New study finds that Democrats are into BDSM, and the GOP is full of actual cucks

1  2018-10-30 by dootwthesickness_II


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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wheres the drama

In the comments, let's start some.


Ok good sir, I hope you have a lovely day.

Fuck you libtard!

Out MDEgenerate.

Reeeeee but muh pizzagate think of the children reeeee

George soros told me to tell you that pizzagate is a lie.

Nah, sorry fam. Go suck on some farts bro. Lol get boofed.

Something something, here’s why loli shouldn’t be banned.

Here's why that's a good thing

this is the gayest attempt at drama stirring. Not surprising from someone who posts a on bootleg MTG sub LMAO get a real hobby


Ok you're unironically big gay. Insult my family, my hobbies or my values ffs do something. Drama doesn't create itself

No u 😭😭

Insult my family, my hobbies or my values ffs

your entire history is r/drama over and over again. You have neither of these.

All of his comments are on r/communism or r/france

HAHAHAHA at least I have my mental health! imagine être francais et surtout habiter en france en 2018 et ne pas te tuer L M A O

Et, j'vis en belgique !

HAHAHAHA at least I have my mental health!

He say, posting on r/drama.

La belgique? C'est pire que ce je croyais merde hahahaha

Eh, le frenchies quand t'aura des bière buvable, tu pourra parler, une fois.

Shut up poor




Actually orange man good because stock market up.

Did it recover after knocking out all the gains it made since January?

Yeah but the dems did that.

Oh yeah, completely forgot they’re in control of all three branches of government!

Democrats can never keep promises, I was told republicans would all be in FEMA death camps by now.

Those lying fucks.

I heard that shillary has killed 800 people because they all had dirt on her.

801 if you count that Khashoggi fellow she Hired Seth Rich to kill in Turkey.

other discussions

Now imagine Hillary in latex.

pretty sure that's the only thing holding her together.

No That's the custom made human suit.

Dude gross lmao

Well clearly you’re not liberal.

Think of all the soibois getting all hot and bothered at the thought of Mommy with her latex outfit, a strap on, and her “I’m with her” riding crop.

Meanwhile the MAGAboys get to watch Daddy pound their waifu.

Welp, I didn't need lunch anyways.

Hmm, I'm thinking about a career change now, actually.

Are you going to be Cory Booker or tranny Liz Warren?

wtf? that's not Hillary!

Never say I didn't give you anything.


Oh god no

holy shit i'm going to kill myself

Just post to T_D and watch the shrieks and eye gouging.

i don't think there's a more disgusting possible image than trump and hillary engaging in some kind of sexual contact tbh

i am not clicking that

You really should.


It wasn't even very difficult to masturbate to this.

Meanwhile the MAGAboys get to watch Daddy pound their waifu


I was thinking Ivanka but sure Milo.

I'm a liberal, what does that say about my fetishes?

Rape fantasies, duh.

not wrong tbh

Metoo maker

hapa maker actually

Why not both?

Oh wait, hapas never turn a trick down do they?


republicans call democrats cucks

democrats call republicans misogynists

It’s called projection people

Conservatives are big gay

Liberals are big racist

Conservatives are proles

Liberals are bourgeois

Then who was phone

and we have found a way to feel superior to both

Have we really?

r/drama users are usually aware that the sub is full of retards.

Everyone is a retard except me

Every r/drama user

I never said that, retard.

Lol. I'm a retard too. Tyvm

Can confirm.

Source: have been a retatd for a long time now.

Very Tru ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ ᕙ("⇀‸↼)ᕗ

The rampant mental illness and antagonism in this sub says otherwise.

As a radical centrist I'm literally superior to all othet ideologies, I don't just feel superior to them, I'm objectively superior to them.

does that mean that we are inferior to all?

How is BDSM mysoginistic??

Ask feminists.

nej, nej,'s the feminist that like to deep throat and be tied up because in some weird way it's going against the man.


yuropoors OUT OUT OUT

conservative women like that shit too. just because politics can't be separated from sexual pathology doesn't mean that there aren't a million different ways to get to one from the other.

Naw conservative women like to have sex with the lights off and in missionary like the filthy fucking animals they are.

Male doms with female subs are misogynists in denial.

Having been in that world, I don't think they are particularly in denial.

Congrats on the sex

Have you seen what that world's membership looks like? I'd hold off on the congrats.

wow this

How is getting pegged by my mistress misogynistic?

>being pegged >dom

based kink but misogyny is for doms

Weird flex but ok

If this is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

I am in no denial bruh

Or they've found a healthy outlet for that hate. Glass half-full.

It’s not really I don’t think. I mean if that is literally what the chick is into and asks you to do.

Sexual desires aren’t your identity.

I think you can be a feminist and into BDSM in the same way you can murder people in games and not irl

So if I choke a woman and derive no sexual pleasure from it I'm a misogynist? But if it turns me on I'm a feminist? Well I'm a feminist then

I mean, if she’s not on board with it, probably.

It’s not a qualification lmao.

That doesn’t make you a feminist, it means you might be into BDSM. Your view or position on feminism isn’t really related at all

what if hitting mommy when she makes my tendies wrong gets my peepee hard? Am I a feminist then?

