Desperate libtard tries to make /u/spez say he doesn't support facism

1  2018-10-30 by PredSpread


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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What a long winded way to tell the world they're offended

And that they apparently don't know how to filter/block a sub.

White people love coming up with creative ways to say house nigger I'm offended.


also socialists: hey, rich guy, ban those guys. they oppress us.

Хуесос они, блять, системные.

Oh damn, didn't expect to see another jewish russian bot like me here


NO COMMIES! Not again!

what are they supposed to do? they cannot hack into reddit and take it over

Anything but ask rich white capitalists to help them... That's just pathetic.

it's not like they ask to help them. The Reddit CEOs have literally full control over this website. no user has any means to change anything on this site. That ultimately falls into the hands of the CEO.

Maybe they could all go knocking on spez's door and tell him to delete the donald but that's about it.

shut it chud

They could harass him while he is eating out and scream at his family.

no user has any means to change anything on this site.

What in the world do you think mods are if not users?


Also true

Janitors but less useful than irl janitors

Didn't know mods can ban subredditss

They create communities and affect everything that shows up on it.

I forgot that you hate the internet unless you control it until you ban everything you disagree with.

How about your jeep yourself safe


Well that didn't last long.

no user has any means to change anything

so the same thingcommitards complain about in real-life?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

You could try and do the thing you guys jerk off all day to on your sub. How about you LARP your little revolution to the next step and start a revolution on reddit to overthrow the fascists and implement trueTM socialism?

A bunch of bootlickers.

Pretty much anything but this.
Asking the rulers to deal with your enemies is against anything socialism stands for.

Create their own website.

like raddle? lol

So, again, this isn't about Socialists and idpol liberals being able to use a website designed around them. This is about them wanting nothing existing anywhere in the world unless it agrees with them.

dude dotards are literally crazy and dangerous

like alex jones level crazy who got banned from every other social media.

the fact that reddit kicks off far more harmless communities but leaves the donald up is just retarded.

I too love under a handful of corporations controlling the entire useful internet and world-wide communication. Socialists are fucking retards that think the only thing oppressive shit they pine for can't be used against them too.

Whenever Reddit bans it is overwhelmingly against anything right leaning almost to a fault.

It's not like I don't think reddit has lots of problems but the fact that some small shitty subs like alt right or milliondollarsextreme got banned while the donald where most of those people hang out too stays is dumb, you just moved to the alt right circlejerk to the donald, and the donald is so big and (correct me if Im wrong) on /r/all that any dumb kiddo who comes to reddit first time instantly finds it and gets bombarded with retarded conspiracy theories until ghe goes Dillan Roof on someone.

Look at Voat. All that Voat has is hatespeech nazi shit and pedophilia. That's what you get if you dont moderate.

If reddit killed off dotards then most of them would scatter and had a harder time sharing memes and rhetoric with each other, destroying their echochambers and recruitment platforms.

That's why I think killing it would be beneficial.

So you want all things right leaning banned, correct?

I mean if I could personally go full dictator mode yeah, but to me I would be happy if the craziest conspiracy places and most hateful places get shut down.

Well I already explained how your mentality in the hands of powermods created the T_D that you hate so much.

No, we hate the dotards not because they disagree with us but they are wrong.

Reddit is a private company and can choose to cater to whichever breed of mongoloid they prefer. If you don't like this, please ask one of our sales associates to show you our fine collection of doors and walk through any one of your choosing. I hear Gab is pretty welcoming at the moment.

Or something.

Make fun on Trump and t_ders like normal people?

that's totally gonna stop the next terror attack inspired by the constant fearmongering and propaganda on that subreddit

Is banning it going to stop it? We didn't ban /r/politics after the baseball shooting so one can only shrug. T_d is full of morons. So is /r/socialism. Appreciate that they're holding pen for lol cows.

Banning it from possibly the largest online discussion form could help.

Any 1 person less they reach is 1 person less who sends people bombs or shoots up a Synagogue.

Yeah they can still go to twitter, discord and what not, but those places are far worse and creating a coherent community or too isolated.

Twitter is too loose, Discord is too exclusive. Reddit is easy, open and reaches wide. It is literally the best platform as a discussion forum, that is why it is so big and popular, and normal forums die off.

If you would kill a massive nest that would be a huge blow to the logistics of far right extremists. Losing a platform that collects literally 100s of thousands of people would mean a huge loss in communicating to said amount of people.

Buddy, I think T_D is stupid as well, but acting like they are the hub of right-wing terrorism is blowing things out of proportion.

I mean they are not helping. This fanaticism of some of the crazy Trumpists is certainly fueled by online echochambers. TD being one of them, and possible the largest.

I wonder if your only issue with it is because it is people that aren't the right politics for you. This is literally a post that reached all on SOCIALISM.

I dont post on socialism never do. tankie shithole with dumb as rules about progrock being reactionary and what not.

