Drama in r/aww over if a child is fat.

1  2018-10-30 by Ghdust2


Yeap, now whenever i look at a woman in armour or even in stylized clothes, i look first at their feet to check for heels, their chest to see if there is boobplate or something more substiantial than a few strings of cloth that wont come off if the character stands still and than their waist, again to see of there are any pointy bits that will stab them if they so much twist their bodies.


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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That kid is fat. That little bucket of lard could store a whole winters worth of nuts in her jowels.

I'm sorry she doesn't fit your standards as healthy

The fattie is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him unhealthy and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.'

Before iPads and smartphones, stuffing kids with food and sending them to calorie coma was a way for lazy parents to chill for a brief moment.

This parent seems to be working overtime on this.

how is child obesity even real in 2018 lmao like just say he's ADHD and stuff him with legal amphetamines. It's not child abuse if he choses to not eat ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Fat children are fucking disgusting

Because fat children with webbed feet are better???

sister kissing should be for everyone, not just fatties.

Hahhahaha! This is the type of content that makes r/drama so delicious.

That kid looks the product of a beach ball raping a diabetic chinchilla

a beach ball raping a diabetic chinchilla

I haven't even clicked the link and now I don't feel the need to - I think I got my laugh from this by itself. Thank you.

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So they're the new furry character in overwatch

Any parent who has a fat kid should be sterilized

That won't help the already existing fat kid though

Sterilize them too.

someone in the thread said:

I grew up poor, and know what kind of diet made me a fat kid because my parents claimed all we could "afford" was bologna and ramen noodles while nursing their alcoholism.

What' funny is the now president of Brazil said poor people should be sterile because of their lack of education which results in poor child care. lol

That was the OP, the parent of the kid in the gif.

That kid needs some meth

Hi, it's me, that kid ๐Ÿ™‹

being fat is a choice and parents allowing their kids to become like this are committing child abuse.

Fat kids should be a criminal offense tbh. Fatties get the gulag until they come out lean and woke.

75k upvotes l o l

purge all /r/aww posters

seeing fat kids always makes me sad. those poor kids and it reminds me

Her hugging that kitten is enough to snap it in two.

Iโ€™ve met Many skinny kids that eat like shit too, the parents just get by without any criticism because their kids just eats like 3 bites instead of hot dogs and one Swiss cake roll instead of 2 hotdogs and the whole pack of Swiss cake rolls.

My kid was in the 90% for weight on breast milk alone for a year, looked fully obese, but now heโ€™s very skinny. My kids would probably be fat on just healthy stuff like nut butters and cheeses if I didnโ€™t make them play and run so hard for literally 3-4 hours every day.

I hate when "parents" don't know how to properly take care or raise their kids. This is what we get from indulging in the TV babysitter upbringing.