFL are bastards.

Hey you can do a lot worse than London for public transport, beleive me

Maybe I’m ditzy and maybe I’m just stupid, but can someone explain this to me? I don’t really understand what exactly cryptocurrency is and what even gives it value. I also can’t make heads or tails of what, exactly, the drama is.

Any help for this Mayo is appreciated.

OK, imagine your standard wall street stock broker type.

Now imagine that this stock broker thinks of stocks the same way the most fanatical sports fan thinks of their team. Like absolutely obsessed and simultaneously deluded about it. They want to give their team money.

Now imagine this person's vape juice got replaced with paint thinner but they still made them big clouds.

How would this person behave? Like a crypto nerd.

Oh my.

Never have I EVER..

exactly cryptocurrency is

Numbers. Imagine that pure autism was given electronic "form".

and what even gives it value.

See above.

I also can’t make heads or tails of what, exactly, the drama is.

Someone left a backdoor that let them steal all of the money, but insisted it was for totally legit purposes. Turns out they stole all the money.

So I guess I kinda get it. It basically has value bc the people that invest in it give it value. They do so by the virtue of backing it with actual money and from the fact that they want it, like it’s in demand.

So it’s fucked up to steal all that money, even if it was from retards. Do these people have any legal recourse? Can they get their money back? Theft is (obviously) a little different than a crash or an autism implosion. I will be going back over the threads and checking out the juicy drama. I guess the bad dude is Bruno? Did they give tens of thousands of dollars to a guy named Bruno? And it wasn’t even his real name.. he chose Bruno? And they don’t know the legal name?

I can now comfortably lmao

Do these people have any legal recourse?

Maybe, if they can find him. Too bad they never knew who he was, and knew right from the very beginning that he was anonymous.

Also, it helps if you picture Bruno like this

Thanks for the mental picture. What I had wasn’t autistic enough, this is by far more appropriate. Holy shit I can’t believe these cunts gave this guy potentially hundreds of thousands and they didn’t even know his name.

The funniest part is the scam part was obvious. You can look at the smart contract and see it isnt written properly. That is what happened to Oyster.

Good projects that people put hundreds or thousands into are open source and not modifiable like Oyster's was.

Man this is so funny fucked up

It's numbers protected by encryption keys that would require the entire energy output of the sun to crack; unless someone simply tricks you into revealing your keys, then your money is gone.

Mathematically, and from a computer science or economics view, it's very interesting, but it's too hard for humans to deal with the security requirements for everyday transactions, with malware continually trying to steal your money.

I don’t trust any type of currency that I can not actually see it if I want to.

Well, you can get physical media to hold your crypto value on, but those are mostly for the super-nerds

cryptocurrency, like the name implies is a form of currency. Except, it is backed by no one instead of nation backed national currencies like USD, pounds, pesos, etc. Which is why many cryptocurrency coins tout the "decentralized" word everywhere.

bitcoin is the first one to implement this concept and got widespread acceptance worldwide.

How does bitcoin gets its value? It gets its value through many means: 1.) there are only limited bitcoins in existence.

2.) Its time consuming and needs heavy resources to "mine" bitcoin, which means it is also more valuable in the marketplace.

3.) Its a secure form of asset when you own your own (cryptographic) keys to the bitcoins.

That was a really good rundown!! Thanks so much!

It's just some digital bits who's uniqueness and value is protected by cryptography basically. Also a huge public ledger of transfers and transactions. Which is anonymous due because actual names are not listed.

I don’t really understand what exactly cryptocurrency is

It's like buying stock of a company, just in this case the company is the cryptocurrency.

what even gives it value

What gives any money in the world value? The times of being able to exchange your money to gold are over. Currently the value of money is determined by trust.

I also can’t make heads or tails of what, exactly, the drama is.

You can imagine cryptocurrency as a bank with everyone can watch the frontdoor and the transactions happening. So it's pretty much impossible to cheat. Sadly, they did not know that there was also a backdoor, so the one who build the bank went through the back door and took everything out without you realizing it and now all the money you invested is gone.

Wow. I'm mostly curious about just how thorough the 'security audits' were.

Auditor: "So, this Mr Block... your Chief Architect... when can I speak to him ?"

Oyster: "Oh, you can't, really... we don't know who he is. We don't have any details about his identity whatsoever."

Auditor: "No problem! *tick* Right, what's next?"

+1 i will have the confidence to buy again if you do this

Found this comment. There users are... well, I don't even want to spend my energy thinking about their mental state.

Basically no one knows who this Bruno CEO guy is but the rest of the developers say that they are honest. But couldn't Bruno just be a guy they made up? They still look innocent but they are now rich. And this guy gets all the blame while the users slowly return and the rest of the team prepares for a new Bruno attack from another guy they invented?

If you invest in cryptocurrency, you deserve to lose all your money tbh

lol christ and they even do have the suicide hotline number posted. The creeptos are all millionaires I thought too, so this should only be a 1 lambo loss.

After briefly skimming the sub, seeing a number of threads like "bruno may be gone, but we have never been closer to attaining our goal"




guess we're in the stage of denial

How to get rich quick:

  1. Duplicate blockchain process and declare a new digital currency
  2. Hype it online and get buyers
  3. Let it build up a bit
  4. ZOMG WE GOT HACKED OH MAN this... this guy... oh we're so MAD at him! Ah man... well the money's all gone and it's totally untraceable... man we're so embarrassed but what can ya do now... jeez soz guys

Creeptos kinda do prove the theory that if you build it they will come. No need to prove anything. Just stay anonymous and give the coin a fancy name with white paper and they will come.

Is there any merit to crypto currency at all? Serious question.


no (((bankers))) involved