She ought to break out your fathers belt. That would really make your peepee hard, and probably mine as well

Daddy left when I was 8 and mommy said Kevin can't hit me. so there!😝

No bdsm or bussy 😨🙄

Kevin gives no fucks the next time he’s alone with you kid.

Sorry in advance to hear about your “accident”.

how did you hear about the time I pooped my pants waiting for nuggies at mcdonalds?!

If it turns you on you're probably into bdsm you mouth breather

Games are a gateway drug to violence and massacres. This is why Gamers must be put in camps.

Oppressed gamers need to rise up ✊✊✊

GamerGraves 2.0

Strong independent woman in the streets, submissive masochist in the sheets.

Inshallah in the streets, Hezbollah in the sheets

How is BDSM misogynistic?

rapists to the left of me

cucks to the right

stuck in the middle with centrists

This was known

Q predicted this

after Palin, Democrats fantasized about Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton

LMAO. Imagine being this depraved. Literally no one who's not a Muslim brotherhood honeypot would touch those dusty old mud flaps.

Every day we stray further from the Light

Agreed and good for drama coin.

I have to imagine it's the pictures of younger Clinton. I have to imagine that to keep my world a sensible place.

Word, would have smashed in '75

She was actually a QT then

She was blatantly average.

She at least wasn't fat but its was the 60's-70's that wasn't a big issue then.

Her hair and glasses don't flatter her at all. Her face was fine

"fine" as in not horrible, not good, just fine. Like average.

6-7 out of 10. Not a hottie, but definitely would have smashed

Lower standards than me. I'd call her a modern 6 due to fatties, but a 5 for the 7's. Don't forget that 5 is average, don't grade inflate.

An average looking person is really not that good looking though, even in the 70's

At that age?

Random google college girls from the 70's

She's not going to stand out.

She looks better then more than half of those girls lol. The entire top row is pretty fugly except for the chicks on the far ends

There is no accounting for taste.

You are 100% right


The absolute state of men

I feel like that could be the dictionary photo next to "Dork"


Imagine having standards this low.

Hillary's own husband Bill chose to fuck a White House fatty secretary that go down on her.

Regardless of your politics, we need to come together and agree that no one wants to fuck Hillary.



I'm surprised no one mentioned that Cortez lady. At the very least she's not 80 years old and won't have a heart attack if things get too intense.

she fish woman. woman who look like fish.

she really do look like that

Then call me Troy McClure.

They call her PescaMujair for a reason.

the study in the article was done in 2015, that’s why Cortez isn’t in there.


But Cortez and her generation are very susceptible to a fentinyl overdose, do to being poor commies that can't afford high grade blow.

she actually looked cute in that pic of her as a 12 year old

still wouldnt smash because mayo gussy

I guarantee you you will find people who are into it.

Do I want to read this Hillary erotica?


There’s like alien tech and shit two pages in, 0/10 but I appreciate the femdom

Sick....but what did they mean when they candidly discussed "sharing a single slice of cheese pizza" multiple times in Campaign Manager John Podesta's leaked emails? None of you superfans have actually addressed that.

Who and out the shares of a single piece of cheese pizza?


Elite pedophile conspiracists

I did not pull out my conclusions mat. I asked the losing side's fanwomyn to explain the coded language. Probably hard drugs, but who knows? Deflection is the only response 😐

This is the least surprising thing I've ever read. Rs call Trump daddy, Dems entire agenda is basted on self-flagellation.

Friendly reminder that cuckservative was the first mainstream usage of the word cuck.

Literally not true dumbass

you seem upset. not allowed to watch anymore or something?

uh oh politiccels on suicide watch

at least both sides can agree that bill clinton was a real Daddy 😍😩

things no one cares about


Reminder that Roger Stone is a shameless cuck.

Sigh so close but so far.

Libertarian Republicans, such as myself, are also going to be by definition sexual deviants of some kind.

Also orgies are awesome, but you gotta be selective in who's there, otherwise, not awesome.

you gotta be selective in who's there, otherwise, not awesome

Beggars can't be choosers.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Keep your chins up and hit the gym.

Don’t play dumb, we all know what kind of “deviants” you libertarians are.


sexual deviants of some kind

That's a funny way to spell pedo

Pedophilla crosses party lines

Libertarians tend to head into non-monogamy, and libertarian authors like Rand and Heinlein practiced it. I don't think Heinlein wrote a book that didn't have it in somewhere.

except only lolbertarians defend sex with kids

hes obviously a libertarian

Libertarian Republicans, such as myself, are also going to be by definition sexual deviantspedophiles of some kind.

Republicans also reported more fantasies with voyeuristic themes, including visiting strip clubs and practicing something known as “cuckolding,”

This needs to be posted in all right leaning subreddits.

Centrists: having hot sex with multiple beautiful women

Centrists: having hot sex with multiple beautiful women men

Bussy lmao


New study finds Radical Centrism is into sticking your dick into as much shit as possible.

Interestingly, the single most commonly fantasized-about politician among both parties was the same: Sarah Palin

Suddenly, McCain’s rationale makes sense.

New study finds radical centrists too busy with their waifu pillows to be studied

source: survey

what percentage of reddit would click "republican" and "cucks" if they got this survey in an email? this is like a bad bit from Colbert