(FRESH) The cast of The Witcher turns out to be less white than modern USA. /r/witcher calmly discusses this brave stance.

1  2018-10-31 by Blinwar


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imagine watching any entertainment produced in the current year lol

Imagine imagining lmao

dude NPCs lmao!

Imagine implying bussy in current year LMAO, but unironically.

Literally accounts for 70% of all vocabulary on this sub.

Proves how GalaxyBrain I am since I never use those words

Imagine..... just imagine

spongebob laugh

imagine not watching Teenage Pig Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girls. I forget the name but that's pretty close I think

Imagine being this faggy.

Better Call Saul called, it wants to let you know that you can go fuck yourself cause you are missing out on some quality television.

Subverting the audience expectation that a follow up to Breaking Bad should have actual shit happen.

4 years and he has just picked the name 'Saul Goodman' in the last episode.

Subverting the audience expectation that a follow up to Breaking Bad should have actual shit happen.

Breaking Bad was at its best when shit wasnt happening and instead characters were interacting and developing and being interesting. BB started turning to shit when the dad from Malcom In The Middle started being a cartoon villain instead of a believable and somewhat sympathetic meth cook with a magical ability to make blue meth.

So basically Better Call Saul is learning from the lessons of BB and not becoming dumb.

Tbh I unironically enjoyed Castlevania. The second season was pretty well done

Thank you for reminding me it's out

I gotcha fam 👉😎👉

Enjoy, episode 7 was epic

Too bad Dracula turned out to be a pussy tho.

I wouldn't say he was a pussy. Dude just snapped, who wouldn't?

He got cucked by his own son and reduced to sniveling pile of ash by just looking at a teddy bear he made with his ex.

Cucked? Nah. He snapped outta his psychic rage and realized that he was killing the last thing, the last person, he loved. Dude just finally took the out he was looking for

He gave up on his mission to genocide humanity just because he walked into his son's room? C'mon, that some gay shit man.

He was just lashing out. Like his son said, the entire thing was history's longest suicide note

Just made my way a few episodes in. Dialog gets a bit rough but holy wow they ramped up the production value and the characters and plot really flesh themselves out!

2nd season is amazing!

Oh fuck, I knew I'd forget about it. That show kicks ass.

Season 2 is even better than season 1 by a big margin. More action, more witty banter and quotable lines, overall just way more awesomeness

Roll tide

Implying any of this matters as they show will be shit anyways

Real truth here. It'll be Game of Thrones all over again. Some greedy director taking a detailed, intelligent, well thought out story and turning it into a simplistic piece of garbage for 90 IQ normoids.

Fucking normoids. SMH.

Smh poids.

taking a detailed, intelligent, well thought out story

I thought they were adapting the Witcher books, did they decide to use a different source material?

I'm talking in generalities. They'll still try to simplify a bad piece of work.

They'll take a piece of shit, shit on it, eat it, then vomit it into the Gamers wide, eager mouths. Mmmm



It'll be Game of Thrones all over again

normalized full frontal female nudity on mainstream television

Fuck off, that show was a god send.

I give it 50% of the credit for Altered Carbon later displaying the full glory of Martha Higareda, whose 1 second of full frontal nudity totally made up for all her 'latina cop girl' acting


unironically calling GoT books 'well thought out'

Fuck off, that show was a god send.

Shut the fuck up. I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious. GOT Is low-IQ entertainment.

unironically calling GoT books 'well thought out'

Explain why they're not or shut the fuck up.

i don't know, guy.

perhaps because the series author scope-creeped himself so hard he literally had to split his cast by novel, mid series, while his writing stalled into 5+ year, growing intervals?

yes.. probably that.

perhaps because the series author scope-creeped himself so hard he literally had to split his cast by novel, mid series, while his writing stalled into 5+ year, growing intervals?

How does that have anything to do with the quality of the story itself?

What good is a fucking series if the author openly gives up on it himself?

The story will never be finished.



LotR would have been shit if the series ended before Frodo ever made it to Mount Doom


what now? wtf does that mean?

He is contracted to write something like 10 books, and it became incredibly obvious around book 4 or so that he not only was out of ideas but also had lots interest in the series. So ever since then hes just been stretching out plot arcs and lazily bringing characters back from the dead in an effort to stretch the material he has to fit the remaining books despite the fact that he very clearly would much rather be back to writing TV.

Hes basically hoping to drag out the process long enough that he dies before the publisher he signed with decides to sue him over the books hes clearly ever going to finish.

As far as I know he isn't under any contract as to what number of books he is required to write. He was originally planning to write six, but then ended up splitting book four in two, and did it by splitting the cast. That's when the series started declining. The first three books were great. The people he brought back from the dead seemed per-planned, it just wasn't a good idea in the first place.

It just seems like he has gotten tired of writing because he has spread the cast too far apart, with too many loose ends to tie up neatly in the end.

The series was originally meant to be three books long.

Oh yes GoT is an intricate and concise masterpiece spanning sagas.

Who could've ever forgotten the literary legend that is going on about how one of your characters has a big dick.

Or the character arc that is incest crossbreed eugenics dragon simulator.

It's a glorified fanfic hashed down to be sellable by a fedoralord, then dumbed down to be relatable to the fedorapeasants. Then added with filler the size of books to sell more of this shit.

incest crossbreed eugenics dragon simulator

First they take pinging, now we got kink shamers and MDE meth heads invading our subreddit of peace and destroying our diverse culture!

Whats next? Banning TayTay? Ed not posting emojis all the God damn time? Pizza making a positive contribution to anything? Mayos posting out in the open?

Where did we go wrong, /r/Drama?

I blame Donald trump.

Or the character arc that is incest crossbreed eugenics dragon simulator.

dont kink shame me

Come on dude, after the 3rd book, he's just drabbling on, no direction or structure to the story at all...

Any given game of Crusader Kings is as equally well thought out as Game of Thrones.

muh medieval stasis

dissing the show that normalized full frontal female nudity on mainstream television

that's what this show is known for? uh, that's interesting-all anyone talks about who I know are the castration scenes...

Stop hanging out with radfems

A radfem hanging out with me? That's like a mouse hanging out with a cat. Why-just why?

