The Washington Post eviscerates wigger rapper.

1  2018-10-31 by Ghdust2


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This Post -,*,

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I don’t subscribe to WaPo, Snappy. Stop being so harsh.😭

literally who is post malone

Sheesh gramps. I didn't know they let people your age on to this site.

imagine caring what 12 year olds listen to

I am in college and I assure you that I hear post malone being blasted from cars and dorm rooms

imagine caring what college faggots listen to

I don't care but pretending that post malone is irrelevant is delusional.


Honestly, I know who Post Malone is, but I’ve never heard any of his music, nor do I care to.

I'm 36 and your mom likes to listen to Post Malone when we fuck

so you have shit taste in music AND women?

Women, yes. Music, no

^ this, on second thought i don't wanna know, being 75% checked out of american pop culture is pretty great tbh

fuckin 30 year old boomer represent

He’s the guy that covers Dwight Yoakam’s 1000 Miles From Nowhere for a new Yeti coolers commercial.

Does he really? That actually would be entertaining

finally something I can relate to

Post my Malone? Is Malone another name for my giant hog?

excuse me sir are you trying to 1v1 me on hog size

We would rather see a pic of your small penis than your overfed pig that you’re saving for your Christmas dinner.

He's like 75% bong water and bad tattoos, and the rest is a horrific blend of millenial fuckup, wet dog, and corporate label hack.

he's like every other soundcloud mumblerapper, but white this time.

Other than that, no real differences.

Unironically he actually had a good singing voice before all the fame and cigs and drugs. no one cares but i'll link it anyway

I agree with the sentiment that he is a trash artist but half of that article is just REEEEEE HE'S A MAYO.

Yeah, lmao, take out the references to his race, and you could replace his name will literally almost every other big name popstar and it would still fit with a few minor changes.

Eh, even compared to most pop stars he's still pretty trash imo

Post Malone>Tay, her latest album was garbage

At least she doesn't look like she belongs in the garbage

Hell yeah she does

Looks like a possum...

doesn't look like she belongs in the garbage


Rats are trash animals. A retards racoon.

I'm tired of the self-indulgent pop culture editorial. The world grows a little darker every time one these 2000 word reference-soaked autoerotic odes to the author's own cleverness gets published.

ya remember when this garbage was confined to rolling stone of creem

nothing wrong with judging someone by race or the color of their skin

kkks do it to blacks

woke people do it to whites

this is the most normal thing ever

to the writer's credit he put in a tldr but damn it's all the way at the bottom

He’s reaped the extreme benefits of a system that allowed him to flourish yet asserts his privilege to remain purposefully ignorant. He knows he won the lottery but doesn’t understand that it was rigged in his favor.

There’s is no place in pop or hip hop for a chubby white, ugly suburban kid. The idea that “the system” was just waiting for someone like Post Malone to come along and sell albums is laughable and idiotic.

the shallowest bastardizations of rap

Implying there’s noticeable depth.

The whole article reads as a anthropological hit piece of black facial features by analyzing someone wearing a blackface.

It’s another in line of progressive voices fining new ways to maintain entrenched racism in American social and political discourse.

And I bet this article author thinks of himself so highly how he’s loved by black peopl now even more than before.

Common, NAS, hell Jay-Z even.


young jeezy... lil scrappy

bone crusher, Paul wall

flava Flav.... Eamon

Did you intentionally pick only one artist who supports your point?

Jay isnt relevant anymore, hasnt been since The Black Album. Common tho 4real? NAS is good and has depth thats true.

But comparatively you couldnt have chose someone like Hopsin, Joyner or Killer Mike?

Common is the deepest of the the three i listed. and no I picked shit I actually listen to who the fuck is hopsin

Is Dead Prez still around? I loved that black nationalist shit back in the day.

He’s not even that bad, he just makes poppy hip hop that appeals to a lot of people because it has a catchy beat and he can rap pretty well. Anybody calling out Post Malone specifically can’t do so without implying something larger about the current SoundCloud rap trend in general, and that just makes you sound like the only rapper you listen to is Immortal Technique because “dude have you heard dance with the devil it’s so fucked up and dark bro it really speaks a lot about our society”

This is like Harry Potter fanfic readers calling each other snobs

The fact Post Malone is shit is widely known and yet you can put a 1000 of other performers in said article, hell, if you remove the "muh, he's a mayo" reees of it, you can put a 1000 of other performers regardless of of their race.

