Video game (๐Ÿ˜ค) critic complaining that NPCs on red dead redemption 2 are doing their digital job and have the only purpose to be there for the main player, and that there is masculinity on a western game

1  2018-10-30 by ltedt




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as soon as i saw the username "transgamerthink" i knew this was going to be retarded

If this is what we've come to, bring on the nukes.

Why do so many trannies game?

Other way around, gamers are easier to convince they're women.

Why do so many gamers trans?

Impossible to know for sure but I'll pose a couple theories:

  1. Women in gaming get lots of attention, attention starved gamers crave this.

  2. There are very few women in gaming so gamers don't interact with actual women very much and elevate them to a mystical status and want on that status.

  3. Gamers Spend massive amounts of time on the internet and almost certainly spend a lot of it finding more and more depraved pornography a surprising number of those rabbit wholes lead to trans and autogynophilia porn and they mistake their boredom of vanilla porn for genuine interest in the lifestyle.

  4. Gamers regularly disassociate from reality more so than any other media. So they may accept the idea that they aren't associated to their body more readily.

  5. Gamers who take their hobby to the extremes that would put them in the lime light game enough to where the time suck effects their social develoment.

  6. Gaming is a favorite hobby of neet types who very unhappy with themselves due to personal failing and looking for an explanation for why they feel like total losers and hate themselves.

  7. (((most likely))) games are being stuffed with subliminal hypnotic messages by a massive Global Jewish conspiracy to get young disaffected youths who otherwise might rebel against their righteous rule to both sterilize themselves to curve population growth and fill themselves with hormones that will reduce their aggression. This is obviously a good and wise plan and will eventually be extended more directly to all potential violent criminals(goy males)

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Hot takes sometimes need more mass to reach the required level of heat.

Bitching at people who are able to pass a Turing test isn't going to help you pass any sooner.

Oh shit!

this is all bullshit but i believe it.

Because game is mainly a male thing outside casual gaming

Weak 2/10 betas with shitty job

can't get women

only way out is to start transitioning and hopefully you'll be 5/10 at least so you can be some rich saudi's bussy cumdumpster and live off oil daddy's credit card

Jeez I wonder why

Yes officer, this post right here.

That only works in the UK.

And they woulda gotten away with it if it wasnโ€™t for your meddling science

Pajeet my son

We will be a super power by 2020

super powered designated shitting streets

Their street shitting technology is decades beyond ours.

Local power. Lacks a force projection capability of superpower

Isn't India already a local power with the nukes and shit?


Yes and in 2020, India will still be a local power

I fucking knew it

who didnt? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

The state of california, Portland and Seattle?

Hmm...I've heard of autismos self-medicating with cannabis before and I've definitely noticed a cannabis/trannyism connection over the past few years.

i knew i was autistic but no one believed me

Because they are unemployable antisocial people who need a lot of cope. Video games stimulate the the dopamine and make you feel better about being a shitty human being.

Being boring and uninteresting, bad with women, poor social skills, obviously its because you were suppose to be a woman! Until they get their wangs cut off they are just attention whores.

Cutting insight. I agree, never made the connection before. On a unrelated note, I used to be fine with trannies until I had to start dealing with their bullshit. Imagine being lectured by a waiter for misgendering โ€œherโ€ when โ€œsheโ€™sโ€ wearing a tux and has the chest of a loli

Why didn't you ask for a new waiter, lol?

Because twitter and tumblr would insist that is exactly the same as an old southern white woman demanding a replacement for a black doctor.

I also base everything I do on how Twitter and Tumblr users will react!

Honestly there have been witch hunts in that scenario, so I can see wanting to skip the hassle.

The first rule of civilization: never, ever fuck with someone who brings you food.

Meh, I was mostly done with my meal by then

I didn't care until legislation made it illegal in canada to mis-gender someone.

This is it, a lot of flat out fake trans out there, but people will say your just transphobe for saying it. Either gay gays trying to trick/guilt trip strait guys into sex, strait guys being perverted so they can get close to women in changing/bathrooms, sports athletes cheating by using their natural strength to beat women in sports, "lesbian" trans who date women, or just a flat out attention whores who who call themselves trans just to get attention. There have been people on reddit who have admitted that they do this or know someone who does this, but it always gets downvoted because it goes against the narrative.