Op likes Game of Thrones because it brought incest into more mainstream appeal.

that normalized full frontal female nudity on mainstream television

are there seriously people this retarded

90 is generous lol. You realize that 90 - 100 is average.

>Game of Thrones

>well thought out story

Pick one. GRRM has even admitted this is writing style is the opposite of planning things out.

The story and the world is well thought out, not necessarily his writing style.

The story and the world is well thought out

Its basically The War Of The Roses taking place in the Holy Roman Empire during the 30 Years War. Combine that with a willingness to not give anyone plot armor and you have a unique enough setting to at least be interesting.

Its really not that well thought out but it is however a pretty clever combination of themes. I dont get all the people shitting on GRRM's writing style though, its not high literature dont get me wrong but for this particular genre it works quite well.

People shit on him because he keeps finding a pseudo-archaic phrase that sounds sorta okay once, falls in love with it, and spams it “many and more” times until seems affected.

The libertarian-level creepiness with which he writes sex scenes doesn’t help matters.

fat pink mast

Themes and atmospheres are difficult to create. There are a lot of complex patterns involved in that, like any other art.

I think GRRM is a very intelligent guy and his books show that actions do have consequences, even in magical tales. However, since GoT is made for low-IQ common denominators, complex series of events are replaced with obvious gimmicky bullshit like Tywin not trying to find out the identity of a northern noble girl literally working below him.

GoT went from The Wire to fucking Lord of the Rings, huge armies just show up to save the day out of nowhere, etc. You can tell it's made for low-IQ people when short-term gratification is prioritized over long-term story archs.

GoT went from The Wire to fucking Lord of the Rings, huge armies just show up to save the day out of nowhere, etc.

Yeah, pretty much. I suspect a big part of it isnt because GRRM is dumb, in fact I agree with you that hes very much the opposite. Instead its because he just got bored of the project because for fucks sake hes already written nearly 3,000 pages complete with one ending and I can see why hed want to move on to something fresh and interesting. But hes stuck in a contract to write 10 books and HBO keeps throwing money at him so instead he just writes low quality pandering bullshit and rakes in the cash and shows up at cons to creepily oogle the cosplayers or whatever the fuck else he does because its sure as fuck not writing entertaining literature at this point.

GRRM doesn't work with the show anymore, or atleast not with any executive power.

From what I gather GRRM is a very excited guy, he'll gladly write tons of pages. I think he's waiting for the show to end before releasing his book.

a willingness to not give anyone plot armor

Except Tyrion, thankfully.

That dude should have been killed off two seasons ago if not sooner. Hes going to become GoT's equivalent of Daryl from TWD and that not a good thing.

The Walking Dead makes me fall asleep.

Tyrion is relatable because he's an ugly loser who's like, totally funny 😂👌🏼

I dont get it youre not funny at all.

no u

Combine that with a willingness to not give anyone plot armor

This is really not true, the show makes this way more obvious than the books do though

The early books were most definitely willing to kill of any and all characters if it made for a good story, even going so far as to wipe out all of the actors in a major plot arc with stuff like the Red Wedding. For me at least it was part of what made the books so compelling.

Of course, GRRM started rolling that back with Lady Stoneheart or whatever dumb shit he hinted at, and then the writers of the show totally did away with it by bringing two characters back from the dead. It makes me think they didnt really understand certain aspects of what made the books/show so good. It sure as shit isnt dumb gimmicks like relying on "sexposition" to keep the audience interested in scenes with important dialogue.

Explain yourself or shut your whore mouth

Really questioning if these people have even read asoiaf lol, the amount of foreshadowing and allusion from book to book is insane. There is plenty to critique in terms of his scope of work and the likelihood he'll never finish, but a lot of that actually stems from the fact he makes sure every detail is well thought out.

Exactly. It was this consistency and the consequences to peoples actions that made GoT seem like such shit in comparison.

For example, the Tywin-Arya scenes. Tywin knew he had a northern noble girl in his presence but he didn't even attempt to find out her identity. I feel like something like this wouldn't have happened in the books.

I won't go into the Sandsnakes since it's done to death.

Petyr Baelish was triggering too. He never had these problems before, now all of the sudden he is being outmaneuvered by teen girls and getting beheaded. It's just cringy and not worth watching. I hate the eternal normoid.




Yeah huge drop off in quality of the show after it left the part laid out by the books has to be one of the best commendations of the grrm’s writing.

He has said he has a plan for the overall story but writes the details as he goes. He compared it to gardening if I remember right.

taking a detailed, intelligent, well thought out story

What has that got to do with the Fire and Ice books

Show is better then the books.

I'm not surprised, it was made for low-IQ's like yours.

Got an example of a """high-IQ""" tv show you retarded elitist moron?

So this means its going to have lots of boobs, right?


Not an argument, GoT is low-IQ entertainment since it prioritizes short-term gratification with childish tropes over long-term plot arches.

It's entertainment. I loved the books and enjoy the show. I'm not gonna make an argument of it but I'm curious what you consider high IQ entertainment.

The books. Maybe the first few seasons of GoT.

The Wire was okay.

The Wire was great. I watch shows for atmosphere, cinematography, production value and art direction, good acting, decent writing for a TV show. GoT, Westworld, Bloodline, Narcos, Haunting of Hill House, etc etc... Dark dramas that are made well. Filmmaking is just a different form of art in my opinion and I can appreciate it even if it lacks the sort of depth you can get from a book.

Filmmaking is just a different form of art in my opinion and I can appreciate it even if it lacks the sort of depth you can get from a book.

Then that's were we differ. I think there's always room for improvement and you can never get complacent.

Of course there is. I think we've seen some pretty significant improvement over the past decade. There are always those moments in the shows that leave me thinking "Ugh why the fuck would they do this" and the crowd pleasing BS in the writing a lot of the time, but it's gotten better in my opinion. Hopefully it will continue to evolve.

Some greedy director taking a detailed, intelligent, well thought out story

Quite the contrary, the writer of the books is currently trying to sue CD Project Red and is cashing in on the popularity of the games to sell off TV rights at a much higher price. No greedy director, greedy writer.

You are wrong and here is why:

You are a defective human being. Pretending you are too intelligent for an intelligent TV show isn't going to impress anyone.

