Lena Dunham faces massive shitstorm from the left for writing a movie about Syrian refugees

1  2018-10-30 by real_human__bean


That entire subreddit is a cesspool. It's like a sewer that empties directly into a stagnant pond.


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


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You cannot talk about _____________ if you're not _______________.

Reason of alien invasion will be all that bullshit Isaac Asimov wrote about them.

Anything, Lena Dunham

Unless you like diarreah of the pen

diarrhea of the pen

I swear r/Drama comes up with the best phrases.

We save our best writing for threads about the sister-fister.

This pleases me.

Girls was a funny show.

One peek of the current political climate, Isaac Asimov would be spinning in the grave so fast,his corpse would actually travel to the past and officially trigger a robot apocalypse.

So when can we expect non-mayos to shut their bitch holes when it comes to mayos? For some weird, inexplicable reason this whole "stay in your lane" thing seems to only go one way 🤔🤔🤔

If real life is anything to go by, minorities also suck at literal driving so, metaphor with exception for mayos holds.

“If real life is anything to go by,”

Lol I’m stealing this

Can't talk about humans if you are white LMAO 😂


🤢🤢🤢wokecels making me defend a mayo male feminist whale like Lena Dunham🤮🤮🤮

Actually, Issac Asimov rarely wrote about aliens. His major works are on robots and on the possibility of predicting future (in a human only galactic empire). Only one major work of his has aliens in it.

I think you mean Clarke.

A. C. Clarke tended to depict aliens as infinitely powerful creator beings, why would they be angry at that?

They’re into being negged.

The Foundation series is one of my favorite book series.

I was just about to post this, you bitch. The headline alone is /r/drama bingo.

Did you see (((whose))) behind this movie, every single time

Surely, it's nothing more than a coincidence?

Without question, 95% of the time is still a coincidence

whoa buddy, I don't like where you're going with this...

Successful film makers? It’s really not my people’s fault every other race is lazy as shit good for nothing turds that don’t succeed at anything.

gets pogromed every other week for millenia

goyish lords too cheap to pay back loans

incites serfs to pogrom Jews for muh Jesus

Jews are cheap?


Brought to you by the Jewish Internet Defense Force


Wtf i love 🇮🇱 Now


₪3 have been deposited in your account


🇮🇱 Israel number 🇮🇱


₪10 have been deposited in your account


Isn't that only worth about USD2?

Jews are cheap?


You know how we acquired our mountains full of gold goy? It wasn't by being frivolous with our spending....

mountains full of gold

Did you mean to say mouthfuls?

grabs pliers

Looks legit to me

Oy begorrah!


You can just say Jews coward it's hasn't been a secret since 2010

it's a meme you dip

*who's, you illiterate fuck

¡muh grahamer!

Use the right words or I will fucking cut you.

I mean, the fact that it's lena dunham kinda implies that already, you know she has a whole network of (((rootless cosmopolitans))) from her parents

Being rootless is a good trait tho?

Lenha Dunham is part of a massive jewish conspiracy to force shitty media on the masses

the absolute state of stormfronters in 2018

A massive conspiracy to push shit media to then smugpost about them on /tv/ is actually more believable than the usual "lizard people did 9/11 with holographic planes" stuff.

Damn, another rapefugee

You have to go back

Out! Out!

white thots smh

Woke Cannibalism! Woo!

Where is the drama?

When are they ever happy?

she has been commissioned by Steven Spielberg and JJ Abrams

how does this person get primo jobs and big money backing for every single shitty thing she does?

its unreal.

You know who her parents are, right?


Her father is a well known artist related to the Tiffany family of Tiffany's and her mom was a bigshot artsy photographer in the 80s

well there you go then

You should check his art, it's all dick and cunts, no wonder his 2 kids are degenerates

This one is especially fantastic. new pfp time



I came

A bussy appreciating birb.

I'll never understand art.

If you had a lot of money as well then you could become an art buyer.

Or I could buy puppies and machine guns, which are both so much better.

You don't merrly buy art, you buy the means to be pretentious.

puppies are better

tfw you could be living the kiddy diddlin, sister fistin dream life if you'd just been born with a rich daddy

there is no justice

Lol that dynasty is coming to an end within one generation.

They're one of the biggest and oldest WASP families in America, I think they'll be OK

I think he’s referring to her surgery.

Well connected Boomer parents will ensure their princess is recognized for the wonder she is.

Actually peak white privilege.

Im going to guess you've never actually seen anything she's done. You just know she's shit because Reddit told you that right?


The entertainment medium is riddled with nepotism and ciclejerking people with connections.

It's the same here with a local comedian, dude writes some of the most unfunny, preachy stuff I've ever seen, yet he always gets a shitload of prime space and backing for his socialist crap since he's from a wealthy family, his parents are artists too so it helps.

This REALLY pisses me off since there are many talented artists out there who can't get a percentage of the space people like him get since they don't have any connections to speak of.

They're all Jewish. All three of them. Makes you wonder 🤔🤔🤔

Am I suppose to defend Lena Dunham now? Nah, fuck that twat.

Please leave Syrian stories alone if you aren’t Syrian and especially if you are Lena Dunham.

OK this is epic

That made me kek. Pretty solid roast.

Amazing what you can accomplish with the right (((connections))) am I right?

Jews rock!

Imagine being so fucking insufferable that I almost want to defend lena dunham


ugh can't escape the politically charged every-fucking-thing. So sick of it. I want entertainment without politics. That includes TV, Netflix, games and muh casual friday nights.

I don't think Lena Dunham is a real person. I think she is an amalgamation of all of the right's worst fears, suspicions and disgust with the left made into a caricature too ridiculous to be believed. I mean has anyone here even seen Lena Dunham in person?

yes i have her nudes

Why woild the right be afraid of her?

As someone firmly on the left, Lena does nothing but embarass feminism and liberalism

When will Dunham run for public office? She’s racked up enough drama points to deserve it tbh

Just curious if you’ve at least done that before you profit off my people’s pain!

... said American kid living in NY.

Haven't the poor Syrian people suffered enough?

“Anyone else take issue with a person who has shown very little regard for the importance of representation in her work writing a Syrian refugee’s story?”

Why would someone take issue with that? Who gives a shit? It's just a job, for fucks sake...

You know what’s funny? Literally no one who doesn’t live on the Internet even knows who Lena Dunham is. That’s how pitiful we all are here. We actually know who she is.

Let’s just take a minute and honestly talk about how much we all truly want to die.😢

She's unironically gorgeous in that picture.