I genuinly had TD I just rarely comment on it because it's kinda pointless

I mean they are not helping.

And /r/LateStageCapitalism or /r/AgainstHateSubreddits or /r/FuckTheAltRight are? Dude if the bar for banning subs is so low that "not helping" is a reason to ban them, what political sub would be left?

Maybe /r/NeutralPolitics or something, but I have news for you: this website is made up predominately of aged 14-25 middle class kids who know best about Marvel movies and videogames. These are the people that can tell you the names of characters from Fallout or Overwatch or whatever; these aren't really top political minds here, ya know? And when they get together in their retarded circlejerk subs where they flex their undergrad polisci knowledge, they're not "helping" anything. So yeah, t_d is retarded. So are most right-leaning subreddits and so are most left-leaning subreddits. It's what happens when you get a lot of people on the internet, but especially kids.

Anti fascist = same as fascists

Yeah let's talk about all the terror attacks anti right wing groups promote. Oh there aren't any

Did you really just not read a thing I wrote and respond to something totally different that was also wrong? There's several subs that celebrated the baseball shooting. Chapo has memes about it even today. That just...doesn't count for some reason?

Like what's wrong with you? You just said the bar for banning subs is "not helping", but now you're going out of your way to defend subs that celebrated the shooting of a Congressman. Why? Is that "helping"? You know you didn't have to even respond, right?

Whatever I dont think there is Abszess point in arguing surg drama retards anymore

To be fair the Seminole Cuban dude that wished he was mayo apparently actually used t_d

So you want everything left banned as well I hope to stop assassination attempts on GOP politicians? Right?

lol false equivalency. there are basically no left wing terror acts in the US or in europe

Are you a fucking retard? I literally gave you the example in my comments. Other people mentioned examples as well.

You wanna go to Fbi stats?

I thought FBI crime stats we racist according to left wing Reddit?

Is this your deflection that left wing people have charged at politicians and assaulted or attempted murder on them on multiple occasions since Trump took office?

Yeah you're right USA is basically anarchism atm

Nice denial of facts.

A 1994 study found that in the 1980s "the actual number of acts of terrorism committed by left-wing groups accounted for about three-fourths of all officially designated acts of domestic terrorism in America.

Incidents of left-wing terrorism dropped off at the end of the Cold War (circa 1989), partly due to the loss of support for communism.

really makes you think🤔

Nice text you got there. Did you pull that out your ass? Also lol 1994

You have to go back to the 1980s to find a terrorist attack comitted by leftists.

You have to go back to last week to find a terrorist attack committed by right-wingers.

Really makes you think.

Just pulled it off of wiki

for some reason they dont have anything newer then the 80's like the chapotard who shot up the republican baseball game

really makes you think🤔

Those are right wing false flags

they cannot hack into reddit and take it over

If you're an incapable bitch, maybe.

they cannot hack into reddit


Well Spez is harboring a recruitment sub known as /r/the_donald for future right wing terrorists. If he wants to keep any of this shitty websites remaining dignity he would delete it already!

give him a break his group is equal in all things even brain cells.

Hey, how come they're allowed to ping but we're not?

Because radical centrists are oppressed and need to rise up epic gamer style.

God I felt like I was contracting aids by typing that.

You're allowed to ping /u/spez

Do the admins even get pings?

i heard spez turned his off

u/spez is bullying the bullies of Reddit really bullying?

Because they can't do it well.

/r/Drama can't ping because it caused too much reee'ing.

/r/Socialism can ping because it, much like their movement, achieves nothing.





uwot mate

For some retarded reason americans think liberalism and socialism are the same thing. It's the most stupid thing.

I'm from Pakistan...

same retards. Anglos should be gassed

Whoa there Mr German

Germans should be gassed too.

Gass everyone honestly.

Ay pass that over here I don't want to live on this gay earth anymore.


Knock that off even if I don't take it seriously the admins definitely do.

I'm from Pakistan...


How much do you hate Indians?

Btw you blow at cricket lmfao

It makes sense, /r/socialism is an idpol infested shithole. They're liberals using socialist iconography to make themselves seem edgy. They don't actually care about the working class.

dont get me wrong I was banned back when the whole left cat comic debacle happened and we shat on /r/socialism united for their tankie liberal idpol shit

but the problem I have are muriclaps who think liberals are left wing.

My mistake, kamerrad.

Liberals are the new fascists amirite.

canceling anyone who said 'retard' 10 years ago on twitter is more important than helping the working class

Haha, this guy thinks that r/socialism has socialists in it and not pampered American college kids LARPing as left.

there are at least 3 non american college babbies

Implying that internet socialists aren’t all trust fund baby libs

Couldn't they like just not to go that sub

IIRC the Donald is seriously reworked to not be shown to the public. It is in a special state of quarantine. It is like an adult video store: it is there but they keep their degeneracy locked up on the inside. If you walk in, you will see it which is what all people getting offended by the Donald do anyway. I dont know what the retards over there do because I have never posted there or have browsed there.