Game of Thrones is not an intelligent TV show.

I'm not arrogant since I'll gladly give credit were credit is due- GRRM created an amazing piece of literature, but the TV show is a diarrheatic pile of shit. Petyr Baelish went from an extremely sly person to getting outmaneuvered by teenage girls. Tywin didn't even try to uncover the identity of a northern noble girl working below him. I won't even start with the Sandsnakes or a LOTR-like army showing up and saving the day.

It's extremely obvious to everyone with an IQ above 100 that GoT, especially the latter seasons, is low-IQ entertainment.

If there was a place for high-IQ people to reach consensuses, do you think you'd be allowed in? No.

Lots of high IQ people still like the show and some even give them shiny trophies for it. Hell, GRRM doesn't gripe about fidelity and claims credit for the ideas when they get awards for Season 7.

If there was a place for high-IQ people to reach consensuses, do you think you'd be allowed in? No.

Very interesting coming from someone who thinks the Sandsnakes are high quality entertainment.

Lots of high IQ people still like the show and some even give them shiny trophies for it. Hell, GRRM doesn't gripe about fidelity and claims credit for the ideas when they get awards for Season 7.

Not an argument. High-IQ people give them awards for being able to make so much profit out of getting low-IQ people to watch their show. That's the whole point, it's made for low-IQ people so they can reach the largest audience they can. There's a financial incentive for making stupid content, and if you read closely, you'll see that I never called the show creators dumb.

Stop trying to explain high IQ people - you can't understand them!

RE: Sandsnakes - my record on this topic is consistent:

https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/9j7k5z/if_she_whispers_you_want_the_good_girl_but_you/ https://www.reddit.com/r/asoiafcirclejerk/comments/4m7dh9/our_new_ad_banner_hiss_with_me_sisters/

Book Dorne is boring and a series of latin/Mediterranean/exotic clichés.

ok but the show is literally retarded since season 5

Hey the Witcher books aren’t bad

the witcher was fantasy fiction written for polish people, the race synonymous with being a moron in the developed world.

oh dude GoT will look like a masterpiece compared to this

regardless if you’re a fan of the Witcher IP it’s strength is its writing, and the writers’ room on this show is a motley crew of hacks from catlady shows on the CW and Netflix capeshit

it’s going to be an absolute tire fire and has ENORMOUS drama potential here on Reddit as it’s poised to pit #woke /r/movies types against gamergate among other things

can’t fucking wait

detailed, intelligent, well thought out story


implying these pedos aren't too busy jerking off to the Ciri actress to care about anything else

the show being shit is why this is coming up

the show isn't conversation-worthy so they have to induce big dumb social justice slapfights so people talk about it, like battlefield v and rome total war

What drama happened in total war?

Foid generals I think.

Generals in some nations were able to be female. It was added in a patch ages ago, and some random people made up lies about how common it was so people threw a tantrum about it thinking they'd updated it to make the female generals more common.

So only some countries have it?

I think some tribe has a higher chance, but yeah if I remember right it's not possible in Rome and the Greek armies at least.

only the countries that historically had women generals do. and it s like 10 or 15 % chance

This sounds like not a big deal.

Thats not the proper spirit! This is bad for dramacoin

I just can't make myself care about video games I never touched.

Also I thought total war was popular and didn't need controversy to move product.

CA literally had to take Warhammer onboard (ugh) to save the series after the disaster that was Rome 2.

Naturally, taking on elfshit in a game series known for being grounded in historical fact pissed a great many people off.

you have shit taste if you don't think total war warhammer 1 and 2 are one of, if not the best games in the series, maybe after shogun 2.

I haven't wasted money on the failed abortions that CA calls games since Attila.

We’re selling short.

It’s not nearly as ridiculous as CK2 turning Catharism, of all religions, into a militarily useful faith because of the way it lets you make your 20-Martial mistress a commander.


historical accuracy

screams in gay zunist Roman horse

Fuck you fake gamer I hate wamen and minorities.

No it was not just that, because it wasn't just a few random low % female generals which was the counter spin but also female family members as well, so basically you could get the choice of only women to pick as a general.

Can't you just recruit another politician? I've never had a situation where I've had literally no choice but to recruit a female general, but haven't played in a little bit.

Nah, it was actually pretty fucking common, because they didn't consider the ratio of women joining your faction through marriage, etc.

Saying it's not true basically just confirmed you've never played those factions since the change.

Like I said to the other guy, can't you just recruit another politician?

I've only played the DLC since the update, and playing any faction but Rome is just bad taste anyway.

its netflix

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There's no way this show will be nearly as entertaining as the drama it production has generated literally every single step of the way.

Imagine caring one way or the other lol

I care to see all the KIA-tards try their hardest to convince everyone that it's not about race.

It's about "Polish" culture, like dragons and shit.

If Witcher is literally set in Poland why don't any of the characters have relatives in the UK?

Checkmate g*mers

Tbh, if the show (or the books) would be based in Polish culture, then 70% of the show should be a Polish girl getting spit roasted by a German and a Russian.

This but it's a twink

Ciri is actually meant to be a stand in for Poland, its why the entire book consists of people with Slavic and Germanic names trying to rape her.

and the elf who couldn't get it up is the metaphor for the USA?

Is this the same character who goes on that incel-like rant about how elf women prefer human dick too much, or is that a different character?

trick question, all elves in Witcher are incels.

but I think it was a kind who couldn't get it up (because of pedophilia or something) and the guy who brought Ciri there has been going on incel rants about elves

Its been so long since I read the books. All I remember is this part where an elf does an exposition dump about Ciri's bloodline and why she's important. He explains how elf women were reluctant about putting out, then he gets mad when he explains how all the elf women start putting out like crazy when they meet human men. It's written with all the subtlety you expect of a lecherous old Polish man.

The story got more retarded as it went on, I also remember another elf going on another incel-like rant while drawing humans with big dicks on a cave wall.


I finished the saga just for Regis.

Further proof that CDPR did the Witcher better than the actual author, they understood Regis was one of the few redeeming characters and brought him back.


You know what, I could handle a side character mage or two being BAME, if the actor or actress just kills at the audition.

This is the same KIA that champions 'meritocracy' all the time

What is BAME?