Links please

Because transgenderism is caused by extreme porn consumption, a behavior which is part and parcel with gaymer culture

woke r/gc femcel take ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

By Allah, you will taste my blade if you ever associate me with foids again

>womyn flair

>femcel lvl hot takes


You may be a trans woman in denial ๐Ÿค”

pretty sure this is wrong, but i upvoted you anyway just in case

Its time for you to get woke on the fetish porn -> hormone therapy pipeline

Because gamerism is a mental illness

A better question is "Why do so many gamers trans?"

A very non passing one at that.

Man there's some juicy drama getting cooked up in my nerdom involving similar characters.

I'm working on a snally-tier write up

Honestly, you could have figured that out at "trans".

If you need to describe yourself in your brand, you're retarded.

Whatever pretensions to realism RDR2 holds



Tbh I'm having a real hard time figuring out their stance on accuracy. They dont care when its black female nazis but god forbid a western portray the west

Accuracy is important when autistic little girls are deriving their self-worth from video games but its just a game lol when autistic boys do the same

So now they give a shit about realism and accurancy?

Strange that they use this as an excuse to ban or put shit in vydia...just like kiatards.

Look at all those filters on the profile pic. What's the bet it's because they're awful at passing without them?

this turd burglar does know that you can help with the womens suffrage movement in the game, right?

That's just more toxic masculinity, as it implies that women need help from a man. Get your act together shitlord.


Not in the game though

As an aside plenty of women didn't want to be able to vote because it came with other responsibilities like being drafted.

That reminds me of some related drama over how women came to acquire the right to vote. It's shitty Twitter drama, but so is this thread, so whatever.

Gaming """"""Journalists"""""" don't actually play games.

gussy suffrage movement

if it aint the transgussy suffrage movement, xhe don't care

Suffragettes are prototerfs or something.

Somehow knowing the game jerks itself off that hard makes me not want to play it holy shit

You can kill a KKK rally too though so it balances itself out

But can you support it?

I have no idea, I'm waiting a year for the PC release.

wait, it's releasing on pc?

Maybe. I don't think anyone's ever said it, but everyone knows they'd be silly to not to.

Wouldn't you be doing things like supporting the Klan in the non-PC version though?

no, some notes on some of the guys humanizes them a bit. one of them talks about how their father didn't want them going back to college so they ran away to go back.

To be fair I wouldn't support a group retarded enough to set itself on fire.

Unless for the sole purpose of egging themselves on, of course.

Yeah Iโ€™m amused that you run into the KKK a couple times and you get positive karma for just murdering them in an unprovoked fashion. No politics behind this Iโ€™m sure.

Murdering Klansmen in a video game is politics?

Imagine a game with a karma system that gave positive karma for killing civilian women and negative karma for killing civilian men. Gee I wonder what the reactions would look like.

If you're hanging niggers by the tree you're not the best civilian are you though

I'm pretty sure you're not representing the court of law in RDR2

Oh, the poor KKK-phile is as fragile as Tumblr teens.

If you need to imagine I'm like super upset about this in order to dismiss me, okay.

Can I go party with them though?

Oh lol, that's nothing.

One of your best friends won the victim olympics of being a black native american in the wild west.

You can tell how much of a copout it is because of the implication that native americans back then liked black people enough to be within fucking distance.

I'd say hate the game for it's biggest glaring problem though, all the plotlines end up being magically fixed after every mission. It's like a 90s sitcom.

Friend gets arrested? Blam, he gets off. The other guy who got arrested? Blam, magic device that fixes all your problems.

Defection starting to show in your group? Blam. Good reason that magically means the infighting had a point, and that said infighting was all just one block of fuck instead of the usually small fuckeries that builds up to said infighting.

This post is even worse than a seriouspost. It is, and may Allah forgive me for uttering these words, a gamer seriouspost

That was a mistake in reality and I'm sure will be digitally as well

Isn't the mission just drive them somewhere?

yeah, but you can also donate to them at their stalls in saint denise. or rob them

So there's something for everyone

Yeah but am I still able to tie a prostitute to the train tracks after I sully her with my sinful lust?

