Rare and valuable hot take on Kavanaugh

1  2018-10-31 by Cleverly_Clearly


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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actually justice systems most favors white women, black women, white men, then black men.

White gussy most privileged group on earth

on earth

Say that again but slowly.


Say that again but slowly.

oooooooooonnnnnnnnnn eeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrtttttttttthhhhhhhhhh

'meritards use earth/America and Americans/people completely interchangeably

but none of that matters because white women are technically black men

That isn't a white woman on the far right. It's a young white man.

I think that's the joke?

I assume everyone's an idiot

You know what they say

all toasters toast toast

I like beer

It's over for incels.

1840s tranny

Were traps gay?

It's certainly an issue with a long historical tradition. Ben Franklin once wrote :

The Questione, demanded of us to answere by Providence but hereunto answered in so poor a manner as to turn the countenance of a man from smile to an ill-mannered scowl, is whethere the person we calle a 'Trap' can be considere'd a memeber of that unspeakable Vice - most outrageousely practiced amongst the poor souls shackled in the bowels of the rotting Hulks on the Thames - or whethere He has allow'd Man, made wholly in his image, to reasonably assume that which conforms to the Feminine ideal is, with the guidance of Logic and Reason, more suitabl'y considered intrinsically of Womanhood.

To this, I say : He that lives upon hope will die fasting. Traps are not gay.

No that's Hillary

why are white men such faggots?

The primary beneficiaries weren't the people who made boatloads of money and were actually legally allowed to have money in the first place? Don't get me wrong mayo women are terrible, but slavery was firmly for the benefit of mayo men.

For every king you find in the past there was a queen at their side who had access to everything their eyes could see.

Look at this dickless pussy who thinks queens ruled anything haha

You misspelled broodmare.

And what purpose exceeds all others in a man but to get his dick wet? White women sat back and enjoyed full bellies and fine dresses; the men had to do the work of orchestrating and enforcing slavery. For white women, slavery was pure gain, no sacrifice of time and effort; at least the white men were doing the work of maintaining the machinery of slavery. The white woman was the primary beneficiary of slavery, her effort to benefit ratio a firm 0:1.

LMAO look at this cope to offset blame for slavery to women. I'm sure you'll also say that white women ended the golden era of colonialism because their arrival ended the "multiculturalism" of keeping a bunch of native concubines.

I didn't say white women were to blame. I said they sat back and raked in its benefits while the men did all the work. Unless you're claiming no slave-owning men had wives? Do you believe white women weren't involved in slavery?

White women were obviously involved. Im mostly just saying that there are so many other things to shit on white women for that they actually played a big role in. Slavery was mostly a white man's game even if women got to reap some of the profits by virtue of being married to slavers.

Hey I made a tl;Dr for this comment! "I agree, they, by using their white husband's as proxies, did benefit a lot with virtually no effort! I wish I was so well provided for from all the white dicks I suck!"

sucking white dick


Still would involve touching it. And I think they would count that as a victory.

Feminist propaganda. White women weren't just passive in their benefitting from slavery. They were fat and merry and laughed and danced on into the night. They didn't convince their men slavery was wrong, they didn't argue against it; on the contrary. They approved, they raked up the spoils, drenched their bread in butter, and became wet between the thighs at the thought of Morgan the Brute pulling that plow across her field. Slavery was men's work, and it was women's play.

Telling your man to free his slaves would have been a great way to cop a beating. And of course it wasn't women's work to run a slave operation, they weren't allowed to work at all. They sat around and reaped the benefits because that was the only socially acceptable role for them.

You don't actually believe all that shit, do you? That women haven't had any role in history, no agency, that up until the 60s they were beaten for speaking out of turn or having opinions? Among the ruling castes of every society they belonged to? The women at the top of the socioeconomic strata were hardly in a bad spot, they were among the most privileged and happy in society at that time. Just as white women are catered to, sought after, and cherished today, so too was the white woman a treasure to be served and pampered and protected in the past.

but slavery was firmly for the benefit of mayo men.