B''lack, **Asian and Minority Ethnic

Some people say it's a word for only non-white, some people say it also includes white minority groups like the Polish in the UK. For example some local UK governments have their Polish Association Clubs listed as BAME organization, but some do not. Some local UK governments group the Polish under BAME with Pakis and Indians in their census data, some not.

First I heard of this. Thanks.

It's the generic UK term for minority, except because the UK census classifies natives (ie. White British) as a separate category from other whites, there's some debate over which white minorities qualify.

Why do blacks get their own initial in the acronym? Weird af.

How is it pronounced? Is it Baym, Bameh or Bee eh em ee?

It depends.

If you think it's a word for just non-white people, then it's Baym. If it includes white minorities, then it's Ba-meh.

This is the same KIA that champions 'meritocracy above identity' all the time

For a show that's supposed to be set in medieval poland ethnicity is part of the merit you fucking moron.

Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't have been good to play John Coffey in the green mile regardless of how much he killed it in the audition.

Leonardo DeCaprio wouldn't have been good to play John Coffey in the green mile

Who wouldn't he? It's a fucking movie who cares

It's not like the Witcher books or games are retroactively ruined by this

Implicitly saying that he can't handle main characters being BAME at all.

In the show based in a fantasy version of medieval Poland, retard

in a fantasy version of medieval Poland

So what's the downside of having black characters in this TV series?

not being an 'accurate' representation of the racial mix in medieval Poland.

More so that the racial mix of people is described in the books and seen in the games and surprise, it's white as snow. Why does that need to be changed?

Esp when, like another comment on this thread said, this is like Poland's first big international story being told.

And Amerifats come in with our idpol and say "Sorry, Polish people. You get to be black."

They could at least own that they want mayocide now. Instead, the showrunner was tweeting about how she would respect the source material and not change races before the cast list came out. You have to stand by what you believe in. Smdh.

Why does that need to be changed?

It doesn't have to be changed. But if it were changed for some reason, I really don't see why it's such a big deal. I struggle to see the link between conforming to source material and quality.

this is like Poland's first big international story being told. And Amerifats come in with our idpol

I also struggle to see why telling a story about Poland is so important. And be real though, who goes to to see a fantasy movie about magic, dragons etc. expecting a faithful recreation of medieval Poland?

Instead, the showrunner was tweeting about how she would respect the source material and not change races before the cast list came out. You have to stand by what you believe in.

Fair enough.

But if it were changed for some reason, I really don't see why it's such a big deal.

Let's make Black Panther white, race isn't real.

I also struggle to see why telling a story about Poland is so important

Because you're an Americunt who has had millions of movies, shows, and books read across the globe that take place somewhere near where you live and you don't appreciate how awesome that is.

Because you're an Americunt

Wrong on that count

race isn't real

I didn't say race isn't real. I said it's not a big deal. Whatever - make Black Panther white - who cares tbh.

In fact, I'd like to see a movie about a white Jackie Chan doing kung fu shit, and a black samurai in ancient Japan.

Whatever - make Black Panther white - who cares tbh.

This is a drawing of T'Chad. Thousands flip their shit. Imagine how many would if it was the next movie. Do you really think nobody would care lmao???

You've got the spirit pardner


Do you really think nobody would care lmao???

Actually, on that I agree. People would care a lot (that's part of the reason why I was mocking them). I guess I just don't take entertainment seriously enough.

I thought 🇾🇹 🇾🇹 🇾🇹 people 🇾🇹 🇾🇹 🇾🇹 like this didn’t like Poles because muh superior Germanic culture or some sheeit

tbh I think the book's creatures etc... are set in Polish traditional legends and what not.

If it was about Polish culture the movie should have an entirely german cast lol

lol of course its about race nobody ever said this cast shit was about meritocracy

Imagine caring about the race of whatever fantasy this is

Like Dr Who. The character is literally a time traveling Alien capable of being any living creature, but when “it” became a woman.. That was the realm of fantasy they were unwilling to accept.

They went apeshit at the idea, a rumor of Ciri being black. When it turned out to be wrong, they just patted themselves on the back for "forcing Netflix hand." Not to mention how everyone who did see the actress called her "Perfect" for the role, yet she has literally been in nothing. But hey, Ciri isn't black and it's about "consistency"

it’s 100% about race


Ok for real I am a redhead am I am fucking tired of gettin blacked!

Imagine wanting to watch shows about ugly people.

We're not talking about Mayos here.

I honestly don't care what color the actors are and I'll watch the shit out of it anyway but it does get annoying having progressive bullshit shoehorned into entertainment. It's obviously contrived a lot of the time.

It's not like they'll be loudly speaking ebonics in each scene.

Its hardly shoe horned if representing the real diversity of the viewing public is good for business. It would be shoehorning to try and make everyone as white as possible, but then we wouldn't call that a problem because that assumption is seen as normal even though it would be just as unnatural as an all black cast in a show about Polish people.

Hope they're adapting the first game so we have 3 hours of trying to figure out where to go in the swamp

Can we all take a minute to say a prayer to the gods of Drama?

"Please mindfuck whoever is in charge of this show, into casting Nilfgardians all as a primarily black nation, so that in 2020 we could all enjoy as Netflix reveals their new flagship televisions series, centered around the plot of an uncompromisingly progressive empire of black people, conquering a disparate collection of countries populated by backwards and uneducated, white barbarians."

The best part is the Nilfgaardians are known as "the black ones."

It will lead to some interesting dialogue.

unironically even in the games Nilfgaard always seemed like a better country.

Weren't they based on the romans? I only played the witcher 3 for a couple of hours before getting bored and dropping it but they kinda seemed like that

They were based on the Holy Roman empire.

right, that makes sense. the full plate and halberds kind of indicate that

We were Kaiser and shieet

More civilized and refined, certainly. Not so sure if better.

Jokes on you that shit is games only.

dude after Black Panther there’s probably a dozen shows like that in the making for thirsty #woke white audiences to swallow

Not woke Enough, geralt isn't a black gender fluid midget

Did you just create an account to make a 2013 anti-SJW circlejerk joke?

Lol he did


Isn't triss supposed to have red hair? That's my only problem

More auburn, and hair dye/wigs are a thing.

