Brown Rapist Escapes Justice #BelieveHer

1  2018-10-31 by friend1y


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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This is a year old but he would have been absolutely fucked without video.

Let that be a lesson for you fellas, don't trust women who drink. They're brutish pieces of untrustworthy shit. #LEAVE LUSH LYING LADIES LONEY


don't trust women ~who drink~

Be a currycel.

Come to burgland.

Still virgin.

Approached by white foid.

Taken back, finally, the currycel scores.

Accused of rape.

Doesn't matter, had sex.

/u/pitterpatterwater on which step are you?

Last post was 3 weeks ago, looks like drones found their target

still got fucked by USC


“If this b-tch is going to go forward on [the case], it just [shows] how sick she is,” Braun said in the interview. “I have a case where consent is on tape. What more does USC want?”

thats his lawyer speaking about one of the USC investigators 👌😂😂

Not that I trust a newspaper named after a condem.

Fucking kangaroo courts...

Imagine being cleared by an actual court and then some dipshits at your college with nothing better to do decide their own opinion is somehow more valuable then a fucking judge.

Not just any dipshit, Gretchen Means, feminist extraordinaire.

Lmao what a perfect name

why do currycels ALWAYS have disgusting unibrows? have they heard of waxing or tweezing? quick thing that would quickly improve them from an average of 3 to maybe 4.

never trust gussy


gussy ---> not even once

he chose 3d over 2d

wonders why he got burned

Ummmm juggles the raisins.