Kierkegaard on radical centrism.
1 2018-10-31 by throwawayforme9000
"Go right and you will regret it; go left - you will regret it too. This, gentlemen, is the essence of centrism"- Soren Kierkegaard
1 2018-10-31 by throwawayforme9000
"Go right and you will regret it; go left - you will regret it too. This, gentlemen, is the essence of centrism"- Soren Kierkegaard
1 Abu_Ivanka_alAmriki 2018-10-31
“dude bussy lmao” -Friedrich Nietzsche
1 throwawayforme9000 2018-10-31
Nietzsche more like NAHztshe
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-10-31
The only problem is Kierkegaard is mayo (in its purest form).
1 throwawayforme9000 2018-10-31
Kierkegaard is spicy mayo