Ted Cruz gives the zodiac crowd a nod. Twitter react s reasonably.

1  2018-10-31 by SMASH_N_SNIFF


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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wow this faggot did something funny for once πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ˜„

I dunno that time he ate a tonsil stone was pretty funny. And the one when he elbowed the shit out of his wife. And that incest porn video thing.

true but this was intentional πŸ‘

i think 😦😦

I dunno that time he ate a tonsil stone was pretty funny.

That sentence hurt my queasy tummy tummy

It's tum-tum retard

This zodiacpost last year was fuuny.

WTF Ted played for Duke?

He also made that funny basketball tweet.

Cruz surprised me by being actually human after he lost the primary. He might have won it all if he hadn't gone so traditional republican boring.

It's a very strange timeline we're living in where the Republicans seem to have more of a sense of humor than the Democrats.

The evangelicals are democrats this time around, the Republicans seem to have realized they are retarded and to be cool about it

I dunno, I think his best one was when he told Cenk to stop cat calling him.

He's done this before btw.

He's preparing for his career after the senate as a meme mod.

Gotta get him and Ocasio-Cortez once they’re both out of politics for mods

I hope she runs for president.

i hope she runs into a wall

who can decipher it so we can get new standing orders?

It's just a link to a Cory Chase video

He wants to be as cool as cocaine Mitch.

What about Diamond Joe?

There should be a law that all politicians have to have nicknames tbh

Preferably given by Trump

I would settle for Don Blankenship too, I don't know which would be funnier


Who's "Befo?"

Have you Befo'd yet?

"Befo" I answer that question, I'm gonna need some more information.

I swear if he really wanted to troll people he should post this in r/politics like that. The shaking so hard and literally cant even would be epic.

What a time to be alive

Love the people yelling BETO FOR SENATE in his replies instead of appreciating a quality shitpost by Cruz daddy.

And all those retards trying to say he isn't funny. It's a good test to see how far their own ass they are. If you can't find that humorous, your head is buried wayyyyy up there.


This shit makes me want to start using the word "Zoomers" unironically from now on