Fucking mayos

1  2018-10-31 by aX10mAt1CaL1Y


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If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, oh what a fine world this would be.

or as we say in my upper class white suburb say: if wishes were fishes, we'd all cast nets hur hur hur

Ummm I don’t think there are any voting districts in the ocean. And if there were, they definitely wouldn’t vote Democrat.

Maybe Seaman is a Democrat?

The way he controls the marine life around him sounds a lot like (((collectivism))) to me

If grandma was a grandpa she would have a penis. A russian proverb.

I know I know, 538 had the "least incorrect" polls of the 2016 elections... But it's still funny as hell to remember the NYT meter going from 98% for Hillary to nothing during election night. My god the reeeeing was felt across the globe that might.

I don't have much hope that this year the drama will anywhere close to that.

I believed the polls and thought he had no shot at winning.

Watching it unfold live was like watching the end to some bizarre underdog movie.

Man that night and the few days after were hilarious.

Remember the literal radio silence on /r/politics that lasted for about 2 days post election? Man reddit was in shock literally.

I watch this Young Turks meltdown once every few months.

It’s satisfying to see the progression of smug self righteous confidence slowly turn into nervousness then panic. The main girl actually had a mental breakdown and had to leave the set for about an hour.

Lmao young turks. Handing the country over to a moron was almost worth it just to see them sperg out.

Lmao young turks. A turkish and an armenian deniers of the armenian genocide pretending to be liberal. An unholy existence.

Liberal Arabs and Turks are the most unholiest in Allahs Earth.

Isn't Ana Armenian though???

Exactly. That's how fucked up this is.

I’ve heard of that before, but that was great

the best thing about this is that they spent the whole election shitting on clinton and pushing conspiracy theories about her. they weren't the only ones but they were leading the charge. then suddenly on election day they're like "ok Democrats lets put our differences aside and vote for Clinton", after poisoning the well for 12 months or so

You don't understand, she's just better people than you.

That's some really good shit

At least they didn't claim to have PTSD


Psychological Study. Effects of 2016 Election on Young Adults. 769 Participants. "The average stress score of students was comparable to the scores of witnesses to a mass shooting seven months after the event."

I believed the polls and thought he had no shot at winning

Imagine not understanding polls or percentages this badly.

Imagine being so eager to show r/drama how smart you are you act like people exaggerating in casual internet conversation isn't a thing.

Sorry I should have said I thought it was very unlikely he would win I forgot how many autists use r/drama that are unable to get the jist of a sentence like that

I was only pretending to be retarded

😂😂 Nice backpedal

No you are right I literally thought Trump had a zero percent shot to win you got me


Fucking two emojis, just how normie trash can you be.

I was listening to the 538 podcast and genuinely worried about his chances. The scenario they were worried about, the polls in the Midwest betting off, turned out to be exactly what happened. I mostly avoided /r/politics, but I went there the day before the election and expressed my concerns and was met with smug dismissals. "Pffftty... 538 is the only one that had him that high, all the others are like 98%!"

Tbh even given the state of the polls I have no idea how they got 98%. They were like a few points ahead in the median swing state... I don't think a confidence level like that was at all justified.

polls are used to influence elections, not report on them

Lol Jesus Christ you’re a fucking retard

Is this satire?

your psych 101 prof would tell you there’s mountains of empirical evidence to show humans love to be members of the winning team

so when the polls are 1. always wrong 2. by statistically improbable degrees 3. but always in favour of one team, it’s pretty clear what’s going on

no different than the ratings agency “scandal” during the financial crisis, and where’s the real money in polling? consulting with political campaigns

There has not been consistent polling error towards the Democrats over time. Are you retarded? The polls were biased towards Romney in 2012 by a greater degree than they were biased towards Clinton in 2016.

guys this 2 day old account is both super informed and passionate about polling accuracy in American elections

Really? If this was all a big conspiracy by Soros, Hillary, and the globalists, wouldn't you expect them to have accurate internal polling on these areas and target them? Why would Hillary just broadcast that everything was OK in Wisconsin via her massive network of cronies, and then just take that at face value even though she would've known they were wrong?

If anything a conspiracy the other way would be more likely wouldn't it? Convince Hillary that things are OK in Wisconsin by rigging the polls, then heavily targeting those states? It seems completely stupid to me that conspiracy theorists are convinced Hillary's entire gameplan was just to have a massive conspiracy at every polling organization to inaccurately broadcast her as ahead, and that's it. You'd think if she could rig the polls like that, couldn't she rig and election or two? That's what actually matters. Honestly this polling fiasco harmed Hillary Clinton more than anyone else.

Also how much did evil globalists rig the polls against you in France? There are plenty of elections where the polling error was to the left or right, there is no general trend.

it’s not some big conspiracy, no more than it was some big conspiracy that the ratings agencies all fucked us during the financial crisis; it’s just business

and who pays pollsters? political campaigns

Jesus Christ it's not like you're even reading my arguments or replying to me. Are you an NPC?

lol you think I owe it to you to read your tryhard multi-paragraph reeeeeee

If it makes you feel any better, nobody read that shit.

