Yeezus announces his intention to #walkaway from Daddy

1  2018-10-30 by walkthisway34



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Prediction: next week he runs for office.

Ye v Daddy: The Dramaning

In other words Ye is running for president


Kanye was disappointed the only attention he got from daddy was a thank you tweet from his interns.

Ye literally got an invite to the Oval Office, where he launched into a huge manic rant

Have we verified that his phone wasn't stolen?

This is good for dramacoin

MAGAcels in suicide watch

Conspiratards claiming he has been MKUltra'd (again) in 3, 2, 1...

Almost 250 posts of flip-flopping.

Gun reform

He'll be in Republican attack ads next to Nancy Pelosi and MS-13 splashes by tomorrow morning.

Honestly I have no idea what Kanye politics were during all of this besides "love daddy!" and "slavery was a choice." Seems like it was all one large bender.

Seems like you've got a pretty decent handle on it.

looks like he's distancing himself from the blexit dude, not daddy

Thank you Kanye, very cool.

Time to #walkaway from this thread. Removed.

this one was actually posted first 🤔

I believe in letting the market decide. They made their choice.