Na that's Thot magic. Only MC1R thots are acceptable

Triss isn't a hot red head the fuck?

Nah that's Thot magic. Only MC1R thots are acceptable

Have you heard of this remarkable new invention, hair dye?

Nah that's some abominable Thot magic. Only MC1R thots are acceptable.

I mean, she's a mayo anyway so why not picking a natural red hair to begin with?

I didn't realize hair dye turned people ginger.

Dying darker is much easier than dying lighter. Triss is also pale and a freckled.

imagine caring this much about capeshit

it's elfshit actually

Its my fetish you shit lord!

Dying darker is much easier than dying lighter. Triss is also pale and a freckled.

Books say chestnut (so, brown) - firetruck red is the games.

Books say chestnut (so, brown) - firetruck red is the games.

Wait wait wait, should we boycott the games for shitting all over the source material? WHERE'S MY PITCHFORK

Only a fool boycotts the better product. The books are decent overall but all 3 games are better in every way.

Why is it silly? It's adaptation of the novels. And I believe Sapkowski will do everything in his power to make sure it's distinguishable enough from the games

The nicest thing you can say about a project trying to capitalize on the popularity of a franchise by ignoring the only thing that makes it popular is "silly".

the only thing that makes it popular

White people?

Tempting the righteous wrath of noble gamers, truly the real target demographic no matter what those netflix libtards tell you

The audience of this is going to be almost exclusively people who played the games. It seems strange to base it on the books

Yennefer calls Triss a red head in Lady of the Lake.

She's supposed to be more of that brownish red color I guess.

I count 6 nonwhites out of 13 whites.

That's a fairly accurate representation of the American demographic.

Because Netflix is a propaganda tool for liberals

Holy shit, gamers are hilarious.

Can we at least in our fiction pretend that our glorious country has not been tarnished by mudbloods?

This, but without signifying the opposite meaning for comedic effect.

why pretend? the more visible the infestation is the closer the white race comes to rising up

We live in a society.

I see you are also a man of gryffindor

Not even remotely close. America is about 40%~ non white.

Well, I was cheating by including hispanic whites. And Inge Beckmann looks kinda hapa.

Thanks for taking the time to do that

Well you can't count for shit cause there are seven, on a show whose source material is all slav, and even within the whites has 1 Slav (In a role that was created just to say they had one, after the shows creator promised all slavs)

That's almost half even if you don't count context

You're not even trying to troll, you are just stupid

Please delete your account TYVM :PPP

on a show whose source material is all slav

Slavs aren't white, so they should happy that they got seven non-white characters for The Witcher.

cause there are seven

White-skinned hispanics are not nonwhite.

This isn't a video game adaptation, it's a book adaptation; the author is a lefty who is perfectly fine with this.

it's a book adaptation; the author is a lefty who is perfectly fine with this.

Probably untrue.

He was onboard the project before leaving months ago for "Creative differences" and then said he wasn't allowed to say more.

You don't know if the creative differences in question were regarding the races of the actors.

We aren't sure.

But acting like he has no problem with the show changes is wrong, because it's clear he does.

He does, but that doesn't mean it's this specific issue.

whose source material is all slav

Somehow all this while, no one has bothered to explain to me why it's necessary for a TV show to be faithful to its source material

It's not. The only thing I can think of that tried to follow the source material to a T was "The Watchmen" and that kinda made it worse

I mean what's the point of adapting if you are just going to go through changing things.

Why not make something original if you want to do that?

Good adaptations normally change things; what's the point in watching a show if it's exactly the same as the book you've read?

Good adaptations normally change things due to differences in what works in different mediums. Choosing just Polish actors would have restricted their talent pool.

So is it restricting the talent pool to want visually accurate characters.

So I'm sure you wanted say Black Panther to hold auditions for actors of every race?

I would be fine with them doing so.

I mean, they've not managed to get a single good actor with the expanded talent pool, so not sure that argument holds much merit.

In the 30s Orson Welles directed an all-black King Lear. Would have loved to see you all butt-blasted about that.

I'm fine with things like that, it's like the Magnificent 7, they took the story and characters and put them in a different culture and it was good. What we'd do today is remake Seven Samurai, set in Japan and have it star Chris Pratt, Jackie Chan, Jada Pinkett Smith etc.. And it would be shit.

This isn't even the whole cast, mong. People have been casting actors who look different from the description found in source material since humans started adapting written works into visual works.

i see 3 black people, a bunch of whites and some ambiguous mixed races. and one Indian. one kind of looks chinese or something. maybe they have started to succeed with the Great Replacement.


To them, having 1 nonwhite is too many.

Are you actually stupid enough to conflate Poles with Nazis?

Literally the population that took the biggest beating from them.

You're so retarded it's actually mind boggling.

Imagine caring this much about capeshit

heh black Istredd, nice bait Netflix

what level of over will gamers be when their muh pale brunette gets #blacked

This is honestly the juiciest part of the whole casting.

lol theyre not baiting this is just how shit american women writers are

Each of the writers is a pureblooded white man from scandinavia.

So all those soyboy euros combined have even less testosterone than a white American woman then kek

All of them are trump supporters.

dude Geralt getting cucked by BBC lmao

This is terrible casting. And for that reason, I'm out.

I got one am outraged we are missing out on a chance to show Poland’s legendary acting community.

The thing that I don't understand are Polish people actually are discriminated against.

There was a movement a few years back in the UK where people were actually trying to stop immigration from Poland, and yet when people start calling for Polish actors the main thing is saying nobody from Poland is noteworthy while forgetting that there might be a reason for that.

> literal only cultural impact Poland has had beyond being fucked by nazis

> they don't even get to participate in it

they don't even get to participate in it

Sounds like Polish culture.

Maybe it's just Polish culture to get their ass rammed by foreign nationals.

I've been saying for the longest time that poles are cucks. This realisation came to me when I saw the news about poland making it illegal to disagree with their government about the history of ww2. Like, imagine getting methaphorically raped by two countries and having part of your compatriots help the nazis hunt your own neighbours only to be jailed if you ever disagree with the current elite that it never happened.