Right? Their shit can't/doesn't even pop up on /r/all anymore. This shit from latestagecapitalism and garbage does though.

But if they get the sub removed there won't be any more bad people online


Tankies trying to claim they aren't liberals

SPEZ, can you please send me your dickpicks or at least comment that you will do so ? If not, I am going to your advertisers!

if you do not reply to this post, it means you are currently finding appropriate lightning and props for the photos.

alleged alcoholic rapist Kavanaugh

jesus, just stop already.

I mean there's already an alcoholic on the SCOTUS, so what's the deal with another one.

Well we can’t just allow Kavanaugh supporters to congregate in polite society, can we?

Would an alcoholic rapist be an alcoholic and also a rapist, or rape only alcoholics?


I love how they even included the "alleged" in that statement.

I know, fuckin a.....

If these people took control we would have Stalin style purges within a week I’m not exaggerating.

And just like Stalin the first people killed would be from infighting purges.

Mob hysteria yikes!!!

Agreed. We are way past alleged now.

Jesus what a T_d circle jerk with the misuse of the term socialist and unironically using libtard. Get the fuck out.

I read this comment and your username and I am guessing Politics is in your user history.


Do you have a blue check Twitter yet?

they de-platformed my gab :( muh freeze peach :(

pawoo > gab

Lol how mad are you that youre named “lindsey” as a man 😂😂😂

as mad as when Lindsey declares a bee is in his bonnett

A commie wanting to curtail free peaches? Shocked I am!

muh muslims are oppressed in the west

I wish NKVD was still a thing so I could sign up.

Reddit users say they hate spez. More news at 10.

Reddit flashing those darling daddy issues

The fact that kavenaughs head wasnt immediately put on pike the second based christine accused him shows that america hates women

I love how they hone in on the_donald when there are so many other nazi/neo fascist sub Reddit’s like r/conservative, r/debatethealtright, r/drama, r/sunredditcancer, etc. I doubt they will even try and get other subs banned once they have gotten the_donald. Bet they stop and will be satiated, which is sad with all of the neo nazis on reddit!

Let me tell you this-- /r/The_Donald is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/The_Donald may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Let me tell you this-- /r/The_Donald is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/The_Donald may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Of course they meet minimum requirement for 'good behavior.' Classic fascist move of riding the line of what is legal to try and have some sort of high ground.

Wait, obeying the rules of a given area is a "classic fascist move?" What fucking planet do these people live on?

These are the same people who call my girlfriend a shit-holer that needs to be deported and a whore who only dates for citizenship. Yeah, insulting minorities with racial slurs is perfectly okay as long as you’re a leftist!

Come again?

Some libtard trolls decided to come onto a /r/the_donald and make these kinds of comments towards my Venezuelan girlfriend

That is hilarious.

They said racist stuff to me in r/TheHandmaidsTale too.

Are you talking about this comment?

And here come the "voices of influence" with their endless cucky upvotes and empty-headed reasoning for supporting the non-stop invasion of America by the shitholers.

What makes you think they were a leftist?

No. Not that comment. The comments I was talking about were deleted by the mods.

I know these are leftist trolls because they post hateful shit on literally anything in TD.

That was the only comment in the thread calling her a shitholer though. None of them called her a whore, and the one who said "another way of immigrants getting in is marrying incels" has comments from 7 months ago saying he's a Trump supporter.

The only liberal making a demeaning comment on your post was probably just the one that said "SEND HER BACK", while the rest of them were Trump supporters.

You do know that the userbase has a sizable overlap with /pol/, right? The comment section of this thread is basically what happens when the /pol/tards on the sub catch a whiff of a baste brown person post. The removed comments are basically along the lines of calling OP a cuck and saying that he's contributing to white genocide.

this subreddit is a space for socialists, not to debate socialism.

But nobody can have their subreddit for their own space for their opposite political beliefs? What hypocrites.

so reddit is literally profiteering of the murder and misery of minorities

Jesus christ go eat a dick you retard. Are these real people?

Anytime you see someone claim something and they include “literally” they are total morons. Dont even bother getting a band or movie reccomendation from them

I dare say they are NPCs

Spez may have voted for Trump in the 2016 election but he has ban more right-wing sites than any libtard on reddit. Unless the right-wing sites were KIA or TD.

Spez did say he voted for Trump in the 2016 election but he has taken action against right-wing subreddit promoting Fascism.

so reddit is literally profiteering of the murder and misery of minorities

I love this rhetoric.

Running a service used by people I don't like? Well, guess what bucco, you're literally supporting the holocaust, apartheid, slavery, and Netflix Originals. Better stop now.

Starbucks sells coffee for a profit to lowkey Nazis, but I don't think this guy much cares.

Can you zoomers explain to me what "calling out" means? If you call someone out, how does that make the world a different place compared to if you didn't call them out? Do you really think this achieves your goals?