Can you not help with it? Just got it, haven't had time to play yet, but the prospect of setting feminism back 20 years via horse antics sounds swell.

Itโ€™s a video game lady, mix in a Xanax and a reality check

There's some good candidates for /r/drama mod associates

writer @kotaku

i used to dislike kotaku until i realize they have an amazing ability to create drama out of nothing

I still dislike kotaku but now it's with a hint of guilty pleasure. Like a trap in a doujin who gets raped by an ugly bastard but ends up enjoying it in the end. Kotaku did me a mind break.

I want to hate you for typing this, but that unironically sounds hot

Don't worry I'll hate him for you

Hate him for me too

Kotaku is at least GENERALLY better than Polygon but not by much. At least Kotaku sometimes puts out actually decent reviews.

That's like being the smartest kid with downs

They are part of that gawker network of bullshit.

Hulk Hogan tells them what their gaming opinions now.

โ€œ alright brother, itโ€™s time to dethrone the white male. โ€œ

Damn Gawker I wish you were still with us, I sure would love to hang out again in court love u miss u HH Hulk ...

Gonna be totally honest here. The sad thing about Kotaku is they at times post stories and articles that I truly love and enjoy reading, things that validate its existence and engage a deeper appreciation for gaming, and for that I do find myself browsing their site, but as soon as they post shit like this I'm right back to hating the whole site. I nope out.

There has never been another website that has gave me such strongly mixed feelings. I am open to different perspectives, and I like to give people the benefit of a doubt, but you have to draw a line somewhere. Common sense has to prevail.

lol faggot

There has never been another website that has gave me such strongly mixed feelings.

You need to expand your porn horizons

Who needs more websites when there's Reddit? /s

Lmfao at caring about gaming journalism

Either stop complaining or complain funnier

Tfw gamergate doesnt have to convince anyone because kotaku does it themselves

write genuinely shitty articles

people point out they are shit

Kotaku rages

Is self-drama really drama though?

write genuinely shitty articles

goober gators lose their minds

kotaku says goober gators are wrong

goober gators spend years raging about kotaku

imagine pretending goobergate didnt contribute to kotaku drama

that dont matter in the slightest


Games journalists flip their shit because a game about cowboys has a hwyt male in it and not written, designed and coded by a trans womyn of disabled color

people point out how retarded those games journalists are

"Its acktually YOU gambers that are losing their minds!"

unironically standing up for goober gators

Rise up

What are you talking about? Kotaku barely gives a shit. They keep pumping out articles out and g*mers lose their shit.

"people point out they are shit" doesn't convey the whole message here. Making tens of angry reddit threads & 20 different videos, in addition to hundreds of tweets is not "just pointing out lol".

Kotaku writers can sperg out, but they're still outnumbered 100 to 1. In the end disgusting smelly fat g*mers are the real lolcows.

At a minimum I think RDR1 pulls it off better because itโ€™s much more honest about its existence as genre pastiche and grindhouse inspired shootfest.

What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

Grindhouse? Lmao.

He should stick to reviewing the game instead of his gay fantasies.


This was always my complaint about Frogger. The cars are randomly generated, drive by, and then disappear. There should be an entire Sims framework behind the scenes, with the people having rich, full lives with families and children and so on.

And then they get into their cars to go to work, and you play as a frog trying to cross the street. The UI is identical to frogger, but the game takes 30 years to boot up.

๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿš—๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿš—


oh boy that fucking garbage frog fractions """game"""

LOL SO RANDUM holds up spork

things heatin up around frog fractions

That's hurtful

This is basically a shittier version of Pyoro.


A clear illustration of a similar problematic masculine framework can be found in the classic video game, Frogger. In Frogger, cars simply exist to present an ostensible challenge to gamers; the autonomy and agency of the drivers is never touched upon. In this context, "car" and "driver" act as kyriarchical symbols which the gamer defines his masculinity against. Avoiding cars is the means by which gamers affirm their performative masculine roles. To get hit by an NPC driver would suggest submission to the agency and personhood of others, and thus, a punishment within a white, capitalist, patriarchal heteronormative society.

T. a-lover-computer-games

*awards PhD internally*

Thatโ€™s a man.

