SJP reveals her gusset on TV, not blurred

1  2018-10-31 by mysticalmisogynistic


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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It is a gusset, for the record, I think she was trying to sound french.

A talking horse on TV?

🎶 A horse is a horse of course, of course And no one can talk to a horse, of course... 🎶

They'll reboot anything these days!

Plus they made it female, damn femnazis

The second guest was Nancy Pelosi, align the same, please. I love equestrian as much as the next horse lover but do we need it? 🎠

Nancy Pelosi is a tribute to just far medicine development has come. An entirely plastic human!



I don't know what a gusset is, and when I looked it up it just said "reinforcing strip of fabric," and I thought Is an elbow patch a gusset? and then I thought I think I'll go play Life is Strange 2!

And then it was a bunch of over-the-top stereotypes about racism!

Ah ha! I fucking knew it was in the armpit. My other guesses were back of the knee and the elbow joint with side of the neck being a long shot

watches lateshit

you can't watch this

burger females are rough