(((mayo men)))

If the Civil War was against (((them))), how come (((they))) lost?

jews owned the slave ships and profited the most from the whole trade but other people benefited from the slaves themselves

not like jews owned farms and did manual labour lol

i think youll find everythings womens fault

That's why slavery became illegal; white women got obsessed with black cock.

Actually, it's white women, black women, white men, black men, then gamers


yet she the baby momma of the real first black prez.. howm i suposed to believe she aint some ugly fat wh*te chick? nuhuh buhbye sweetie ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

If this was true daddy would have locked her up already

Yeah but we all know she did it.

never pleaded the fifth

What's the point when you can just repeat 'I can't recall' 200 times.

Why bother pleading the fifth when you can lie and nothing even happens (Clapper, Holder, Comey)

MAGA amiright?

You think you could remember everything that was asked of you over 30 hours over inane shit?



Yeah I bet she is just forgetful. Never mind what would have happened to a lower level State employee of the exhibited the same behavior.

unironicallying butterymales in /r/drama

Unironic ETS lingo. Goes both ways. If you think the rich and powerful don't get away with bloody murder you are a retard. The only problem is the bigger retards are DNC establishment propping this awful person up and allowing Trump to be where he is right now.

If you think the rich and powerful don't get away with bloody murder you are a retard

ok you got me she murdered those buttery males in the pizza dungeon with an illegal mexican.

Cool ETS memes.

calling buttery males a ETS meme

its fucking everywhere its like calling PEPE an alt-right meme.

its fucking everywhere

This is literally the first time I'm seeing this.


Maybe thats because only the biggest of galaxy brains still bring it up so its not very applicable anymore.

oh no not people who kept track of a thing when it happened instead of reading r slash politics



shes the most obviously guilty person ever lol even if you like her you shouldnt really try to argue against that

she literally did illegal shit, she just wasnt charged

were you watching it at all


Imagine being this retarded. Ed alt?

She literally claimed she forgot she wasn't allowed to exfiltrate classified information from secured spaces and systems.

And she thought C in a circle on classified documents stood for "really cool info" or some retarded shit, when literally anyone who has ever seen a classified document knows what it means

The "careless and unsophisticated" strat. A Strzok and Clinton joint project

Can someone translate what this post says but in non retard language

white men bad everyone else good


we don't have the technology

How fucking whipped are you that you are a black man stanning for rich white women?

tfw u want dat mayo gussy

black man stanning for rich white women

Maybe leftists are right that we are still living with slavery ๐Ÿค”

Explains why Kanye thinks slavery is a choice.

I know, I know, Armenians aren't white.

Wtf are they exactly? Since they're the first Christian nation does this mean that Christianity is a brown mans religion? ๐Ÿค”

Christianity has always been a Brown man's religion wtf??

Glorious Byzantines of Colour into superior South America today.

The filthy mayos brought all their tree hugging pagan worship into Yahweh's pure Chad teachings.

Implying Latinos arent just mayos who claim they arent.

Armenians are about as white as Iranians. So basically the same but culture separates them.

The fact that Hillary Clinton carries hot sauce in her bag allows her to successful blend in within the community

Honestly not sure if you mean black or human community.


galaxy brain take here

The one question someone should've asked Brett during the hearing was who bought him the beer in high school. If he didn't remember who that guy was he'd be lying for sure.

You know the drinking age was 18 then right? Like he probably bought his own beer.

You know it wasn't legal for him to buy beer until his junior year in college, right? Yeah, he kinda lied about that...

ha I forget not every state waited for the Minimum Drinking Age Act

geeze Maryland made it 21 in 1982, what fucking squares

Most states never went below 21 to begin with. Oregon didn't anyway.

You can drink at any age with parental consent at home in Kansas, and we waited a year after the federal minimums were raised to comply.