I just don't get why he's so big right now. Biebs appealed to young teenage girls, Post Malone is like the trailer trash version that's appealing to college kids but with the same depth. I thought that was win you were supposed to be exploring and being way too cool to listen to the shit high schoolers are listening to.

Probably because at his deepest, he's still all about beer and bongs. And in an era when most stars are expected to have perfectly tailored political views, a mission and "values", someone who just wants to get high/drunk and chill is perfect.

Don't forget Bentleys

Fwiw Post Malone is uniquely gross. The dude probably smells like a mop that was used to clean the bathroom at a needle exchange before being left out in the sun on a humid day.

He looks like a neck beard, and prob smells better than 6ix9ine

69 prolly smells like a perfume factory full of corpses.

post malone sounds like a deli meat

He sounds as bad as he smells which is terrible.

I'd really like to know who the author thinks should be in Post Malone's place


damn that white boy got shitted on

this is that guy who made that song trap queen right

While I can agree Malone's music generally blows, I'm confused as to why the author seems to think he's a horrible cultural appropriator who only made it big because he's white, for two main reasons:

1, the author straight-up admits that he does something other soundcloud rappers aren't doing: mixing in country, metal, rock, and pop into his hiphop. I don't get how you can argue with a straight face that he has nothing that makes him unique when just paragraph ago you admitted he does something few other artists in his genre are doing.

2, there are actually a number of other big artists right now like him who are black, even down to blending country and rock into his rap songs.

I'm also curious as to why the WaPo is trying to paint him as a conservative in their summary video of his life for the boomers reading it. To quote from Wikipedia, the most reliable source on the internet:

Post has a tattoo of U.S. president John F. Kennedy on his arm, and has said that Kennedy was "the only President to speak out against the crazy corruption stuff that's going on in our government nowadays." In December 2016, Post stated that if asked to perform at the inauguration of Donald Trump he would not have been opposed, though he stated that neither Trump nor Hillary Clinton were fit for President of the United States and expressed his support of Bernie Sanders during the election cycle.

Post later expressed a dislike for Trump in a November 2017 interview for Rolling Stone. In the same interview, he revealed that he owned myriad guns, and believed it was an "American" right to own and operate guns. He also expressed a heavy interest in conspiracy theories, saying "There's crazy shit that goes on that we can't explain." During a trip to Canada, Post was interviewed and when asked what the "biggest lie is", he replied “The biggest lie in the world is the U.S. government, It’s a fucking reality show and I think there’s gonna be a lot of weird shit that happens within our generation that really changes the way of the world."

I've known more coherent downies.

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oh hush, most of that was quote.

He was talking about post Malone but hey if the shoe fits.

Mumble rap is better incoherent. Don't @ me

mixing in country, metal, rock, and pop into his hiphop

Eminem did that a decade ago and then signed up Yellawolf whos done it before Malone and done it better too.

I'm not sure I'd call Yellawolf better than anyone, but yeah, the idea of mixing in other musical genres is not new. That's sort of my point: Malone's style is relatively unique, not a lot of others rap quite the way he does, but it isn't exclusive to just him. So he both has something that sets him apart from the pack, and isn't sucking up all the attention that other, more deserving rappers should have.

It's all still boring moody trap beats and monotone vocals that are nearly indistinguishable from one song to another, but just because I personally don't like it doesn't mean Malone overall is guilty of being what the author accuses him of being.

Post has a tattoo of U.S. president John F. Kennedy on his arm, and has said that Kennedy was "the only President to speak out against the crazy corruption stuff that's going on in our government nowadays.

Imagine being this retarded. Dude literally did exactly the opposite because he couldn’t keep his dick dry.

2, there are actually a number of other big artists right now like him who are black, even down to blending country and rock into his rap songs.

So rap is in the exact same racial state as it was when I was a kid, except back then I don’t remember anybody bitching that Em was white.

what in the everloving fuckeroni is the point of this article

To show how woke the writer is when it comes to appropriation and for them to write as many witty digs against post as they could come up with. Some of them were pretty funny tho tbf

"Keep reading for $1"

Nah fam.

Open it in incognito.

I like post Malone.

               Please no ban

I have never heard any Post Malone songs, but I have heard my boss who is an honorary boomer complain about his face tattoos.