InTelliGeNt Rick & Morty fans can't handle a black Rick cosplay

1  2018-10-31 by Atheistsomalipirate


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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To be fair

I like how everyone has negative karma in that thread.

Turns out there is a Black Rick

Those damn sjw writers infiltrated adult swim!!!

Literal non issue.

Unironically made the character better

These people literally call people they don't like morty

Lol I've noticed that too.

I've noticed many posts on reddit of black people cosplaying white character. I will reiterate that there is nothing wrong with this. However imagine in the future, the anti mayo strategist Tariq Nasheed proclaiming that the characters in source material where actually black but history has whitewashed them.

baste Tariq

I thought dressing up as a charcther of a different race than your own was racist 🤔🤔🤔

It never was

But then what's the point?


How are people.... in a rick and morty sub........falling for low effort rick and morty pasta?

Insufficient IQ

reeee3 cultural mayo appppppropoation



pick one

American mayo****

gee i wonder why it looks bland, couldn't be because the character is just "generic science man" but in a shitty low-budget art style.

it's like when boring girls do Lara Croft cosplay. everyone says they always look good because it's super fucking bland.

"cosplay" is literally just adults acting like children

and acting is just adults playing pretend, but Hollywood is still a billion dollar industry

found the dress-up fag

don't diss my Megumin cosplay

He pointed out that the costume is plain and the only noteworthy thing about it being that the guy is black.

It's not really wrong, you could post a picture of a black guy spreading his asshole open and taking a shit and it would still hit the frontpage of reddit.

I remember someone posted a picture of a black man eating pancakes and it got like 22k upvotes or something in a default sub.

>actually posting bussy

If only

It's skiplegday Rick

his skinny legs really work for the costume

Poor guy doesn’t realize /r/pics is the “black person does something normal.” karma goldmine.

It bothers me how reddit upvotes any black person regardless of the quality of the post. The top post of r/Halloween this month is a really bad Addams family costume.

Imagine unironically caring about voting ethics in /r/halloween.

almost 1 million subs

fuck this site

Pretty sure there was a black rick in the show

He looks so good though

To be fair, you have a very high IQ ...