I'd like to take this opportunity to gatekeep and say that you're setting the bar for man pretty low here

Oh come on that tranny isn't even trying to pass

You may not like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.

video game """"""""""""""critic""""""""""""""""

"""""""""""""""""""""""""a job""""""""""""""""""""""""""

When you let C's get degrees, this is the talent pool.

Also โ€œwomanโ€

Stop making NPCs look bad! They are voters just like you and me.

why do game critics dont understand how games work? like AI is not some magic programers can apply to any game and they just chose to make the AI dumb.

Because stringing buzzwords together is the full extent of their talent. If they had to actually design or implement an algorithm they'd cry.

Complaining based off of raw emotion is easier than understanding.

To be fair, Popular Science has been lying to the plebs about tech that is "just around the corner" for decades now.

Programmers are constrained by toxic masculinity. Please re-read the tweet until you understand this.

His lack of understanding is problematic. Typical misogynist

Iโ€™m pretty sure they post articles like this on purpose, with full knowledge that they are dumb trash, just so they can get clicks. And it works.

If only there was some way we could make more variable and meaningful interactions than plugging away at the next pokeman or Zelda.

Man, that NPC meme really triggers the fuck out of people.

It's funny because it has truth in this context.

just send it back and they'll start talking about the left stealing memes like a cuck

My favorite part is, people who regularly call themselves robots are calling others NPCs, and people who regularly dehumanize individuals are upset because it dehumanizes them.

Based radical centrism.

Take the grey pill, everyone is an NPC because there's no such thing as free will and we live in a society.

People hve been talking about this sort of shit for years. Remember the "reddit hivemind" thing?

There's also the old use of greentext, which was mocking what the person was about to say.

Okay grandpa, whatever you say.

On the bright side, the retards were less disappointing.

radical centrists need to RISE UP


Have you seen the lefts attempts to do that?

It always ends up further NPCing the left.

I honestly find it hilarious that it triggers them so bad that actual NPCs in video games are becoming "problematic"

Is it a confirmation of AI sentience when an NPC can recognize other NPCs being NPCs in a video game?

Between this idiot calling someone an NPC and the "writer" complaining that a game is tailored to you as the player and not about NPCS. Lol

Does this dumb bitch think Westworld is a documentary or something?

Does this dumb bitch think Westworld is a documentary or something?

Unironically yes. What do you spawned all the impotently whining about sexbots?

If you read the replies he writes on Twitter it feels like a 11 year old little boy who can't handle consequences for the stupid shit he did

so dem true

Complaining about literal npc's is new.

Now it can't deal with the backlash and is having a total sperg out.

It spent multiple posts arguing where the word "problematic" first appears in an article it wrote.... and it loses the argument.

This unironically sounds like a MDEgenerate post

Is this an alt?


Using that word, might be time for a bleach smoothy.

Most definitely a MDEtard's alt. Either that or a normie that stumbled into here. Reported to the proper authorities for immigration policy violation

imagine being in /r/drama and unironically not liking the word "unironically"

this is why /r/drama needs to close its borders

Look at their username, if not one of them they have to be an edgy teenager somewhere

Is it the word "it" that's triggering you this hard?

MDEs get out reeeeeee

NPC complains that NPCs in a video game are NPCs, breaking story from Kotaku.

uncanny resemblance

all im sayin is look into it ๐Ÿ•ต๐Ÿ•ต๐Ÿ•ต

The mentally ill tranny who wrote this should make their own, better game


picture of a guy

im confused

so is (((she)))

welcome to kotaku

pink hair = transitioned

you should see secret gamer girrl

You could have just said "Heather Alexandra" and left it at that mate

When you're so anti-patriarchy that you change your name to 2 women's names

Why some trannies choose some names that looks like they are pornstars? I really don't get it. I don't think I've ever seen a tranny call herself Becky or Stacy.

When I finally go off the rails and start HRT, I will just call myself Chad.

I think it's overcompensation. For a lot of trans women, getting to "passing" status takes a lot of time and money, so they showcase femininity in whatever other way they can, such as hyperfeminine names (which Heather does while railing against gender roles, because muh cognitive dissonance).

Because trannies donโ€™t want to be women. They want to be their oversexualized ideal of women. Donโ€™t believe me? Check out r/transgoals and see how literally all of them are from fucking anime.