Poland is one of the last countries in europe unironically following catholicism as well, a religion led by incels venerating a woman who was clearly rawdogging it on the side but oh no how convenient, it was God who made her pregnant

the nazis hunt your own neighbours only to be jailed if you ever disagree with the current elite that it never happened.

What elite are supporting that the holocaust never happened?

No, they're pushing the agenda that no poles have ever worked with the nazis, including in capturing and executing the jews.

Sounds like Poles are Dindus then

It’s more about how much coverage something gets in proportion to the extent, which is where Poland got screwed, for example :

France = helps the Germans round up Jews to send them off to concentration camps. Germans mainly have militia stationed because the French weren’t that big of a nuisance. However the west jerks itself hard over le resistance.

Poland = makes it illegal to aid the Germans by penalty of death (easier to killed a fellow Pole than face retribution for killing a German). Poles have the highest count for righteous among the nations, even though aiding Jews is a death sentence for a pole and his family. Poles also fought on all fronts in WW2... but all you hear about is collaboration, which is quite minimal compared to other nations.

The law is retarded, but so is the West not really knowing anything about history. Especially hard to take the moral high ground as they knew about concentration camps as early as 1942, but didn’t act on those reports and let millions of Jews be killed.

So you're saying that the trademark slavic antisemitism, which is practically etched into every slavic culture and been like that for centuries vanished magically with the start of ww2? Don't make me laugh. Poles have always been huge antisemites, just like ukranians.

I know, Poles were, and even now are antisemites. I’m saying proportionally, Poland gets shit on for something that was present in every country in Europe and in North America. At the very least, there were no Polish SS units or government collaboration, like there was in much of Europe, which is a historical fact.

There are tons of records of polish collaborationism, as well as of the ones who helped the jews survive. The problem is that they're trying to erase the bad part. This will lead to problems in the future.

Yeah even if you cast a bunch of mayos, it wouldn't be showing "Polish culture" unless they were actually Poles and not a bunch of britbongs.

With the internet age it’s inevitable that the Slavs will eventually become the new super power. I for one will welcome with a tracksuit on our new vodka bingeing squatting overlords.

tbf have you met the Polish?

story centers around Magic and fantasy nerd shit

Mayo nerds get upset about "historical accuracy"

it's based on historical folklore & local myth, therefore it isn't historical


This is like arguing there's no such thing as a historically reasonable portrayal of the Odyssey because Homer made it up

Lol. U gaymer nerds are angry about this stuff.

What's wrong, was the Witcher video game the closest you've ever come to sex and the thought of other races is making you feel sexually inadequate?

never even mentioned video games, just responded to your retarded comment about history

you nerds are angry about video games

Okay buddy

sort of person who would get mad if there were black people in LoTR while decrying historical accuracy

U racisim is as trans as the bussy ima fuck later.

sort of person who

Am I? Wow thanks for letting me know

You already wined about Achilles being black, did you do the same thing with Washington being black when you watched Hamilton? Man what a whiny bitch. Glad to know if someone isn't being protrayed by a white actor ull be there to stick up for da little guy.

Either way sort of misses the point of all this when we are talking about history.

The point of this is Russia's second greatest ruler of all time was a horse. While many of his exploits were later attributed to Pytor or Grigory or Sophie and his title was never anything more than royal concubine, he still masterminded everything as horses are much smarter than ur average russian.

Russia's greatest leader of course is Gorbachev who saved Russia when he surrendered unconditionally to McDonald's and an actor with dementia.

serious posting fag

Lolz. Had 2 reply twice?

I went through your comment history and...

Lmao fuck off fag

You went through my comment history?

Did you learn anything?

Lmao no the > means I was saying you went through mine, and that's pretty gay my man

No the > means quote

It's right in the formatting help.

Either way, from context what you said sounded like you went through my comment history, and I was hoping you did, you need to read more.

Oops sorry big guy you got me, I always forget you need to spell things out for specials. I was doing something called a "paraphrase" - where I take the essence of what you said and sum it up to make it nice and readable for you, but present it like a quote.

I'll sum it up nice and simple for you here :)

You read through my comment history to make a seriouspost? Fag

Lol. If you think anything about this is serious u r as dum as you seem.

Whole point of this was to talk about history and how Russia hasn't had any good leaders, hence why they've traditionally asked for Europeans to come in and rule them.

It has nothing to do with the fact that you are some wanna be racist incel.

Oh yeah you're right I'm sorry, I got totally side-tracked by your bringing up of abortion rates in Canada. What I meant to say was: what about Peter the Great? Surely an excellent leader in his own right 🙏🏻🙏🏻

How was he Russian? Descended from the Europeans Russia asked to rule them, and all the reforms he pushed came from European advisers. I guess he did follow the traditional Russian approach of doing what Europeans told him to in the form of his advisers, and that made him a little more Russian, but if anything his older brother was the phsyical manifestation of what it meant to be Russian, even if it came from a European household.

Okay fair enough, but what about the great Rurik, founder of the Rus' kingdom in Slavic land? Surely he was a great Russian leader.

Someone who claimed to be the founder of Ladoga more than a century after the town already existed? Sounds pretty Russian. But lets not forget Rurik's real name, Hrærekr, dude was just some random viking who managed to conquer all of Rus.

Ye but he was the guy who brought the name Rus' over from his beautiful European homeland and gave it to those nasty savages, so he has to qualify as 'Russian', even if he wasn't Slavic

But I can't argue with that: all the good leaders of Russia are Europeans ☦️☦️

Remember to keep the asterisk

Good by Russian standards. Going to rule Russia is what shitty leaders did who couldn't hack it in the non-united EU.

Black Panther is now White Panther

My child went as black panther for Halloween because vibranium and being a price is cool shit. His friend who we took trick or treating with hin went trick or treating with him went as Thor because hammers n lightning.

Guess their races and the number of fucks people give that people gave. That race shit only matters to people like you, a clear reason why the mayocide needs to be sped up. Still, thank you for doing your part by not being reproductively viable. Incels r the best! Ps. Keep following redpill theory itll totes get you laid, yous a total PUA.

You don't actually think people wouldn't freak out if black panther got whitewashed?

Halloween costumes \= mass media dumbass lmao

I think you would freak as it is one o those things you take as da tantamount importance to ur life. Why make race ur defining characteristic. Is it cuz they keep shutting down the incel subreddits?

serious fag

Lolz. Had to reply twice?