If they gave Trump higher chances, they lose more being wrong than they could gain from being right.

Nate Silver specifically talked about his worry with the polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, and even Minnesota. This was at a time when those states were labelled 10%+.

The electoral picture... did not at all justify a 99% odds in favor of Clinton. Even taking the polls at face value. I have no clue how they got that.

Tbh even given the state of the polls I have no idea how they got 98%.

Most of the polls, when you looked into the methodology were heavily democrat biased in terms of who they talked to. My favorite was the Utah one which everyone on the left came over that had Utah as a swing state. When you looked into who they talked to it was like 20% more democrats than republicans ... in Utah.

There are more registered Democrats that Republicans, you shouldn't expect 50/50 distributions. Only the polls in the midwest were really off. National polls were ok-ish and polls outside of the midwest generally were too.


I have zero evidence to back this up, but I feel like there was such a stigma around voting Trump that people wouldn't admit it to the polls. Which is part of why the polls got it wrong.

The ACTUAL polls never said he had no shot at winning. Retards who can’t read polls and retards like you who listen to those retards thought he had no shot. He had a 1/3 shot at winning from reputable polls. That’s 33%.

How the hell was 538 least accurate lmao.

They gave Trump a 30% to win.

Least incorrect, not least accurate

Yeah, I see.

538 gave him like a 30% chance lol.

They're actual centrists when it comes to their calculations.

They discussed on their podcast that trumps best shot was that there was a 5% polling error in the midwest, and that's exactly what happened

Remember when Slate or Vox or one of those absolute garbage websites yelled at 538 for "only" having Hillary at a 70% chance of victory?

If only nonwhite Americans could cast ballots, America would be another shithole nation.

its going to be over for conservacels

Except this map is pre-Blexit.

Yeah so nothings changed


"blexit" isn't a thing (and neither is "walkaway")


"jokes" are a thing (and so is laughing at them).

Not if we Shoah the black and taco blacks. I honestly believe that immigration will push our politics so far left that alienated whites will start a race war.

Le radical centrists represent!

That implies it already isn't.

I walk down the streets of New York and feel as though we're in a third world country.

That's just New Yorkers. Everyone gradually gets the New York attitude.

New York is it's own bubble that everyone globs on to because everything is open late and there is always "something to do". And you do all that stuff because you pay 3k to live in a shoebox.

Oh no all the non-whites.

NYC has a gdp per capita line 30% higher than the rest of the nation.

Cost of living is probably 30% higher than the rest of the nation, not to mention income disparity between whites and nonwhites.

Thank god we have so many blacks in NYC to sustain it

You must never have seen a thirs world country.

Newark is just right across the Hudson.

“I live north of 144th and can’t understand why it feels like I’m in the third world 🤔”

third world country

This is not something I'd think that people here would unironically post.

You mean like London? Or Berlin? Or Paris? Or Brussels? Almost like there is a pattern?🤔

lol thinking New York is a third world level city.

Go to west Virginia, it's like Kentucky but with more mayo garbage and no economic mobility.

Don't go to alabama then

Yeah we could all be like the dreamland Alabama instead of our wealthy and prosperous coastal areas.

its over for texcels

Lel, "De Cocksdorp"

Districting is mega retarded. The whole map looks like the fever dream of a drunken toddler.

Do people forget that mayos are like the majority of everything and you have plenty of them voting for democrats? Obviously minorities that's not a retard, would vote for things best in their 'interest'

What's the point of all this?

To be able to say "non whites"


fuck this place.

this place

America or /r/drama?

or both


It's like that because only the rich non-white people would be able to vote :^)

Otherwise there would be a third party that wasn't retarded.

More proof that Minorities cannot be centrist and must be removed to have a balanced society.

In this country maybe the Republicans would be a normal center right party rather than a far right one.

Clinton's immigration reforms and references to superpredators would be considered right wing extremist nowadays

Please do not pretend as if Trump's nativism is in any way traditional in the United States. Probably there's never been any more nativist hysteria since the 20's, when we passed that law that basically shut off immigration because we were scared of the Jews.

Please do not pretend as if Trump's nativism is in any way traditional in the United States

It's definitely not traditional in any way. It's far too progressive to be.

US citizenship was only grantable to "white persons of good nature" up until the end of the Civil War. Further immigration acts were made in a attempt to maintain the racial makeup of the US until the Immigration Act of 1965, so then on people from any country can come in and raise kids who grow up resenting their parents for moving to a place filled with mayos.

Interestingly enough, proponents at the time argued it would not "not affect the lives of millions" or "not affect US demographic mix", but here we are seriousposting about it on on /r/drama.

Oven tender speaks out

FYI that seems to be a simulation of if the swing in current districts were adjusted by the swing in the non-white vote. Not actually if only the non-white people in a district voted.

Imagine thinking being partisan is a good thing.

^ Enlightened

Kangz and kweens

careful with that joke it's an antique

We need to import more brown people to fix this

I think they're still a few weeks away from reaching the border.