I don't know how Kotaku lets that creature write for and represent it's company.

"At a minimum I think RDR1 pulls it off better because itโ€™s much more honest about its existence as genre pastiche and grindhouse inspired shootfest."

What the fuck does that mean? Thats completely wrong, there was nothing grindhouse about it save for the Undead Nightmare.

He's trying so hard to save face and showing how completely ignorant and out of his depth he is

Oh my god this entire thread has so much cringe I keep yelling out loud!!! That sentence!!!

lol of course this is tweeted by some self-important pink-haired spastic. get a real job you degenerate cunt.

This pink haired reject probably didn't even play the game.


Wrote this article regardless of the fact that every point they made can be countered or debated. And just wanted to enrage and stir the pot just like every time a good game comes out and this piece of shit has to promote some LGBT agenda into it (i.e Spider-Man ps4)

If they played the "Further Questions of Female Suffrage" they would realize the game promotes that women can hold a gun and defend themselves as well as a man.


complaining that vidya is vidya

And they wonder why they're not taken seriously.

Kotaku's people are plastic, existing because and solely for the contrarian postmodernist ideology. We interact with them in a limited, anti-male framework. It molds the site into an often superficial click bait outfit in the guise of social justice.

An instant classic

This may be a new record in reaching for controversy even for Kotaku.

NPC's act like NPC's and Men act like cowboys.

Even their outrage machine is getting bored trying to make things seem problematic. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Ahahaha that is some next level shit. It's beyond parody.

Its a shame this game was unable to create sentient AI, I might not bother buying it now.

Oh, the problem runs long and deep!

Beowolf's Grendel is plastic, existing because and solely for the protagonist. He interacts with him in a limited, masculine framework and is rewarded rewarded for those impulses. It molds the story into a simple tale of toxic masculinity /s

mte. This is some sort of weird pseudocritique that could be launched against any sort of fictional narrative.

Just wait until they read Gilgamesh!

I'm done. I'm actually at a loss for words. What fucking point is he trying to make even? My god these are unexpected levels of mental deficiency

This is actually gonna bother me all day. Can we expect the tussy soon or is he already done sperging?

And sweaty, you're a girl when you put the effort in. Boy looking ass

wtf npcs exist for the player to interact with wtf

Women exist for the player to interact with too. That's why it's sexist.

Creating fuel for your agenda out of seemingly thin air. This is performance art at this point.

Retarded fucking irrelevant asshole blowing shit out their asshole. Stupid trans-faggots.

SJWs can never be appeased - don't even bother.

NPCs look out for their own

I live for this shit


tho y nothing about rape? o wait no xe mentioned masculinity ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Maybe there is a valid article to be written about how AI interactions are getting into an uncanny valley of increasing complexity where they exhibit enough agency to create an emotional connection with the player but not enough as to appear scripted and creepy, but this isn't that article. It just comes across as uninformed about game development and the nature of video games. The author's reference to Westworld seems like she isn't even aware of how Westworld's writers were influenced by NPC interactions and interactive game worlds in general, and the writer writes about it as if Westworld writers invented the concept.

>that jawline


I feel like superficial theme park is actually just the definition of a sandbox game like RDR2. So, mission accomplished?

At a minimum I think RDR1 pulls it off better because itโ€™s much more honest about its existence as genre pastiche and grindhouse inspired shootfest.

Imagine getting paid to type shit like this about video games. As long as private companies are going to pick and choose who gets banned from which site and who does or doesn't get payment processing, let's add this dude to the blacklist.

mayos need to be stopped before itโ€™s too late

The Han chinese are working on it

Dont expect kind treatment to brownskinned folks unlike recently altruistic mayos from late 1700s onwards

The article itself actually makes some good points on how the NPCs are uncanny valley. But that paragraph is out of nowhere and seems out of place within the article. I imagine it's just a clickbait thing they threw in there to get some views.

The whole idea of a "character" in a game is dehumanizing


shit like this makes me embarrassed to like video games sometimes

the culture around gaming has gotten so, so awful

Coming up next, The Magnificent Eight, a remake of The Magnificent Seven, but with an all female cast.

And it's gone