I could give a fuck about the race of people in the Witcher as I haven't read the books or played the games and I'm not Polish so don't exactly have a personal insult style stake in the show.

I'm not black or care enough about BP to give a shit about his character, he's not ever been that interesting to me.

But both groups that do care aren't bigoted racists for wanting representation. It's fun to see stories told from people like you, and people obviously still care about those groups they belong to because of skin color or where they were born.

dude racism lmao

>pretends to ngaf >actively whines about plght of mm eh vry chancy gets.

Yah, yiu try to pay it kewl bro.

It doesn't bother anyone that you criecrie so nuch. Goin down kicknscreamin is xpected, butt alrigh so lung as u godown.

Nice spelling, drunk already? 😂😂😂

Nope! Eye yust liek usuaring captchas 4 esl incels.

Nigga what the fuck

I'm confused as to what part you do not understand.



Type it out and what you think each one means. Read it outloud. Google them.

Nio like why are you typing like a retard to own the rebuttlicans

Has nothing to do with Republicans.


I explained it earlier in what I typed up.

Here. Lets go through it together.

What could eye mean besides eye?

Why do you "like using captchas for ESLcels"

What would that imply for the people or person reading it?

No clue. If you were just doing it for a goof I get it but I thought I was missing how it was connected to... the Witcher?

Explaining it takes away the fun.

Last time I said this, voicelesshoodwinker and other slavcels got mega ass blasted

Thank you, but you are forgetting Poland's greatest cultural contribution. Chopin 😤😤😤.

So important he has his own government funded institute to shill him endlessly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fryderyk_Chopin_Institute

Hey that's innacurate, they also make disgusting sausages.

You take that back I feel personally attacked

Because Netflix is a propaganda tool for liberals

Holy shit, gamers are hilarious.

It's a retarded take but Netflix's content is pretty overtly "progressive"

I guess, but not strikingly so. Their biggest hit is a cynical Machiavellian fable.

What show

House of Cards

That show promoted homosexuality in the military and cucking.

Core republican values


Don't forget the gay pedophile lead

If it was more profitable to be "less progressive" they'd do it.

Isn't Netflix not making a profit?

Huh. I'm retarded


Wolfenstein 2 sold less than wolfenstein 1 and Dishonored 2 sold so badly it ended up canceling the series.

It doesen't seem to be working out very well.

I'm not talking about the children's toy market

Troy fall of a city was coproduced by netflix and the BBC and ended getting shit reviews and shit ratings despite it's timeslot and massive budget.

Troy fall of a city was coproduced by netflix and the BBC and ended getting shit reviews and being a ratings disaster despite it's timeslot at saturday night prime time slot and massive budget of 16 million per episode.

Troy fall of a city was coproduced by netflix and the BBC and ended getting shit reviews and being a ratings disaster despite it's saturday night prime time slot and massive budget of 16 million per episode.

Troy fall of a city (You know, the one with the black zeus, black Achilles and interracial 2 men 1 woman threesomes) was coproduced by netflix and the BBC and ended up getting shit reviews and being a ratings disaster despite it's saturday night prime time slot and massive budget of 16 million per episode.

It had 3.6 viewers in the first episode (While other shows in the same timeslot had attracted 5 million plus) and by the fourth episode it had dropped to 1.6 million.

Imagine being this angry and invested in this. They still print money.


It's a high end production that flopped due to proggresivism and you got one.

It had a massive budget, was backed by two giants and had a prime time slot and it ended up shitting the bed.

How do you explain it?

It's almost like most people in entertainment are progressive.

It's almost like most people with decent education are progressive.

(((decent education)))

Did a joo steal your girl ?

I don't have a girlfriend. I'm a gamer

It's almost like that majority of Netflix users aren't from the United States and they have to appeal to changing demographics.

I imagine it has to be the rational conclusion many think they have to come to when they see a world full of progressive tones they don't like, that there's some kind of directed conspiracy to reshape your values by people making pop culture TV shows with mediocre writing and direction rather than come to the conclusion that you are simply falling behind the times.

"Am I so out of touch? No its the children who are wrong."

company owners political faggotry seeps into their product more often than not how is that controversial or confusing lol

look at twitter or chick fil a or whatever

Seems like ghost hunters see the most ghosts.

deer hunters probably see the most deers

Nah. They're all over the place in the burbs.

if by ghost hunters you mean "people who see really really obvious stuff thats right in front of them"

do you think chick fil a has any political or religious tendencies?

Sure, it's annoying that they're closed on football Sunday when I most want to eat unborn-sanctioned waffle-fries.

yeah cause theyre christian and they do christian shit because of it

much like twitter are gay and they do gay shit

Also from the TMOR thread

Because it's a Polish IP developed by a Polish game dev. They can project all their racial purity through that.

Yeah cause that "racial purity" worked out so well for Poland in WWII...

Okay, time to stop playing nice. Hissrich outright gave her word she would not do this, and she did it anyway. That should be a career ender, and fans should make sure that it is. Boycott not just this, but any project she's involved in, forever. Make it plainly clear to studios that if they do business with this liar, they will have a campaign against their product, whatever it is, from day one.

We've held back from the idea of blacklisting people for a long time because we didn't want to be as bad as the SJWs. But if you deal with the fans in this kind of bad faith, there is no other choice.

Muh horseshoe confirmed??

Okay, time to stop playing nice.

I'm sure the industry is literally shaking over this lmao.

"They targeted mayos.


Triggered over the race of tv show characters smdh

It's not about ethnic diversity, we just hate rangas.

Done. Completely done with this shit. Fuck with Yennefer's cast, I can live with that (not really but...). Fuck with best girl Triss however... Burn in Hell (literally, as in devils with pitchforks shoving them in your ass while boiling you in hot lava). I was thinking of giving this show a chance since I love the Witcher so much, but Deathflix fanatical obsession with forced "duh-ver-see-tee" is the final straw. Fuck this show, fuck Netflix, fuck your "diversity", fuck this cast and fuck right off. http://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/9t0drg/the_new_woke_witcher_cast_folks/e8sqm5u

Is there a more entitled and angry subset of mayos than aggrieved gaymers? I genuinely wonder what’s gone so wrong in your life that you’ve resorted to angry posting on KIA about peak weeb shit that has exactly zero real world ramifications.

