Reddit's finest virgins discuss why banning support for daddy helps their RPG community grow.

1  2018-10-31 by Automatic_Meaning


Jews did this


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Spot on as ever Snappy

post reasonable comment about how all political discussion should be banned in general to make things consistent

Le Drumpf is fascist banning racism just bellows’s over to him

Daddy won in 2016 with every group prone to histrionics whining against him but I’m really not sure how he’s going to recover from this.

Just be excellent to each other guys! No more hate! No more divisiveness!

I can sympathize with Trump vote-

REEEEEEEE out out OUT you’re literally genociding black and brown an trans people!

black and brown and trans people

One of these oppressed peoples are not like the others...

tbh every website should just ban DDF on site

no convoluted reasoning, excuses, etc just genocide them

Choice quotes from people who never step outside:

Ronald Reagan (or pick your favorite Republican president) wasn't bragging about sexually assaulting women, constantly, brazenly lying to the American public, inciting racism, locking children in cages, demonizing peaceful immigrants, or defending violent extremists.


If they are Trump supporters, then they support a monster.

Also, humans and monsters are not mutually exclusive. People often forget that Nazis were also fully human.


Trump is anti-LGBT and wishes death on transexual females


I have autism and I'm a MTF who has been looking for work the past ten years. Unfortunately, I'm staying with my parents.


You know, I wish I could murder these bigots. Like, seriously, them and gamergate nazis.


I have pstd from gamergate nazi supporters harassing me on Twitter. Thank God for the queer-communist community and my Nintendo switch



Didn’t Regan throw mentally ill people to the wolves, resulting in the whole homeless crazy person taking off into the stratosphere?

Also lol at “Gamergate Nazis”.

Ronald Reagan (or pick your favorite Republican president) wasn't bragging about sexually assaulting women, constantly, brazenly lying to the American public, inciting racism, locking children in cages, demonizing peaceful immigrants, or defending violent extremists.

I mean reagan did all those things, lmao.

Listen I am incredibly young, get off on pretending I know more than I do and have no context for my beliefs and positions so I'm just going to say things and you're going to have to deal with it. Donald wants to send people back to Mexico where the houses are made of slowly decaying burritos and body parts severed by drug cartels! There is no one worse than our current administration. Even Hitler gave the Jews nice places to live and cooked for them with big ovens! Sadly no one will ever be as nice to their people as Stalin though.

The constant pearl-clutching and turning every phrase into a hyperbolic nightmare is incredibly tiring.

At this point I just dont give a shit about who what or how they label anything.

Holy shit, the level of retardation is astounding

Nobody mentions the first amendment

God. Everyone talking about the first amendment needs to stfu. That only applies to the government. Retards.

Every single time.

I go out on r/politics and other subs to "combat" Trump supporters.

And I go fishing inside active volcanos.

Oh wow.

Imagine bragging about beating up a black man with his arms and legs tied up... a klan rally...

...while all the klansmen are also beating him up...

...and being proud of it.

Don’t forget the guy is gagged.

You're doing that too much. Please try again in 9 minutes.

Seems weird to say that you can basically support any of Trump’s policies individually but you have to disavow Trump himself. Obviously I’m not familiar with this particular community but it seems like that would inevitably lead to arguments devolving into people insisting that the conservatives in question actually support Trump while the conservatives have to disavow him without actually disavowing any of his policies. I somehow doubt that the mods at this forum would allow this to fly, even if their words would seem to allow it.

"Trump's not racist, he just only got 8% of the black vote because black voters are too stupid to realize he's not racist!" is always a good one.