And I think at fair number had the age below 21 for beer but not liquor, which is why there is now a federal sort of mandate.

I don't think Kavanaugh and his buddies drank where there were parents present otherwise that Ford girl might not have gotten molested in the first place. Oh, and Brett lying under oath saying it legal for him to drink beer back then confirmed to me that he did indeed assault that girl. You see, it's the little lies that confirm the big ones. He's a judge, he should know that.


Nor is having a bonafide liar on the Supreme Court.

God go back to r/politics

Most states never went below 21 to begin with. Oregon didn't anyway.

Mother. Of. God.

our roads still havent recovered because they witheld federal highway dollars til we complied, now we are cursed with shit roads forever.

KS has some if the same issues, but at the same time our legislature are lazy douches that blame everything but themselves. Im pretty sure only 10% of the federal aid was withheld for a year 30 years ago. Its embarrassing really you can close your eyes and tell the moment you cross the KS/MO border

i have but one question


That pic needs lotion

If you wanna rub one out to Justice Thomas, I'll do my best not to kinkshame

Can you imagine if he put his pubes on your drink? ๐Ÿ˜ณ I'd let him ravage me right then and there

Just tell him your name is Anita Hill

Ashy Larry!

Ashy cLarry!

Um...Clarence Thomas?

What a fucking retard, tbh

Hillary, who very obviously committed several serious crimes, was completely let off the hook, while Kavanaugh, who very obviously did nothing, was deemed guilty and evil by everyone.

Seriously though this black victim narrative is very, very bad. What does someone who is a victim feel? That the need for revenge, the righteousness of it, the desire to make things right. Every year, hundreds of whites are murdered and thousands more hurt, robbed, and raped by blacks, with the overwhelming majority of it fueled by racial animosity from perceived victimhood. These people pushing this narrative have blood on their hands, it is driving black people crazy, and this tweet is not that far from how many actually think.

Why won't anybody think of the white people?!

Bitch shouldn't be president otherwise kavanaugh would be in the court today ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Lol you fucking retard

Hillary, who very obviously committed several serious crimes, was completely let off the hook

was completely let off the hook

Someone should tell the people whose heads she lives in, rent free.

Compromise: we throw Kavanaugh and Clinton in prison, thus making everyone happy.

Well, it makes sense that if Bill is the first black president, Hillary is the first black First Lady.

Screams in Clarence Thomas

Iโ€™m shocked I had to scroll so far to find you.

There we go.

It like these people think the world didn't exist before 2008.

The idea that the justice system discriminates against women for the benefit of men is the most hilarious delusion I regularly see.

but Kavanaugh wasn't found innocent and yet he's still deemed guilty. So I guess they're both black?

Not rare and not valuable, but most importantly of all - not centrist. True centrism is conceding that both Hillary snd Kavanaugh are criminals because they're not centrist libertarians.


Of course they're not. They're not pedophiles lmfao

Lol what the fuck how is libertarian centrist?

I guess weโ€™ll just forget about Clarence Thomas, then?

Twitter really has revealed the sheer number of morons in the world

He's fuckin' right.

Hilldog is hella white. she rich, she a politition, she a lawyer, and she wear pant-suits. idk what this dude is on about.

Hillary was a real ass nigga ๐ŸŒน

Does this mean Hilldawg can say the N word

she just said they all look the same so getting there

Neither of those people were legally found guilty of anything, but both of them are deemed guilty by political oppositions. Bad analogy for what heโ€™s trying to express.

White women are the black people of criminal justice

Except that they serve prison sentences far less than black people or even white men in criminal justice system, for same crimes

But except that, they are just like black people in the eyes of criminal justice

Actually, it's white women, black women, white men, black men, then gamers

i knew Hillary was black when she started talking about carrying hot sauce around

This should have earned him a blue check mark

Having your powerful friends influence and persuade investigations to find nothing and bend the knee to your husband's power is not black people its the entitled loser who still couldn't win with all the white privilege in the world.