>Imagine caring this much

I like how they're convinced its a conspiracy to recast redheads as minorities because the redhead is apparently the whitest white people so its symbolically significant or something, nevermind the fact that red heads are themselves a minority of white people and therefore casting an actual redhead deliberately would limit your pool of applicants, especially if you're open to casting non white people in general.

They targetted Polacks. Polacks.


There's like 12/19 mayos in that picture. I like how the retard who authored the top comment went with "tHerE's oNe!!!11!! pOle", ignoring the fact that polish people are useless and therefore casting a polish majority would doom any project whose main premise wasn't getting bested by a superior race/culture.

These turbo-autists don't realize that their exclusion is the really minimal price to pay for a much more broad audience.

How about fuck you piece of shit, Eh?

Fuck of you piece of shit.

Fuck of you piece of you

Call an ambulance and hope your surgeon isn't polish.

Is there anything more autistic than 'polandball'?

It's not quite sonichu.



I don't want to be too anti-drama, but at the end of the day its just a Western adaption, and the West has #diversity. Learn some other European language if you want to see some 100% certified white people nonsense on your tele.

"Hiring one slavic actress for a minor role" fuck netflix

Hopefully they won't be speaking ebonics. Actually that might make it worth it.

Netflix hires one slav actor...debils.

Why are they so pissed about this? If they want a white-witcher world, why not just play the fucking games (again)?

I’m Southern European and I don’t think I’d be fit to play these roles since I’m not Polish/Slavic. What’s so wrong with accurately portraying medieval Poland?

Forgot that the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was formed in response to increasing attacks by dragons and night creatures.

there were no dragons but Swedes were pretty common agressors

what is folklore

>folklore is an accurate portrayal of medieval Poland

The absolute STATE of gamers 🤢🤮

A rough portrayal of how ancient Poles saw the world around them is not rooted in history

The absolute STATE of revisionists 😱🤧

>implying a shallow pulpy representation of polish folklore and myth that was elevated to GOAT status because video game writing is so shit a something half decent is considered to be it's pinnacle would ever be anything more than poorly written inaccurate tripe.

"Wahh the Witcher isn't stickin close to medieval polish shit or whatever" who cares it's going to be shit and you can try again in 8 years to make it accurate

Didn't actually praise the Witcher amigo, of course the TV show is going to be complete shit, whoever's cast in it, I just called your argument retarded, because it is

Wizards don't exist in the 21st century either, so why can't harry potter have a couple stormtroopers?

at least when the show bombs they can blame russian trolls for hating colored people

It's on sale for $19.99 so I just bought it. I'll make sure to be very offended by everything. :D

>Retarded rumors spawn over black people being in a Witcher show

>Gamer spergouts a-plenty

>Cast a 12-year old looking alien-faced chimp to be a main character, but it's all okay, because at least she's white

>Everyone calms down, begins to brag about how their voice was heard and how they prevented Netflix from making it "SJW"

>BTFO when Netflix turns around and goes "syke" and reveals more non-white actors

How do we mod a streaming service? Can we do that?

A normal person sees this shit and understands that it just means the show is going to be terrible. They don't watch it past episode 🤮, and the aspiring 'director' gets their rich parents to land them another show to screw up.

A KiA seriousposter sees this as the erosion of society and posts a wall of text long enough to land a 747 on.

Day of the Gamercide, when? Allah (PBUH), please bless us with the knowledge that this day will come soon. Amen. Allahu Ackbar.

Yenn cheats Geralt with Istredd. Istredd is black in the series. Cuckolding. Does that ring a bell? Netflix must be masturbating to the thought.


Show will be shit, only way to get any viewers is to create drama.

Show is gonna be garbage anyway. So, who cares?

Martin looks like the fucking head-vein meme kid.

imagine caring lol

The r/kotakuinaction thread is so pissy and whiny. I fucking love it.

Show produced for Americans not casted with polocks in mind. Wow

Istredd, the character who cucks Geralt, is black


Based and Wokepilled

polish fantasy autism


One one hand, I like the witcher series. On the other hand, I like drama. I can't decide what to think in this situation.

The juiciest bit is that none of these people haven't even read the book the series is based off of. No Triss doesn't have red hair, no Yennefer isn't Eva Green she's described at 20ish at the oldest, no Ciri doesn't look too young because she's literally 12 years old in the book.

The funniest shit is in every thread about Geralt all the top comments are sperg outs over him not having a beard. Geralt outright hates beards in the books, witcher 3 is the first time that geralt has ever been depicted with a beard.

Yennefer is in her 90's during the bulk of the stories, she uses magic to look young, but Triss is supposed to look far younger.

I mean even the Geralt photo they posted has his hairstyle wrong (he doesn't even have the hairband)

Yennefer uses power magic to make herself an 11/10 but they managed to find a 7/10 girl to play her

I mean if you absolutely need an Indian girl to play lily white Yennefer then why not go get one of the hot ones at least? maybe because they cast hot young Henry Cavill as a scarred grizzled middle-aged man and they’re signaling that this is going to be a catlady Supernatural type show for Netflix?

They may have picked the whitest looking black chick I’ve ever seen.

It's Netflix. Did anyone expect anything different? Every original they create is a reflection on their brand. Their brand is progressive. That means if there are too many pale skinned characters in the source material it needs to change to suit Netflix's image.

It's nothing but business... and it's why Netflix are trash at heart. Everything has to be US sociopolitical-friendly.

Daredevil is pretty much an all white cast and they got shit on for making a white comic book character white on their show (Danny Rand in Iron Fist)

They will scorch the Earth before they let a white man sleep with a white woman on tv again.


I feel personally attacked by their Triss casting choice.

Have to have some el goblinos

This is like if Black Panther had 4 African people, and then an assortment of Asian people for the rest of the cast.

Pretty accurate.

I agree. Americans ruins everything they touch.

Skull yeah brother

The eternal anglo ruins everything it touches.

Well, a similar approach worked for the president so I suppose we shouldnt be too surprised people are imitating it.